Christianity's relics: The revered, the morbid and the bizarre

Kinda like Aaron's wooden staff, the arc of the covenant, a wall to wail at...
Kinda like Aaron's wooden staff, the arc of the covenant, a wall to wail at...

You mean the HaShevet (staff) placed in the ark so there would be no more complaints & arguments about me?

17:25 Vayomer Adonay el-Moshe
HASHEV et-mateh Aharon lifney ha'edut lemishmeret le'ot
livney-Meri utechal telunotam me'alay velo yamutu.
God said to Moses, "Put Aaron's staff back there before
the [Ark of] Testimony as a keepsake.
Let it be a sign for anyone who wants to rebel.
This should put an end to their complaints to Me, and then they will not die."
Yes very bizarre-o
From the bones of early saints to burial shrouds, Christianity's relics are cherished by many of the 2.2 billion Christians around the globe.

Christianity's revered (and bizarre) relics

One of the funniest relic blunders was the skull of Jesus, but it turned out to be a skull of a woman. I can hear
Arnold Schwarzenegger saying;
"Jesus what are you, some kind of Girly man?"
Around the time of the Inquisition
There were found the catheri relics one labeled "Caput LVIII" contained the skull of a woman and this was sworn to be the flesh and blood tomb of Jesus.

Also the only shroud the church claimed to have was that of Yehuda, so if that is the shroud they use for Jesus then they have validated my Compiled Jesus commentaries, if not then the Shroud is not legitimate as the church never claimed it existed in their archives and it mysteriously only showed up and is carbon dated in the era this skull embarassment. No Coincidence.
Yes very bizarre-o
From the bones of early saints to burial shrouds, Christianity's relics are cherished by many of the 2.2 billion Christians around the globe.

Christianity's revered (and bizarre) relics

One of the funniest relic blunders was the skull of Jesus, but it turned out to be a skull of a woman. I can hear
Arnold Schwarzenegger saying;
"Jesus what are you, some kind of Girly man?"
Around the time of the Inquisition
There were found the catheri relics one labeled "Caput LVIII" contained the skull of a woman and this was sworn to be the flesh and blood tomb of Jesus.

Also the only shroud the church claimed to have was that of Yehuda, so if that is the shroud they use for Jesus then they have validated my Compiled Jesus commentaries, if not then the Shroud is not legitimate as the church never claimed it existed in their archives and it mysteriously only showed up and is carbon dated in the era this skull embarassment. No Coincidence.

From St Peter's bones to severed heads: Christian relics on display
They were literally built on the tombs of the dead. I'm telling you everything they established in it's adversarial nature would be liken to the mocking nature of the church satanism from Lavey in our day.
Rome established a mocking of religions doing everything in opposition in a rediculous mocking manner=the original satanic church mocking life by creating it's message of death.
Mocking the faith they were opposition to:
1)calling their christ Jesus, steming from the enscribed Greek IeSous (the swine).
Swine are forbidden especially in the temple.
So was a bastard child (Deut), so they used the Illigitimate son of the Harlot Mary as the main image of the satanic idol.
2)calling him the lamb of passover which was the Egyptian idol god, that label is also a bad thing.
3)creating a new non Jewish name for a claimed Jewish character, SIMILAR to calling a messianic figure by a non Hebrew term Christos (predated word used for Krishna).
4)placing the figure's lineage through all the harlots of the Bible.
5)claiming Jesus the nemesis of God- Lucifer the morning star son of Baal
in Rev 22:16.
6)claiming him the gatekeeper of hell in Rev 1 & 9.
7)claiming his kingdom in death not in life.
8)using the mithraic and the baal crosses,
Mithras whocs enemy was the Night (Evening Star).
9)calling him the scarab (dung beetle).
10) calling him the Apollyon not to being peace but to bring division and burning up of our planet.
11)breaking all 10 commands through the image.
12)reinventing the holidays
13)creating new book and new God in place of.
14)made the anointed priests and leaders the bad guys in the twisted accts.
15)made Jesus the responsible accessory to the killing of righteous John the Baptist.
16)used the offshoot cult (hanotzrim) to create the satanic church-which had the same luciferous rays of light sun worship.
17)used underworld death cult teachings opposing the God of Life & his messenger of life-creating the opposition to lufe for their kingdom in death.

Clearly they created an opposite-adversary(sawtawn) version in mockery liken to today's satanist.
Yes very bizarre-o
From the bones of early saints to burial shrouds, Christianity's relics are cherished by many of the 2.2 billion Christians around the globe.

Shrug. Ever read the rules for celebrating Sukkot? Or, how about walking four paces, handing off what you are carrying to a companion who walks four paces and hands it back to you, etc., etc. so that neither breaks the rule about carrying something as simple as a loaf of bread too far on the Sabbath?

People can often find deep meaning in what others may perceive as the oddest things. Disregard or overlook the meaning and all that is left is the odd. Doesn't mean people still can't be respectful of what they do not understand.
Yes very bizarre-o
From the bones of early saints to burial shrouds, Christianity's relics are cherished by many of the 2.2 billion Christians around the globe.

Shrug. Ever read the rules for celebrating Sukkot? Or, how about walking four paces, handing off what you are carrying to a companion who walks four paces and hands it back to you, etc., etc. so that neither breaks the rule about carrying something as simple as a loaf of bread too far on the Sabbath?

People can often find deep meaning in what others may perceive as the oddest things. Disregard or overlook the meaning and all that is left is the odd. Doesn't mean people still can't be respectful of what they do not understand.
the holy foreskin of the baby jesus relic?

The Holy Foreskin

St Anthony of Padua, a patron saint of lost things. By Benozzo Gazzoli.
It is said when the young Jesus Christ was circumcised, his foreskin was preserved. In the middle ages it became a much coveted relic and several churches claimed to own part or all of it. The foreskin was held to have great powers.

how loony toons is that
Yes very bizarre-o
From the bones of early saints to burial shrouds, Christianity's relics are cherished by many of the 2.2 billion Christians around the globe.

Shrug. Ever read the rules for celebrating Sukkot? Or, how about walking four paces, handing off what you are carrying to a companion who walks four paces and hands it back to you, etc., etc. so that neither breaks the rule about carrying something as simple as a loaf of bread too far on the Sabbath?

People can often find deep meaning in what others may perceive as the oddest things. Disregard or overlook the meaning and all that is left is the odd. Doesn't mean people still can't be respectful of what they do not understand.
the holy foreskin of the baby jesus relic?

The Holy Foreskin

St Anthony of Padua, a patron saint of lost things. By Benozzo Gazzoli.
It is said when the young Jesus Christ was circumcised, his foreskin was preserved. In the middle ages it became a much coveted relic and several churches claimed to own part or all of it. The foreskin was held to have great powers.

how loony toons is that

Probably on par with passing the info along on a message board in 2017. ;)
1) I'm glad I have my browser set on pictures off. * L*
2)this reminds me of the time
Mother Angelica said in all seriousness that "you can pray to the Baby Jesus, but you have to explain things thoroughly because it's only a child comprehending". *LOL*
You can't make stuff like that up, not even Larry David could write such a perfect comedic line.
Yes very bizarre-o
From the bones of early saints to burial shrouds, Christianity's relics are cherished by many of the 2.2 billion Christians around the globe.

Shrug. Ever read the rules for celebrating Sukkot? Or, how about walking four paces, handing off what you are carrying to a companion who walks four paces and hands it back to you, etc., etc. so that neither breaks the rule about carrying something as simple as a loaf of bread too far on the Sabbath?

People can often find deep meaning in what others may perceive as the oddest things. Disregard or overlook the meaning and all that is left is the odd. Doesn't mean people still can't be respectful of what they do not understand.
They fear what they do not know or understand.

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