Close to another nervous breakdown

What the fuck you doing in Las Vegas then? Get out. Go somewhere REAL... You're living behind the Magic Castle in Adult Disneyland.
In March of 18 ..a water pipe busted in my apartment and caused water to dump
This caused me insane ocd as the obsessions were all my things are ruined by the water
. My parents had to drive down from Arizona to aid me

This may seem silly and trivial but it caused my brain to blow up as OCD was insane

Took me 6 months to recover I think
I ain’t ok
I am having total psychos
This is real
Last thread of yours I remember, you were ecstatic. You found the perfect employee who just happens to be black. Thought everything was turning around for you
Last thread of yours I remember, you were ecstatic. You found the perfect employee who just happens to be black. Thought everything was turning around for you
Now it’s gone sideways
It all started in mid Jan when my Bjjj coach quit
I have said that “wet paint “ causes me huge ocd stress

Starting I think M or Tues ..they’re repainting my entire apartment complex
I could see a person dying and it has zero affect on me

You show me wet paint and I have severe attacks
Is this your dog?
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I think it’s best for me to start posting more in other mental health boards and seeing a psychologist too

Getting mad about politics is not helping

Politics is for people who have addiction to sports and masochism. People in crisis have no NEED for politics. Take a break from it. Get with other folks for advice.

And seriously, I dont what the franchise is -- but trade it for one that's NOT in Vegas. There would be a lot of folks that would consider that.

I had a Bro in Law that had life issues. Worst thing I ever did was cosign for a van for him. He ended up in Reno Nevada jail within a week. And the van ended up "somewhere over a peak in Sierras"..

He had mental health issues. But all related to seeking sensation. Adrenaline, even dangerous stuff. Not just drugs -- but physical excitement. Reno or any other gambling town is NOT good for excitement junkies. Or folks that SHOULD BE seeking LESS excitement and more tranquility for their "anxiety" issues.
Politics is for people who have addiction to sports and masochism. People in crisis have no NEED for politics. Take a break from it. Get with other folks for advice.

And seriously, I dont what the franchise is -- but trade it for one that's NOT in Vegas.

I had a Bro in Law that had life issues. Worst thing I ever did was cosign for a van for him. He ended up in Reno Nevada jail within a week. And the van ended up "somewhere over a peak in Sierras"..

He had mental health issues. But all related to seeking sensation. Adrenaline, even dangerous stuff. Not just drugs -- but physical excitement. Reno or any other gambling town is NOT good for excitement junkies. Or folks that SHOULD BE seeking LESS excitement and more tranquility for their "anxiety" issues.

I hate anything with adrenaline unless it’s mma stuff
I also go crazy if I see marks or scratches on any TV or computer screens
I could see a person dying and it has zero affect on me

You show me wet paint and I have severe attacks
I used to be a painter. Always noticed if you put up a "wet paint" sign it DREW people to touch my wet paint. 😄

It was better to leave the sign off and just warn people not to bump into it
Adrenaline is bad for anxiety.. They PUMP IT INTO Las Vegas on purpose. Go somewhere where there's deer and wild turkeys at your back door.

I can’t survive
I can’t cook for crap and if anything breaks I can’t fix anything
I also go crazy if I see marks or scratches on any TV or computer screens

Who doesn't?? My 90 yr old Mom in Law who lives here is SERIOUSLY OCD. You couldn't begin to compete with her. OCD NARROWS your vision of the world and your life. It's like blinders on a horse. Her view of life is SO narrow now -- that her environment has to be SMALL and PERFECT. And she'll barely come out of there.

OCD doesn't just happen -- it's a long process that you WILLINGLY make happen.
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