Christians Destroyed Almost All the Mosques In the Central African Republic !

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Christian terrorists continue to cause havoc in Central Africa Republic, ignored by the mainstream media. Innocent Muslims have been butchered to death, yet the media have ignored it completely.
Almost all of the 436 mosques in the Central African Republic (CAR) have been reduced to rubble, said Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations.

She called the destruction “kind of crazy, chilling,” after a Security Council visit last week to the country.

Samantha expressed concern about possible security vacuum in the near future as French forces and European Union (EU) pull out and a UN peacekeeping force is still not at full strength.

As a minimum, 5000 people have been killed since CAR exploded into unprecedented sectarian violence in December 2013.

Approximately 1 million of the Texas-sized country’s 4.5 million residents have been changed place. Several of those who have fled are Muslim.

Samantha said 417 of the country’s mosques have been smashed. When she pays a visit to one of the remaining Muslim neighborhood in the capital, Bangui, she described the residents as “a terrified population.”

She added that some Muslim women even scared of leaving the community while wearing their veils and is choosing to give birth in their homes instead of hospital.

UN peacekeepers, French forces and a European Union military operation have made an effort to tranquil the violence.

According to Samantha Power, the UN peacekeeping force remains at about 80 % of its planned strength of about 10,000.

The UN secretary-general last month asked for over 1,000 additional peacekeepers, and the council is “very favourably disposed” to the request, Power said.

The combined forces have “averted a worst-case scenario,” however the country’s roving armed groups remains armed, she said.

Samantha called that a deep cause for concern and said disarmament is a “huge priority.”
Central African Republic 417 Mosques Have Been Destroyed
Did Sammy mention the Muzzies destroying ancient sites all over the ME and killing Christians or is Sammy focused on just the wrong doings of Christians?

There is an old saying, don't start none and there won't be none, a lesson the Muslims seem to forget about the Crusades
Christian terrorists continue to cause havoc in Central Africa Republic, ignored by the mainstream media. Innocent Muslims have been butchered to death, yet the media have ignored it completely.
Almost all of the 436 mosques in the Central African Republic (CAR) have been reduced to rubble, said Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations.

She called the destruction “kind of crazy, chilling,” after a Security Council visit last week to the country.

Samantha expressed concern about possible security vacuum in the near future as French forces and European Union (EU) pull out and a UN peacekeeping force is still not at full strength.

As a minimum, 5000 people have been killed since CAR exploded into unprecedented sectarian violence in December 2013.

Approximately 1 million of the Texas-sized country’s 4.5 million residents have been changed place. Several of those who have fled are Muslim.

Samantha said 417 of the country’s mosques have been smashed. When she pays a visit to one of the remaining Muslim neighborhood in the capital, Bangui, she described the residents as “a terrified population.”

She added that some Muslim women even scared of leaving the community while wearing their veils and is choosing to give birth in their homes instead of hospital.

UN peacekeepers, French forces and a European Union military operation have made an effort to tranquil the violence.

According to Samantha Power, the UN peacekeeping force remains at about 80 % of its planned strength of about 10,000.

The UN secretary-general last month asked for over 1,000 additional peacekeepers, and the council is “very favourably disposed” to the request, Power said.

The combined forces have “averted a worst-case scenario,” however the country’s roving armed groups remains armed, she said.

Samantha called that a deep cause for concern and said disarmament is a “huge priority.”
Central African Republic 417 Mosques Have Been Destroyed
howdy, long time no see....It's terrible how humans treat each other over matters of religion..

See--That is the reason why religion is such poison!

If there were no religions, then christian on muslim or muslim on christians killings would not exist. Neither a temple, church nor mosque would be destroyed!

Stop believing in God!! Preserve Man!
Did Sammy mention the Muzzies destroying ancient sites all over the ME and killing Christians or is Sammy focused on just the wrong doings of Christians?

There is an old saying, don't start none and there won't be none, a lesson the Muslims seem to forget about the Crusades

google around----apparently its a mutual hate type thing-----the claims
that muslims are being targeted seem false
Did Sammy mention the Muzzies destroying ancient sites all over the ME and killing Christians or is Sammy focused on just the wrong doings of Christians?

There is an old saying, don't start none and there won't be none, a lesson the Muslims seem to forget about the Crusades

google around----apparently its a mutual hate type thing-----the claims
that muslims are being targeted seem false

Damn and here I hoped they were getting their just desserts :(
Did Sammy mention the Muzzies destroying ancient sites all over the ME and killing Christians or is Sammy focused on just the wrong doings of Christians?

There is an old saying, don't start none and there won't be none, a lesson the Muslims seem to forget about the Crusades

google around----apparently its a mutual hate type thing-----the claims
that muslims are being targeted seem false

Damn and here I hoped they were getting their just desserts :(

calm yourself, lassie----be patient

The folks featured on Loonwatch fit two or more of the following definitions:

Loon noun

    1. 1. a worthless lazy fellow

    1. 2. a person with confused ideas; incapable of serious thought [syn: addle-head]

  1. 3. large somewhat primitive fish-eating diving bird of the northern hemisphere having webbed feet placed far back; related to the grebes :lmao:
Christian terrorists continue to cause havoc in Central Africa Republic, ignored by the mainstream media. Innocent Muslims have been butchered to death, yet the media have ignored it completely.
Almost all of the 436 mosques in the Central African Republic (CAR) have been reduced to rubble, said Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations.

She called the destruction “kind of crazy, chilling,” after a Security Council visit last week to the country.

Samantha expressed concern about possible security vacuum in the near future as French forces and European Union (EU) pull out and a UN peacekeeping force is still not at full strength.

As a minimum, 5000 people have been killed since CAR exploded into unprecedented sectarian violence in December 2013.

Approximately 1 million of the Texas-sized country’s 4.5 million residents have been changed place. Several of those who have fled are Muslim.

Samantha said 417 of the country’s mosques have been smashed. When she pays a visit to one of the remaining Muslim neighborhood in the capital, Bangui, she described the residents as “a terrified population.”

She added that some Muslim women even scared of leaving the community while wearing their veils and is choosing to give birth in their homes instead of hospital.

UN peacekeepers, French forces and a European Union military operation have made an effort to tranquil the violence.

According to Samantha Power, the UN peacekeeping force remains at about 80 % of its planned strength of about 10,000.

The UN secretary-general last month asked for over 1,000 additional peacekeepers, and the council is “very favourably disposed” to the request, Power said.

The combined forces have “averted a worst-case scenario,” however the country’s roving armed groups remains armed, she said.

Samantha called that a deep cause for concern and said disarmament is a “huge priority.”
Central African Republic 417 Mosques Have Been Destroyed
So, where does it say Christians did any of this? That seems to be missing from your story.

Oh by the way: I heard we will close 2/3 of our catholic churches in the Netherlands. Our enemies will be happy. Do you know what was the first reaction on 9/11 in Germany? Catholic nuns were not allowed any longer to be teachers in the public schools of Swabia (Baden-Würtemberg).

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World Ignores Genocide In Central African Republic

One of the world’s poorest countries was plunged into turmoil as Christian militias targeted the nation’s minority Muslim population in what amounts to genocide.

The Seleka were ousted from power in January 2014, and the country has since been embroiled in a civil war between the Seleka and an armed coalition called the Anti-Balaka.

While the entire civilian population has suffered enormously throughout the conflicts in the Central African Republic, perhaps no group has suffered more than the country’s Muslim minority.

For those who have heard about this ongoing but largely overlooked atrocity, many can credit the work of Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director at Human Rights Watch. In March of last year, he wrote about what he called the growing “nightmare for Muslims” in the Central African Republic. He reported on the vicious revenge enacted by the Anti-Balaka Christian militia against Muslim civilians. Thousands were killed, and many thousands more fled the country.

The conditions were shocking, even then. He described what he found in the community of Bossemptele, about 185 miles north of the capital Bangui:

“For paper-thin Halima [a 25-year old Muslim resident], who had stopped eating, dying seemed to be the only option left. ‘There is no one to help me,’ she said, crying. ‘I did not have the strength to climb on the trucks, and no one helped me. I kept calling after them to take me, but they left without me.’

All around us were the abandoned. Ten-year-old Mikaila and his sister, Zenabu, 15, both paralyzed by polio, said that their parents had dropped them at the Catholic Mission after a January attack and had not returned. Al-Hadj Towra, 70, his hands and feet wasted away from leprosy, had been left bedridden in his home, where a priest found him two days later.”

According to Human Rights Watch’s World Report 2015, the violence in the country has gradually decreased, but by the end of last year, some 800,000 people had been displaced. Of the total, about 415,000 people, mostly Muslims, became refugees in other countries.

“It was only a few months ago that visiting officials were shocked by the fact that there are barely any mosques left in the country,” Yasmin Khatun told MintPress News via email. “Thousands have been killed, with many more displaced.”

Khatun, a journalist and broadcaster, has documented the crisis in the Central African Republic. She says she’s not sure why this conflict has received far less attention than others in the media, such as Yemen’s civil war or the battle with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“I find it difficult to believe that’s it’s not given more attention, but maybe it’s simply that the politics of the situation don’t serve the interests of those shaping what we see,” she assessed. “The Central African Republic has been abused by corruption and plagued by violence and we’ve seen little to change that from the international community. I’m not the only one saying this, ask the aid workers at camps where assistance doesn’t arrive.”

“There’s a reason the crisis in CAR is called the Forgotten Conflict,” she said.

Read more: World Ignores Genocide In Central African Republic Because It s Not ISIS There s No Oil
Muslims in the western part of Central African Republic are being forced to hide their religion or convert to Christianity under threat of death, Amnesty International said Friday.

Central African Republic has been rocked by violence since 2013.

A Christian militia known as the anti-Balaka, who have targeted Muslims and sent tens of thousands fleeing to neighboring countries.

Muslims told Amnesty International they’ve been forced to convert or hide practices.

“We had no choice but to join the Catholic Church. The anti-balaka swore they’d kill us if we didn’t,” said a 23-year-old man in the Sangha-Mbaere prefecture, whose name was not given to protect his security.

A Muslim trader said it was effectively illegal to pray.

“We have to hide, do it quickly, and do it by ourselves,” he said.

Amnesty International said the bans are happening outside areas under the protection of United Nations peacekeepers and renewed efforts must be made to protect Muslims under threat and bring back those who have fled.

“Many of the tens of thousands of Muslim refugees who were expelled from the country in 2014 would one day like to return home, but are waiting until they can do so in a safe and sustainable manner,” the report said.
Central African Republic Muslims are forced to convert Islamic updates welcome
yup Lion----what goes around, comes around. I support separation of hostile parties.
Chickens coming home to roost?

Here is the other side of the story - from the Christians who were victims of this Islamic group called Seleka Muslims, first:

Christians Destroy Almost All Of The Mosques In Central Africa - Walid Shoebat

Bloodthirsty violence and the cruelest of murders have been done upon the Christians of the Central African Republic under the hands of the devil ridden Muslims, “who imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war” (Psalm 140:2).

The Muslims, who are a part of an Islamic group called Seleka, bound five people and threw them into a crocodile and hippo infested river.

Jislain Ngangaguende, who survived this brutality, recalled his horrid experience:

I started to drink water so I brought my head up, but a soldier saw me and tried to shoot me… I stayed down for minutes and when I came up they were gone. I bit on a branch and moved up the river but my hands were still tied behind my back. I thought I was dead but the power of God made me get out.

Entire villages have been reduced to ghost towns; one man taking shelter in a hospital, in whose voice you can just sense the purest of pains, described the hell he is enduring:

We’re here because of the Seleka, who came to our village, looted, ransacked and killed … We’ve lost our houses, our fields, our goods. Houses were razed with all our things in. We are… I don’t even know what to call us. We have nothing now. I can’t even go to my house or fields. If they see me there, they’ll kill me.

A 22 year old blind man named Gaston Sanbogai, was left behind by his neighbors when they fled. He attempted to hide himself, but the Muslims seized him and ruthlessly murdered him.

Here's more:

One man recounted how the Muslims robbed his wife, and then took his son and slit his throat:

My wife was in the field with our four-year-old, Richide … The Seleka took her money and gold and told her to leave and not come back. …They started to attack my son. They tried to shoot him but the gun was not working. So they slit his throat instead. What threat does this child pose to the Seleka? He is just a child. My heart is right here: if Michel Djotodia was here, my heart would destroy him.

Muslims killed a woman and left her baby stranded, and the helpless infant was eaten alive by a boa constrictor; a woman was also shot in the leg, and a child’s stomach was opened and left with its intestines exposed.

A woman named Nicole Faraganda gave birth to her newborn, and the next day, when the Muslims raided her village, she was slow to flee because she was recovering from childbirth, and so the heretics mercilessly slew her.

They took the Muslim section of Zere, where they came to, in the words of Moses, “smite them, and utterly destroy them” (Deuteronomy 7:2).

The Anti-Machete also attacked the Mbororo Muslims, since these are notorious for raiding and burning Christian farm lands.

We may condemn the Anti-Machete for destroying Muslim villages, but before we do, let us never forget what America did to the Japanese after Pearl Harbor, and let us remember what Andrew Jackson (my favorite president, actually) did to the savage Indians in his Indian Removal Act of 1830 after the Red Stick War.

This is not just some mere scrimmages here and there, but fierce and bloody battles, that will eventually grow into a major struggle. This is the division that Christ has brought, the sword that compels man to split like the red sea, and fight either for the forces of evil or for the foundations of Heaven.
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