Biden about to leave the race


The latest is Old Man Shit For Brains insists on staying.

(In other words, Jill threatened no more chocolate chip ice cream or kid sniffs)

Biden: ‘No one’s pushing me out’​

President Joe Biden unexpectedly joined a Zoom call with campaign and Democratic National Committee staff on Wednesday, mounting a new push to preserve the viability of his embattled candidacy, according to two people on the call.

“Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can — as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running … no one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win,” Biden said on the call.

Now that the supreme court gave some immunity to presidents in office, Joe Bribem can now step down and not have plenty of Red State AG's ready to indict Joe on aiding and abetting the murder of US women and children by illegals. But the civil lawsuits can still be made, and Joe who has millions of dollars, from China and Ukraine, might end up pennyless.
Not trying to protect Biden but The immunity should extend to all legal cases. I realize it lets some bad stuff go by but you have to take the good with the bad here. We Cannot allow litigation to become the new politic.
Biden is simply not up to the task. The only option left is for him to drop out
Yep, MAGA is terrified of Biden, or they would not be trying so hard to get him out of the race.
Why would any Trump supporter want him put of the race, boy child?? He is road kill now that everybody knows how badly the mainstream media has been lying about him.

If there it anybody out there that Trump supporters ARE worried about, that would be Michelle.
The DNC knows she is unelctable.
Biden was un-electable in '20, yet here we are. :lol:

If the deep state and corporate state want someone in there, they will put them there. Americans don't do their thinking and voting, the establishment does it or them. . .

The only question? Can they do the job?

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