Circumcision ruling condemned by Germany's Muslim and Jewish leaders

then you might realize that circumsicion, chopping off a large part of your childs junk, is unneccessary.

"A large part"? Well, now we know something else about you...

LOL...good one

as the majority of the penile pleasure nerve centers are actually located in the foreskin, yeah, a LARGE part.

Now we see that in addition to being an excuse to vent your atheist insecurity, you are still dealing with issues stemming from the fact that a certain something is so small that you resent losing any more of it.

Maybe you can get yourself a strap-on or something.
So much for individual choice huh? You really are a liberal, arent you?

No, I'm really not (to say the least). The parents make that decision based on their values, beliefs, and medical/hygiene concerns (I have provided many links on this thread so don't bother shrieking "No medical reason!" over and over).

Your feeble attempt at ad hominem has failed.
It would be far better if parents taught their sons to clean themselves, wouldn't it?

"Far better" is up to the parents to decide.
The foreskin contains between 10,000-20,000 highly specialized nerve endings and several feet of blood vessels.

The entire intact penis may contain around 24,000 nerves, with only 4,000 or so remaining after circumcision

The head of the penis (glans) is meant to be an internal organ, like the tongue and eyeball

Between the removal of roughly 20,000 nerves and the now calloused over 4,000 nerves, you now have around 30-10% of the feeling you were born with.

The prepuce (foreskin) makes up as much as half of the skin system of the penis

It is an extension of the shaft skin that folds over into itself, completely covering and protecting the glans (an internal organ) and provides the mobility of the shaft skin necessary for frictionless intercourse and masturbation

The foreskin also contains lyzosyme, a secretion that acts to destroy harmful microorganisms as well as Langerhans cells which may provide resistance to HIV infection

Heres some more info

1. Full penis length and circumference. The "prepuce" (foreskin) constitutes 50% or more of the skin system of the penis [1]. If unfolded and spread flat, the average adult foreskin measures 60-90 square centimeters (10-14 square inches) [2], or about the size of an index card [see illustration]. The foreskin creates a visibly longer penis, especially when the foreskin extends beyond the head of the penis. Also, the double-layered tissue of the foreskin engorges with blood during erection and creates a visibly and sensually thicker shaft and glans.When the engorged foreskin retracts behind the coronal ridge of the glans, it often creates a wider and more pronounced "ridge" that many partners find especially stimulating during penetrative intercourse. The circumcised penis appears truncated and thinner than a full-sized intact penis.

2. Protection. The sleeve of tissue known as the foreskin normally covers the glans and protects it from abrasion, drying, callusing (keratinization), and environmental contaminants. The glans is intended by nature to be a protected internal organ, like the female clitoris [see illustration]. The effect of an exposed glans and resulting keratinization on human sexual response has never been studied. Increasing reports by circumcised men indicate that keratinization causes a loss of sexual sensation, pleasure and fulfillment [3, 4].

3. Ridged bands. The inner foreskin contains bands of densely innervated, sexually responsive tissue [1]. They constitute a primary erogenous zone of the human penis and are important for realizing the fullness and intensity of sexual response [5].

4. Gliding action. The foreskin is the only moving part of the penis. During any sexual activity, the foreskin and glans work in unison; their mutual interaction creates a complete sexual response. In heterosexual intercourse, the non-abrasive gliding of the penis in and out of itself within the vagina facilitates smooth and pleasurable intercourse for both partners [see illustration]. Without this gliding action, the corona of the circumcised penis can function as a one-way valve, dragging vaginal lubricants out into the drying air and making artificial lubricants essential for non-painful intercourse [6].

5. Specialized sensory tissue. In addition to the "ridged bands" mentioned above, thousands of coiled fine-touch receptors (Meissner’s corpuscles) constitute the most important sensory component of the penis [1]. The foreskin contains branches of the dorsal nerve and between 10,000 and 20,000 specialized erotogenic nerve endings of several types, which are capable of sensing slight motion and stretch, subtle changes in temperature, and fine gradations in texture [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12].

6. The frenulum. This is a highly nerve-laden web of tissue that tethers the inner foreskin to the underside of the glans [see photo]. It is similar to the frenula found under the tongue, the upper lip and the clitoral hood (female foreskin). For many intact men, the penile frenulum is a male "G-spot" that is highly pleasurable when repeatedly stretched and relaxed during sexual activity [13]. Depending on the surgical method used, the frenulum is partially to completely destroyed by circumcision.

7. Proper blood flow. The foreskin contains several feet of blood vessels, including the frenular artery and branches of the dorsal artery. The loss of this rich vascularization interrupts normal blood flow to the shaft and glans of the penis, damaging the natural function of the penis and altering its development [1].
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No, I'm really not (to say the least). The parents make that decision based on their values, beliefs, and medical/hygiene concerns (I have provided many links on this thread so don't bother shrieking "No medical reason!" over and over).

Your feeble attempt at ad hominem has failed.
It would be far better if parents taught their sons to clean themselves, wouldn't it?

"Far better" is up to the parents to decide.

No. "Far better" is to let each individual decide as an adult, if they want to be circumsized or not. Not FORCED upon them at birth.
"A large part"? Well, now we know something else about you...

LOL...good one

as the majority of the penile pleasure nerve centers are actually located in the foreskin, yeah, a LARGE part.

Now we see that in addition to being an excuse to vent your atheist insecurity, you are still dealing with issues stemming from the fact that a certain something is so small that you resent losing any more of it.

Maybe you can get yourself a strap-on or something.

Stop making stupid assumptions. Im not an atheist. Im a christian. Just not one that feels he needs to prove his faith by forcing it down other peoples throats or worse yet, by chopping off a part of an infants penis.

Just because you havent spoken to a woman without first given a credit card number, dont push your insecurities off on me.
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and more:

The foreskin has twelve known functions.

They are:

to cover and bond with the synechia so as to permit the development of the mucosal surface of the glans and inner foreskin.
to protect the infant's glans from feces and ammonia in diapers.
to protect the glans penis from friction and abrasion throughout life.
to keep the glans moisturized and soft with emollient oils.
to lubricate the glans.
to coat the glans with a waxy protective substance.
to provide sufficient skin to cover an erection by unfolding.
to provide an aid to masturbation and foreplay.
to serve as an aid to penetration.
to reduce friction and chafing during intercourse.
to serve as erogenous tissue because of its rich supply of erogenous receptors.
to contact and stimulate the G-spot of the female partner.

The male with a penis already moderately obtunded by circumcision may be less apt to use a condom, which he feels may further decrease his genital sensitivity . . . because most American males lack a facile prepuce, the period of foreplay and dalliance may be abbreviated in the rush to the intra-vaginal method of penile stimulation. Both these factors conceivably could be of significance in increasing the rate of venereal disease, including AIDS

Anatomy of the Penis and Mechanics of Intercourse
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and why do we do it? Religion or just "because we do it"?

Circumcision started in America during the masturbation hysteria of the Victorian Era, when a few American doctors circumcised boys to punish them for masturbating. Victorian doctors knew very well that circumcision denudes, desensitizes, and disables the penis. Nevertheless, they were soon claiming that circumcision cured epilepsy, convulsions, paralysis, elephantiasis, tuberculosis, eczema, bed-wetting, hip-joint disease, fecal incontinence, rectal prolapse, wet dreams, hernia, headaches, nervousness, hysteria, poor eyesight, idiocy, mental retardation, and insanity.4

The foreskin is a uniquely specialized, sensitive, functional organ of touch. No other part of the body serves the same purpose. As a modified extension of the penile shaft skin, the foreskin covers and usually extends beyond the glans before folding under itself and finding its circumferential point of attachment just behind the corona (the rim of the glans). The foreskin is, therefore, a double-layered organ. Its true length is twice the length of its external fold and comprises as much as 80 percent or more of the penile skin covering

Careful anatomical investigations have shown that circumcision cuts off more than 3 feet of veins, arteries, and capillaries, 240 feet of nerves, and more than 20,000 nerve endings. The foreskin's muscles, glands, mucous membrane, and epithelial tissue are destroyed, as well.

Mothering: The Case Against Circumcision
Im not an atheist. Im a christian. Just not one that feels he needs to prove his faith by forcing it down other peoples throats .

Who is doing that? No one here is advocating making circumcision a legal obligation. You seem to be searching for an opponent you think you can handle, but you are using too much imagination.
Interesting you had to google to find out how intercourse works...
"Far better" is up to the parents to decide.

No. "Far better" is to let each individual decide as an adult, if they want to be circumsized or not. Not FORCED upon them at birth.

Parents make many decisions for their children. They have to. You make decisions for your children, I'm sure.

Yes, I tattooed my daughters face the day she was born as to scare away potential boyfriends in her teens years. Between that and cleaning my guns when they come to pick her up, I figure they ought to be able to keep their hands and penis' to themselves. If not circumcision will be the least of their worries.

Im not an atheist. Im a christian. Just not one that feels he needs to prove his faith by forcing it down other peoples throats .

Who is doing that? No one here is advocating making circumcision a legal obligation. You seem to be searching for an opponent you think you can handle, but you are using too much imagination.

I am ALWAYS opposed to other people making decisions for us. Its called might be something youve heard of but never actually experienced.

and THIS issue is a HUGE violation of individual choicde , freedom and liberty.
Oh, maybe V is looking for something to blame for his equipment not working!
Im not an atheist. Im a christian. Just not one that feels he needs to prove his faith by forcing it down other peoples throats .

Who is doing that? No one here is advocating making circumcision a legal obligation. You seem to be searching for an opponent you think you can handle, but you are using too much imagination.

I am ALWAYS opposed to other people making decisions for us.

You don't make decisions for your children?
Who is doing that? No one here is advocating making circumcision a legal obligation. You seem to be searching for an opponent you think you can handle, but you are using too much imagination.

I am ALWAYS opposed to other people making decisions for us.

You don't make decisions for your children?

Not ones that mutilate their bodies for no reason, no. What food Im going to put on the table, yes. If they can run out and play in traffic, yes. If they can run out in a crowd unattended, yes. Chopping off a part of their body for no reason, no.

And whats worse...those who do it for religious reasons, at least Christians that is, are doing it for the wrong reasons.

Gal. 6:12-13: "As many as desire to make a good showing in the flesh, these try to compel you to be circumcised, only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. For not even those who are circumcised keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may glory in your flesh."

Gal. 5:6: "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love."

Gal. 6:15: "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation."

Col 3:9-11: "Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him, where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all."

Acts 15:24: "... we have heard that some who went out from us have troubled you with words, unsettling your souls, saying, 'You must be circumcised and keep the law' -- to whom we gave no such commandment ..."

According to the New Testament, circumcision is unneccessary for salvation.
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