Citi Bike Karen Hoax


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
5 black teens (possibly from another country) tried taking an electric bike from a woman, and race hustler Ben Crump tried jumping into the fray by claiming the "white woman" attacked the 5 black teens.

Online people were claiming that this woman was a racist because they falsely claimed she was trying to steal the bike from the 5 black teens. Turns out she had a receipt for the bike proving she paid for it. The black teens were attempting to steal the bike from her.

I read of that yesterday. She is not a Karen. She was in the right. She's getting paid if Bellview doesn't back down.

BTW.....Karen is not a anti-white slur. It's a descriptive term used to describe most dem women that wish to speak to a manager.....Or anyone else that is stupid enough to pay attention to her.

Where it gets confusing is when black women act in such a way, usually they are called ham beasts because they weigh-in at 300#+.

That said.....I wonder if preggers bike renter voted dem?
Just your usual punks...
He was assaulting her.
That's what they call strong-armed theft.
That's why I take my pepper spray with me when I'm running around town.
I also noted that those Aholes had a distinct African accent.
My guess is they were transplanted to the US to start the same crap they're pulling in the UK.
Isn't it amazing how the Left-Wing Media distorts reality.
Any rational person would know that it is highly unlikely for the woman to be trying to steal a bike from 4 men.
But the Racist Wokesters know that about half of American buy into the Black victimhood lie.
5 black teens (possibly from another country) tried taking an electric bike from a woman, and race hustler Ben Crump tried jumping into the fray by claiming the "white woman" attacked the 5 black teens.

Online people were claiming that this woman was a racist because they falsely claimed she was trying to steal the bike from the 5 black teens. Turns out she had a receipt for the bike proving she paid for it. The black teens were attempting to steal the bike from her.

She should sue crump and the other outlets that slandered her.......
He was assaulting her.
That's what they call strong-armed theft.
That's why I take my pepper spray with me when I'm running around town.
I also noted that those Aholes had a distinct African accent.
My guess is they were transplanted to the US to start the same crap they're pulling in the UK.

She should sue.

A pregnant physician's assistant is in hiding after a video showing the woman arguing with a man over a Citibike in New York went viral.

Sarah Comrie, 36, has reportedly received 'death threats' after footage was posted of her tussling with a man outside of Bellevue Hospital at the end of her shift.

Justin Marino, who is representing Comrie, says she was fearful she would lose her job over the incident – with the hospital putting her on administrative leave pending a review.

'She's been called a racist, she's been called a thief… We plan to purse that.'

His comments come after obtained the nurse's Citibike Receipt – which Marino claims proves the bike she was clutching in the footage was booked by her.

Marino said the documents show she booked the Citibike outside of Bellevue Hospital after finishing her 12-hour shift – because the number on the handlebars match the receipt.

They show the ride was ultimately canceled, and she wasn't charged, before booking another bike minutes after the incident.

Speaking to about the incident, Marino said: 'The receipts show unequivocally that she got the bike first.

'But there is no animosity towards the men in the video. We frankly wish them the best in the future.

'The focus is clearing her name and going after the publications and high-profile names that defamed her.'

He added that their complaints are against anyone who suggested she was a racist, after she was branded a 'Karen'.

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