Climate Alarmists are Meeeellllltttting.....melllllllttttttinnnnng

Good fucking god are you stupid.

In your linked video, we do not see or hear Al Gore nor is his name mentioned even once.

There is no date given for the comment about Florida being flooded.

There is not a single false, exaggerated or mistaken statement in the entire report.
Sea level rising? Nope
Florida underwater? Nope
CO2 warming the atmosphere? Nope
Al Gore in the video? Nope
Oh yeah?

View attachment 949777

All my doing. Said so yourself.

Who? The church?

I've been doing without the church for a long time.

Writing home? My parents are both long dead. To whom would I be writing?
The US lowered its output by switching to gas.

China dwarfed these reductions by building 2 to 3 NEW COAL PLANTS EACH AND EVERY WEEK

It's headed that way.


YOU CLAIMED HE WAS. So, another lie.
I never claimed Gore was, I reposted a video.

It so happens that Gore is the patron Saint of the Cult of the USA CO2 molecule (China's CO2 has no effect, because it's on a per capita basis, er, or something. I'm sure the IPCC Covered this in a series of footnotes)
I never claimed Gore was, I reposted a video.
Unless you were to initially state that you knew it contained specific falsehoods, by posting that, you were stating that you agreed with it.
It so happens that Gore is the patron Saint of the Cult of the USA CO2 molecule (China's CO2 has no effect, because it's on a per capita basis, er, or something. I'm sure the IPCC Covered this in a series of footnotes)
He is not, but you are as stupid as stupid can get.
Unless you were to initially state that you knew it contained specific falsehoods, by posting that, you were stating that you agreed with it.

He is not, but you are as stupid as stupid can get.
Riiiight. But you’re the one who BELIEVES that 120ppm of additional CO2 can raise Earth temperatures by 1C
Me and about a hundred thousand PhD scientists.

Appeals to authority are not a valid, scientific argument.

A few hundred years ago, the same group was insisting that their models showed the Earth to be the stable center of the Universe suspended on the back of infinite turtles.

There's not one single repeatable lab experiment that replicates the imaginary "120PPM CO2 = 1C" Failed Theory
Appeals to authority are not a valid, scientific argument.
I'm afraid in the case where we are talking about a very strong consensus among the actual experts in THIS field, it is completely valid.
A few hundred years ago, the same group was insisting that their models showed the Earth to be the stable center of the Universe suspended on the back of infinite turtles.
The same group?
There's not one single repeatable lab experiment that replicates the imaginary "120PPM CO2 = 1C" Failed Theory
There's not a shred of evidence that you have the faintest idea how basic science actually works or that you are willing to accept ANY evidence refuting your idiotic beliefs.
What do you believe are the causes of sea level rise?
The Japanese earthquake in 2011, Japan's coastline dropped, in some places by more than 50cm. North East Japan moved 2.4m closer to North America. The Pacific plate slipped westward by 20m to 40m. The sea bed near the epicentre shifted 24m. The axis of earth moved between 10cm to 25cm, thus shortening the day by 1.8 milliseconds.

When they ran that through the "climate models" what effect on sea levels, climate etc.. did they conclude?
I don't know about climate change but I can tell you in Laughlin, Nevada later this week it will be 121 degrees. Arizona is too hot for me! :)

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