Clear and Present Danger 2.0


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
It's clear that Vance is already politicking for 2028 and regardless of Trump's victory in a month....he is running in 2028. (Whether he wants to or not)

One of the things not so discussed but EXTREMELY obvious is his hatred of the drugs and drug smuggling that's going on due to open borders.

Clear and Present Danger is a Tom Clancy novel about sending black ops to cocaine producing nations and stopping the production. This of course happens without any diplomacy or knowledge and is illegal.

Iran/Contra affair is what happened with Reagan's administration and we had the CIA actively running drugs to support their activities.

What's the chances this happens again?

Currently we have states that exist in Drug Corridors unconcerned about the drugs but very concerned about the money and confiscating it. Meaning states like TN, Mississippi, Texas, and Arizona are going to have to find new sources of income.

What say you?
Clear and Present Danger is a Tom Clancy novel about sending black ops to cocaine producing nations and stopping the production. This of course happens without any diplomacy or knowledge and is illegal.

Iran/Contra affair is what happened with Reagan's administration and we had the CIA actively running drugs to support their activities.
The CIA was selling ARMS (not drugs) to Iran in order to continue supporting the anti-communist Contra forces in Nicaragua, whose funding had suddenly been cut off by the Democrats in Congress. One should remember that Iran had released all of the U.S. Embassy hostages on the day Reagan was inaugurated, as a peaceful gesture.

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