Chuck Schumer: Democrats will filibuster Judge Gorsuch


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Surprise, surprise....

When announced as a nominee, the media on both sides swooned and praised him. It was said about him that he was perhaps the most qualified for the job. Politicians on both sides of the aisle praised him....of course that was before Schumer and the 'leaders' of the DNC passed around their 'marching orders'. After almost flawlessly breezing through the Confirmation hearings, Schumer announced that the Democrats are committed to their earlier declaration of complete and total obstructionism.

Chuck Schumer: Democrats will filibuster Judge Gorsuch - Hot Air

“My vote will be no and I urge my colleagues to do the same,” Sen. Chuck Schumer said in a floor speech today. And with that, Democrats have officially decided to give their base the fight it wants, a filibuster of Judge Gorsuch.

“Judge Gorsuch was unable to convince me that he’d be an independent check on a president who has shown almost no restraint from executive overreach,” Schumer said. He added that Gorsuch appeared to have a “deep-seated conservative ideology.”

- He is a GOP nominee
- He believes in adhering to the Constitution and not legislating from the Bench
- Democrats stand for and have committed ourselves to be strict Obstructionists

Schumer wins 'Political Douche Of The Day'!

Surprise, surprise....

When announced as a nominee, the media on both sides swooned and praised him. It was said about him that he was perhaps the most qualified for the job. Politicians on both sides of the aisle praised him....of course that was before Schumer and the 'leaders' of the DNC passed around their 'marching orders'. After almost flawlessly breezing through the Confirmation hearings, Schumer announced that the Democrats are committed to their earlier declaration of complete and total obstructionism.

Chuck Schumer: Democrats will filibuster Judge Gorsuch - Hot Air

“My vote will be no and I urge my colleagues to do the same,” Sen. Chuck Schumer said in a floor speech today. And with that, Democrats have officially decided to give their base the fight it wants, a filibuster of Judge Gorsuch.

“Judge Gorsuch was unable to convince me that he’d be an independent check on a president who has shown almost no restraint from executive overreach,” Schumer said. He added that Gorsuch appeared to have a “deep-seated conservative ideology.”

- He is a GOP nominee
- He believes in adhering to the Constitution and not legislating from the Bench
- Democrats stand for and have committed ourselves to be strict Obstructionists

Schumer wins 'Political Douche Of The Day'!

You should read your link carefully
Thanks Harry Reid

You should read your link carefully
You mean like:

"And that’s really all this is about. Democrats barely laid a glove on Gorsuch during hours of testimony and even Senator Elizabeth Warren has written that he is “charming and intelligent” and has an “impressive legal pedigree.” But Democrats want him stopped because he is a conservative and, more specifically, because he appears to be pro-life.

Democrats have plenty of voices in their party demanding outright resistance to anything President Trump proposes, but there is also another gambit that could explain this move. Yesterday, Politico reported some Democrats have been working on a plan to preserve the filibuster for the next vacancy"

Or perhaps this:

"The deal Democrats would be most likely to pursue, the sources said, would be to allow confirmation of Gorsuch in exchange for a commitment from Republicans not to kill the filibuster for a subsequent vacancy during President Donald Trump’s term."

When the Democrats had a near super-majority Control of Congress they mercilessly trampled the GOP and rammed as much of their agenda up the GOP's arse as possible without giving it a 2nd thought.

And now the snowflakes seek to 'make a deal' - an un-necessary deal for the GOP due to the fact that they - the GOP - could just kill this filibuster...and the next...and the next...if they so chose to do:

"Obviously, this bargain doesn’t work unless the GOP believes Gorsuch’s nomination is in danger. Otherwise, there is no reason for Republicans to make a deal at all. So having Democrats announce a filibuster seems like a necessary first step in this plan."

I would personally say, 'F* 'em'. That's what the Snowflakes would do given the chance - that's what they have done in the past. Besides you don't 'negotiate' your beliefs and political ideologies away. You fight for what you believe in, you don't negotiate, and you do what is right. That's one thing the Democrats have always done 'better' than the GOP. Rather than make a deal and compromise, snowflakes would rather shut the govt down and blame the GOP - do whatever it takes to win.
I think a filibuster should be just that, a real filibuster. Make someone stand up there until they fall over from exhaustion, then hold the vote.
Surprise, surprise....

When announced as a nominee, the media on both sides swooned and praised him. It was said about him that he was perhaps the most qualified for the job. Politicians on both sides of the aisle praised him....of course that was before Schumer and the 'leaders' of the DNC passed around their 'marching orders'. After almost flawlessly breezing through the Confirmation hearings, Schumer announced that the Democrats are committed to their earlier declaration of complete and total obstructionism.

Chuck Schumer: Democrats will filibuster Judge Gorsuch - Hot Air

“My vote will be no and I urge my colleagues to do the same,” Sen. Chuck Schumer said in a floor speech today. And with that, Democrats have officially decided to give their base the fight it wants, a filibuster of Judge Gorsuch.

“Judge Gorsuch was unable to convince me that he’d be an independent check on a president who has shown almost no restraint from executive overreach,” Schumer said. He added that Gorsuch appeared to have a “deep-seated conservative ideology.”

- He is a GOP nominee
- He believes in adhering to the Constitution and not legislating from the Bench
- Democrats stand for and have committed ourselves to be strict Obstructionists

Schumer wins 'Political Douche Of The Day'!


Political Douch Award has already been taken by the Republicans for unprecedently blocking Garland. They deserve every bit of obstruction thrown at them.

That said - I really hope they don't. I don't think blocking Gorsuch is beneficial for our country. He's well qualified and well regarded, liked by his colleagues on both sides of the bench. They could have chosen far worse.
Surprise, surprise....

When announced as a nominee, the media on both sides swooned and praised him. It was said about him that he was perhaps the most qualified for the job. Politicians on both sides of the aisle praised him....of course that was before Schumer and the 'leaders' of the DNC passed around their 'marching orders'. After almost flawlessly breezing through the Confirmation hearings, Schumer announced that the Democrats are committed to their earlier declaration of complete and total obstructionism.

Chuck Schumer: Democrats will filibuster Judge Gorsuch - Hot Air

“My vote will be no and I urge my colleagues to do the same,” Sen. Chuck Schumer said in a floor speech today. And with that, Democrats have officially decided to give their base the fight it wants, a filibuster of Judge Gorsuch.

“Judge Gorsuch was unable to convince me that he’d be an independent check on a president who has shown almost no restraint from executive overreach,” Schumer said. He added that Gorsuch appeared to have a “deep-seated conservative ideology.”

- He is a GOP nominee
- He believes in adhering to the Constitution and not legislating from the Bench
- Democrats stand for and have committed ourselves to be strict Obstructionists

Schumer wins 'Political Douche Of The Day'!


Political Douch Award has already been taken by the Republicans for unprecedently blocking Garland. They deserve every bit of obstruction thrown at them.

That said - I really hope they don't. I don't think blocking Gorsuch is beneficial for our country. He's well qualified and well regarded, liked by his colleagues on both sides of the bench. They could have chosen far worse.

Uhm.... ever heard of Harriett Miers?
Surprise, surprise....

When announced as a nominee, the media on both sides swooned and praised him. It was said about him that he was perhaps the most qualified for the job. Politicians on both sides of the aisle praised him....of course that was before Schumer and the 'leaders' of the DNC passed around their 'marching orders'. After almost flawlessly breezing through the Confirmation hearings, Schumer announced that the Democrats are committed to their earlier declaration of complete and total obstructionism.

Chuck Schumer: Democrats will filibuster Judge Gorsuch - Hot Air

“My vote will be no and I urge my colleagues to do the same,” Sen. Chuck Schumer said in a floor speech today. And with that, Democrats have officially decided to give their base the fight it wants, a filibuster of Judge Gorsuch.

“Judge Gorsuch was unable to convince me that he’d be an independent check on a president who has shown almost no restraint from executive overreach,” Schumer said. He added that Gorsuch appeared to have a “deep-seated conservative ideology.”

- He is a GOP nominee
- He believes in adhering to the Constitution and not legislating from the Bench
- Democrats stand for and have committed ourselves to be strict Obstructionists

Schumer wins 'Political Douche Of The Day'!


Political Douch Award has already been taken by the Republicans for unprecedently blocking Garland. They deserve every bit of obstruction thrown at them.

That said - I really hope they don't. I don't think blocking Gorsuch is beneficial for our country. He's well qualified and well regarded, liked by his colleagues on both sides of the bench. They could have chosen far worse.

Uhm.... ever heard of Harriett Miers?

Oh yes....
Surprise, surprise....

When announced as a nominee, the media on both sides swooned and praised him. It was said about him that he was perhaps the most qualified for the job. Politicians on both sides of the aisle praised him....of course that was before Schumer and the 'leaders' of the DNC passed around their 'marching orders'. After almost flawlessly breezing through the Confirmation hearings, Schumer announced that the Democrats are committed to their earlier declaration of complete and total obstructionism.

Chuck Schumer: Democrats will filibuster Judge Gorsuch - Hot Air

“My vote will be no and I urge my colleagues to do the same,” Sen. Chuck Schumer said in a floor speech today. And with that, Democrats have officially decided to give their base the fight it wants, a filibuster of Judge Gorsuch.

“Judge Gorsuch was unable to convince me that he’d be an independent check on a president who has shown almost no restraint from executive overreach,” Schumer said. He added that Gorsuch appeared to have a “deep-seated conservative ideology.”

- He is a GOP nominee
- He believes in adhering to the Constitution and not legislating from the Bench
- Democrats stand for and have committed ourselves to be strict Obstructionists

Schumer wins 'Political Douche Of The Day'!


Political Douch Award has already been taken by the Republicans for unprecedently blocking Garland. They deserve every bit of obstruction thrown at them.

That said - I really hope they don't. I don't think blocking Gorsuch is beneficial for our country. He's well qualified and well regarded, liked by his colleagues on both sides of the bench. They could have chosen far worse.
It was really a smart move for Trump to choose him. Fighting to block him now just makes the haters look petty.
I think a filibuster should be just that, a real filibuster. Make someone stand up there until he falls over from exhaustion, then hold the vote.
We Won't Live Free Until the Lawmakers Live in Fear

The filibuster is a childish tantrum that shouldn't be allowed in any adult forum. The Swamplords put it into the laws, which they long ago took away from us, as an in-your-face gesture. Not only did the high and mighty lowlife snobbishly preach that they are better than the public and should make all our political decisions for us, they purposely made a stupid decision to show that they don't really care even if we are better. They gloat that we can't do anything about it.
I think a filibuster should be just that, a real filibuster. Make someone stand up there until he falls over from exhaustion, then hold the vote.
We Won't Live Free Until the Lawmakers Live in Fear

The filibuster is a childish tantrum that shouldn't be allowed in any adult forum. The Swamplords put it into the laws, which they long ago took away from us, as an in-your-face gesture. Not only did the high and mighty lowlife snobbishly preach that they are better than the public and should make all our political decisions for us, they purposely made a stupid decision to show that they don't really care even if we are better. They gloat that we can't do anything about it.
It's not even a law. It's just a rule that can be easily removed, as we saw when Reid did it.
Surprise, surprise....

When announced as a nominee, the media on both sides swooned and praised him. It was said about him that he was perhaps the most qualified for the job. Politicians on both sides of the aisle praised him....of course that was before Schumer and the 'leaders' of the DNC passed around their 'marching orders'. After almost flawlessly breezing through the Confirmation hearings, Schumer announced that the Democrats are committed to their earlier declaration of complete and total obstructionism.

Chuck Schumer: Democrats will filibuster Judge Gorsuch - Hot Air

“My vote will be no and I urge my colleagues to do the same,” Sen. Chuck Schumer said in a floor speech today. And with that, Democrats have officially decided to give their base the fight it wants, a filibuster of Judge Gorsuch.

“Judge Gorsuch was unable to convince me that he’d be an independent check on a president who has shown almost no restraint from executive overreach,” Schumer said. He added that Gorsuch appeared to have a “deep-seated conservative ideology.”

- He is a GOP nominee
- He believes in adhering to the Constitution and not legislating from the Bench
- Democrats stand for and have committed ourselves to be strict Obstructionists

Schumer wins 'Political Douche Of The Day'!

It's too bad, Schumer could have been a fine senator if he weren't so ambitious.
This is a good thing. That way the Republicans will go nuclear and get to to appoint probably three more supreme court justices in the next eight years with a simple majority.

The Democrats are being idiots filibustering the well qualified Gorsuch. as a replacement for Scalia They should hold out that stupidity for a replacement for one of their idiot extreme far Left Moon Bat judges.
This sort of obstruction really began with the nomination of Robert Bork back in 1987.

Did that President still get to appoint a justice?

Look, I know what you're trying to do here, but Obama's tenure was coming to an end, Trump's is just starting, so sooner or later a judge will need to be seated and one way or another it will happen while Trump is in the White House.
Might as well go with a guy that previously most Dems didn't have a lot of problems with.
This sort of obstruction really began with the nomination of Robert Bork back in 1987.

Did that President still get to appoint a justice?

Look, I know what you're trying to do here, but Obama's tenure was coming to an end, Trump's is just starting, so sooner or later a judge will need to be seated and one way or another it will happen while Trump is in the White House.
Might as well go with a guy that previously most Dems didn't have a lot of problems with.

A year left in office is not coming to an end.

It was wrong. You know it. Garland was frankly, equivalent to Gorsuch - middle of the road. That being said, I think they'd be stupid to fillibuster Gorsuch.
Look, I know what you're trying to do here, but Obama's tenure was coming to an end, Trump's is just starting, so sooner or later a judge will need to be seated and one way or another it will happen while Trump is in the White House.
Might as well go with a guy that previously most Dems didn't have a lot of problems with.

Obama had close to a year left in office and because of Mitch McConnell's dereliction of duty the seat has been vacant for over a year.

Garland was a guy that previously most GOP didn't have a problem with. Their (McConnell's flavor of GOP) problem was with WHO made the nomination, not Garlands qualifications. He was specifically chosen because of prior GOP praise.

This sort of obstruction really began with the nomination of Robert Bork back in 1987.

Did that President still get to appoint a justice?

Look, I know what you're trying to do here, but Obama's tenure was coming to an end, Trump's is just starting, so sooner or later a judge will need to be seated and one way or another it will happen while Trump is in the White House.
Might as well go with a guy that previously most Dems didn't have a lot of problems with.
The real rub was McConnell's still pissed over Bork. The dems opposition was partially politically based. He was more than qualified, but he was a key figure in Nixon's attempts to avoid not disclosing the tapes. The dems didn't get over than, and played payback. The Turtle was merely doing the same.

It would be good if the two parties could bury the hatchet. The dems did it once with Bork. The gop retaliated by denying Obama a third appointment. Bork was Reagan's third, and eventually Reagan got Kennedy for the seat.

The deal the dems want is Gorsch gets seated, and no one else gets confirmed until we have another election. I don't see the Turtle taking that deal. But if 3 gopers do, they'll be none till 18 and if 5 agree, probably not till 20. If that happened we could RETURN TO SANITY and just base voting on judges on competence and not fucing politics.

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