Christians victims of rising 'hostility' from gov't and secular groups


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Christians victims of rising 'hostility' from gov't and secular groups, report says

A new report by the Family Research Council and the Liberty Institute claims that there's been a rising pattern of hostility toward Christians in America over the past decade.

The 140-page "Survey of Religious Hostility in America," prepared by the Liberty Institute and the Family Research Council, highlighted more than 600 examples illustrating what it characterized as religious animosity shown by judges, government bureaucrats, schools and secular groups.

From ObamaCare mandates that force religious entities to pay for contraception, to children being punished for uttering prayers in school, the report's findings shocked even those who commissioned it.

“It’s a conflict of world views," Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council, told "These groups want people to check their faith at the door of the public square.”
Read more: Christians victims of rising 'hostility' from gov't and secular groups, report says | Fox News

Shocking examples are included in the article.
It would be alarming if it wasn't Bible prophesy. Political correctness has bent over backwards not to offend any religion other than Christianity. We praise a mosque at ground zero but won't give the Christian church that was destroyed near ground zero a permit to build. We have a false prophet for a president, who claims to be a Christian, and yet proclaims to the world that Christ isn't necessary to get to Heaven, and insists that crosses be covered or removed before He'll enter a building. And if the Bible is correct it is going to get much worse.
The 140-page "Survey of Religious Hostility in America," prepared by the Liberty Institute and the Family Research Council, highlighted more than 600 examples illustrating what it characterized as religious animosity shown by judges, government bureaucrats, schools and secular groups.

From ObamaCare mandates that force religious entities to pay for contraception, to children being punished for uttering prayers in school, the report's findings shocked even those who commissioned it.
Setting aside for the moment the fact that the FRC is utterly partisan, bias to the right, and completely devoid of objectivity altogether, that a judge follows case law with regard to First Amendment jurisprudence and strikes down legislation clearly in violation of the Establishment Clause in no way manifests ‘hostility’ toward Christianity or religion.

For example, children are not ‘punished’ for saying prayers in school, anyone is allowed to pray in school or other public places provided there is no government orchestration or entanglement. If children are praying in school at the behest of school officials, it’s the school district which is admonished by the courts and instructed to discontinue practices in violation of the Constitution, not the Children. To suggest otherwise is willfully ignorant and reprehensible.

But of course the FRC is reprehensible.

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