Clinton Campaign Chairman Praises Fox News


Mar 21, 2008

Clinton campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe praises Fox News in a celebratory interview with reporter Major Garrett.

"You were the first ones to call it for Hillary Clinton," McAuliffe said, "Fair and balanced Fox. You beat them all."

Then it's back to Hume, who mentions how "nice to hear none other than Terry McAuliffe acknowledging that we were first on this call and that saying that as other Clinton representatives have, that we are fair and balanced. We certainly try to be. We'll take that and be proud of it.”

This echos a sentiment shared by Gov. Ed Rendell:

Tongue-in-cheek? Really? I dunno...

CNN and MSNBC are way up Obama's butt. Even if you characterize FNC as a ring-wing network, they're at least balanced in covering Villain A vs. Villain B.
If the reality conflicts with a lib's world view, the fantasy will win out every time.

So it doesn't matter that the people being covered say they're fair and balanced, that doesn't suit, so it won't be accepted.
Ahhh, the wisdom of a brainwashed cult member. Profound doesn't even begin to describe it. :eusa_doh:

FOX news has chosen Obama as the probable Dem nominee so they will say whatever they can to damage him. Watching FOX news is like watch a GOP infomercial. I have to give it to them, they have perfected the art of unabashed partisan journalism as they present it as...LOL...fair and balanced.
More evidence to support my belief that Fox news and the GOP are breaking their backs to get Clinton on the ticket. Back when they thought Clinton was a shoe-in, we heard weekly stories of the likes of Clinton not leaving a tip at a diner. Now that it looks like Obama is a primary win away from cruising to the white house, Fox is trying to derail that train by getting Clinton the nod.

God, I sure do love some partisan journalism:confused:

Hillary's crowd is looking for votes wherever they can get them, so dropping an insincere compliment about Fox is just their way of trying to garner a few votes by trying to get Fox viewers (i.e., Reagan Democrats) to think she's not as bad as Obama, who has turned down all invitations to appear on Fox. Beware of the Clintons and their campaign tricks. They're masters at the game.
Watching FOX news is like watch a GOP infomercial. I have to give it to them, they have perfected the art of unabashed partisan journalism as they present it as...LOL...fair and balanced.

Watching the MSM channels is like watching a Democrat infomercial. I have to give it to them, they have perfected the art of unabashed partisan journalism as they present it as truth in politics (think MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN) As far as print publications goes, the DNC should pay the NY Times, WaPO, LA Times, Atlanta JC newspapers, etc. Their reporting is so far left that you're simply wasting your money if you're looking for objective reporting.
Hillary's crowd is looking for votes wherever they can get them, so dropping an insincere compliment about Fox is just their way of trying to garner a few votes by trying to get Fox viewers (i.e., Reagan Democrats) to think she's not as bad as Obama, who has turned down all invitations to appear on Fox. Beware of the Clintons and their campaign tricks. They're masters at the game.

Right, unnlike the Rovian masters.... :rolleyes:
FOX News is so stupid that they're using the clip for PR. They actually think the guy was being serious.

Watching the MSM channels is like watching a Democrat infomercial. I have to give it to them, they have perfected the art of unabashed partisan journalism as they present it as truth in politics (think MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN) As far as print publications goes, the DNC should pay the NY Times, WaPO, LA Times, Atlanta JC newspapers, etc. Their reporting is so far left that you're simply wasting your money if you're looking for objective reporting.

So Fox isn't MSM?

They are all biased. It's just entertaining/sad to watch media like Fox shout at the top of their lungs that they are the least biased when anyone with a brain can tell they are the most biased of the bunch. I don't doubt the others are biased, but I feel like Fox is the most biased. That's probably because I like Obama over McCain. Just like you think all the others are so biased. Maybe there isn't as much bias as we think, and our idealism has lead us to believe our favored candidate isn't as bad as the news they generate.

More evidence to support my belief that Fox news and the GOP are breaking their backs to get Clinton on the ticket. Back when they thought Clinton was a shoe-in, we heard weekly stories of the likes of Clinton not leaving a tip at a diner. Now that it looks like Obama is a primary win away from cruising to the white house, Fox is trying to derail that train by getting Clinton the nod.

God, I sure do love some partisan journalism:confused:

Quite hear both the good and bad about a candidate on the same network and are still too stupid to see that is what FAIR AND BALANCED is all about.....:cuckoo:
Quite hear both the good and bad about a candidate on the same network and are still too stupid to see that is what FAIR AND BALANCED is all about.....:cuckoo:

I'm stupid?

I guess it's stupid to notice how ALL we heard was bad about Clinton until Obama started charging last fall, and now that Obama has the lead we are starting to finally hear some good about Clinton and the asinine stories about Clinton no longer make the Fox news ticker.

FOX News is so stupid that they're using the clip for PR. They actually think the guy was being serious.

I doubt that anyone at Fox News took McAuliffe's remarks seriously. Everyone in the world knows what liberals really think about Fox News; so if the liberal crowd wants to throw an insincere compliment Fox’s way, why not use that to expose liberal hypocrisy for what it is?

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