Gun grabber, and anti 2nd amendment, anti assault weapon, politician Chuck Schumer wants to re-ban Bump Stocks, after the Supreme Court revoked ban.

If you go with the letter of the law, bump stocks are just accessories. But if you go with the intent of the law (what we are supposed to do) under the 1934 Firearms Act they can be ruled a method of producing an Automatic weapon which is already heavily restricted.

No, you are supposed to follow the letter of the law, which should clearly give the intent.

Fix the law if it's not good enough, don't use the courts to make shit up.

That's what got us Plessey, Chevron, Roe and Obergfell.
You leave out the fact when they were spraying and praying those eating establishments, the majority of the people killed were not gangsters. You keep forgetting to mention that sometimes, public safety trumps everything else.

The excuse of tyrants everywhere.
What you guys are ignoring is that SCOTUS ruling had nothing to to with bump stocks. It was about regulatory overeach.

The judges explicitly stated that Congress could have and could now pass a law banning high fire rate weapons, and that such a law would have stood.

The ruling was based on the fact that the trigger is still being pulled multiple times, when using a bump stock. .

The judges explicitly stated that Congress could have and could now pass a law banning high fire rate weapons, and that such a law would have stood.
Where did the court say this?
Copy / paste the text.
The ruling was based on the fact that the trigger is still being pulled multiple times, when using a bump stock. .
And correctly so.

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