Climate Summit

Well, Im just glad the world governments decided on what our weather should be. I'm formally requesting a little less rain. Longer summers too!

I want it to only rain on plants and not on humans. And all the cold weather should be diverted to ski lodges.
I'm not putting any more effort into it than you are. And since mine's being directed by a normal, adult intelligence, I have efficiency factors you'll not reach for a great long while..
LMAO dude, you see nothing wrong with globalist warmers leaving trash behind at a climate march. That says a lot right there

I never said I saw nothing wrong. I just see no bearing on the scientific validity of AGW or the reality of the threat it presents to human culture. And you've presented no reason to believe otherwise. That tells me that like all deniers, you haven't got jack shit.
~TRUST ME your tax dollars will stop natural Earth evolution. We promise!~

I bet you support Donald Trump. Insult women. Insult the handicapped. Yep. A match made in heaven... or somewhere.
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I'm not putting any more effort into it than you are. And since mine's being directed by a normal, adult intelligence, I have efficiency factors you'll not reach for a great long while..
LMAO dude, you see nothing wrong with globalist warmers leaving trash behind at a climate march. That says a lot right there

I never said I saw nothing wrong. I just see no bearing on the scientific validity of AGW or the reality of the threat it presents to human culture. And you've presented no reason to believe otherwise. That tells me that like all deniers, you haven't got jack shit.
So you took that whole pic and focused on some twitter note? lol
Ummm... "Insult women. Insult the handicapped". Insult our intelligence.
Are you ever going to explain what bearing this litter has on climate science? And, I have to be honest, that was not a lot of litter for over 2,000 protestors, who did NOT have permission and were therefore being pursued by the gendarmerie, to have left behind.
Thinking in terms of the 2016 hurricane season. By then we should be ENSO neutral, so little in the nature of shear winds to prevent the formation of hurricanes. That, and very warm waters, could make for some energetic hurricanes.
When the ones screaming it's a crisis start acting like its a crisis themselves then I will start to listen.

So when are you taking up arms and heading to Syria to fight ISIS? Don't wait for the army. Do it as a volunteer. That goes for all the conservatives here. When you start acting like it's a crisis, then we'll start to listen.

In case anyone is missing the point, I'm pointing out your flagrant double standards. Your believe your own side is _not_ required literally devote 100% of their lives to a perceived problem, yet you demand the opposition do exactly that. Thus, your stupid crap is revealed to be stupid crap.
When the ones screaming it's a crisis start acting like its a crisis themselves then I will start to listen.

So when are you taking up arms and heading to Syria to fight ISIS? Don't wait for the army. Do it as a volunteer. That goes for all the conservatives here. When you start acting like it's a crisis, then we'll start to listen.

In case anyone is missing the point, I'm pointing out your flagrant double standards. Your believe your own side is _not_ required literally devote 100% of their lives to a perceived problem, yet you demand the opposition do exactly that. Thus, your stupid crap is revealed to be stupid crap.
Most moronic rebuttal possible, congradulations.

BTW - I buy arms and supplies for Kurds. What do you do to for your fictional manmade Gorebal warming besides spew CO2 posting useless drivel on a message board.
I'm not putting any more effort into it than you are. And since mine's being directed by a normal, adult intelligence, I have efficiency factors you'll not reach for a great long while..
LMAO dude, you see nothing wrong with globalist warmers leaving trash behind at a climate march. That says a lot right there :thup:

Yep! They dont give a dam about the planet because they trash it up with garbage and lies. If they have this little concern over trash they certainly dont give a dam about anything other than what rich bastard is going to get rolled so they can take stolen wealth and spend it like they want. Screw getting a job, screw cleaning up after themselves..

Seems to me its a screw you attitude in general... They dont give a dam about the so called cause nor do they even have a clue about what it is they are pontificating for. Hitler had the best term for them... USEFUL IDIOTS!

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