Clergy From National Cathedral Publish Open Letter Rebuking Trump. "Have We No Decency"


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Today, the senior clergy of the National Cathedral have released a rather extraordinary statement rebuking the sitting president of the United States after his painful, racist statements. The clergy pulled no punches in their assessment of this moment: “When does silence become complicity? What will it take for us all to say, with one voice, that we have had enough? The question is less about the president’s sense of decency, but of ours.”

Clergy from the National Cathedral publish an open letter rebuking Trump: 'Have we no decency?'
Today, the senior clergy of the National Cathedral have released a rather extraordinary statement rebuking the sitting president of the United States after his painful, racist statements. The clergy pulled no punches in their assessment of this moment: “When does silence become complicity? What will it take for us all to say, with one voice, that we have had enough? The question is less about the president’s sense of decency, but of ours.”

Clergy from the National Cathedral publish an open letter rebuking Trump: 'Have we no decency?'
Sounds like they are pushing their religious views.
Wonder how long it's gonna take Trump to tweet about this?

Yeah. Go ahead. Attack the clergy at the National Cathedral. If he does, I hope the Democrats use it with a video clip of him dancing with the Saudis. Now that would be a campaign ad to end all campaign ads.
Today, the senior clergy of the National Cathedral have released a rather extraordinary statement rebuking the sitting president of the United States after his painful, racist statements. The clergy pulled no punches in their assessment of this moment: “When does silence become complicity? What will it take for us all to say, with one voice, that we have had enough? The question is less about the president’s sense of decency, but of ours.”

Clergy from the National Cathedral publish an open letter rebuking Trump: 'Have we no decency?'

The answer is no.
The Catholic church apparently has no decency because it's the biggest pederast orgies in America, has spent decades importing the dregs of the third world to America (on our dime) and under Pope Frannie-the-Foot-Fetishist, that despicable church is nothing but Islam's human condom. Fuck the Catholicrap church, with their own rosaries.

Since Catholicrap loves to drearily wallow in the concept of sin and guilt, it is the masochistic yang to Islam's sadistic yin.
Today, the senior clergy of the National Cathedral have released a rather extraordinary statement rebuking the sitting president of the United States after his painful, racist statements. The clergy pulled no punches in their assessment of this moment: “When does silence become complicity? What will it take for us all to say, with one voice, that we have had enough? The question is less about the president’s sense of decency, but of ours.”

Clergy from the National Cathedral publish an open letter rebuking Trump: 'Have we no decency?'

Are they supposed to be important or something?
Today, the senior clergy of the National Cathedral have released a rather extraordinary statement rebuking the sitting president of the United States after his painful, racist statements. The clergy pulled no punches in their assessment of this moment: “When does silence become complicity? What will it take for us all to say, with one voice, that we have had enough? The question is less about the president’s sense of decency, but of ours.”

Clergy from the National Cathedral publish an open letter rebuking Trump: 'Have we no decency?'
Oh, Daily Kos bullshit! Have you no decency, indeed.
This existential angst from self important letter writing aparatchiks has become fashionable. It's self serving pearl clutching virtue signaling at it's best...or lowest, depending on your view.

Guess what? We haven't all had enough. Far from it. I remember the same sort of overly emotional verbal diarrhea when Reagan was president and people were talking about the world going up in nuclear conflagration because our
"Cowboy" president was determined to have us at war with the Soviet Union.

And of course he was called homophobe, racist, xenophobe, etc. etc.just like Trump is now.

Frankly the Daily Kos and the clowns that quote it are the real fringe lunatics here. The faceless clergy at the National Cathedral, the approved Christian place of worship in Washington DC, as anonymous drones of the State now can go back to whatever it is they do thinking what a great thing they've done. No one cares.
The Catholic church apparently has no decency because it's the biggest pederast orgies in America, has spent decades importing the dregs of the third world to America (on our dime) and under Pope Frannie-the-Foot-Fetishist, that despicable church is nothing but Islam's human condom. Fuck the Catholicrap church, with their own rosaries.

Since Catholicrap loves to drearily wallow in the concept of sin and guilt, it is the masochistic yang to Islam's sadistic yin.

Man you just can't stop fucking up can you? National Cathedral is not Catholic.

The Washington National Cathedral is a cathedral of the Episcopal Church in the United States. Congress officially made it the non-denominational National House of Prayer.
The Episcopal denomination has been steadily declining to the point that it has become a liberal political entity rather than a religious based organization. I's clear that the intent was to embarrass the President and that's a shame. It would be understandable if a religious denomination, no matter how liberal or insignificant, had a problem with the President's agenda but it's cowardly to hide behind the facade of a "cathedral".
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The Catholic church apparently has no decency because it's the biggest pederast orgies in America, has spent decades importing the dregs of the third world to America (on our dime) and under Pope Frannie-the-Foot-Fetishist, that despicable church is nothing but Islam's human condom. Fuck the Catholicrap church, with their own rosaries.

Since Catholicrap loves to drearily wallow in the concept of sin and guilt, it is the masochistic yang to Islam's sadistic yin.

Yeah, as an org., it ain't what it used to be.
(Is this an understatement?).

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