Close to starting to recover from this DEPRESSION


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
We are still not there, but the fact remains that we are close to the point that we can claim that we are starting to recover from this Depression.

The Unadjusted Initial Claims numbers (as they come from the states) which are the only reliable number that we can use show that the rate of job loss is declining. FINALLY!


The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 407,267 in the week ending May 8, an increase of 11,132 from the previous week.

WE ARE STILL LOSING JOBS AT A GREATER RATE THAN NORMAL, BUT IT IS GETTING CLOSE TO NORMAL, AND THAT IS GOOD. You have got to get close to normal before you get to normal in a Depression of this magnitude.
In economics, a depression is a term commonly used for a sustained downturn in the economy. It is more severe than a recession (which is seen as a normal downturn in the business cycle).

Like a recession, the start of a depression is characterized by increases in unemployment, restriction of credit, reduced output and investment, price deflation, numerous bankruptcies, and reduced amounts of trade and commerce.

Unlike a recession, there is no official definition for a depression, even though some have been proposed. Generally it is marked by a substantial and sustained disequilibrium between the quantity of goods that could be produced (potential output) and the ability to purchase them. One could say that while a recession refers to the economy "falling down," a depression is a matter of "not being able to get up."

The most noted depression is the Great Depression that affected much of the world in the 1930s. Also notable is the Long Depression that lasted from the 1870s until the 1890s.
We are still not there, but the fact remains that we are close to the point that we can claim that we are starting to recover from this Depression.

Gentlemen, as I have repeatedly said to the Buffoons on this board, we are not in recovery. Recovery would imply that things are starting to get to normal. Things have been progressively getting worse for the past three years. We ARE close to the point where we can claim that recovery looks near. There has been some minor improvement in a small part of the economy (Manufacturing), but that small part of the economy is only ten percent of the economy overall.

The nincompoops who are ballyhooing that as a RECOVERY do not have any idea about that which they speak.

When ninety percent of the remaining economy is still crashing, we are still in an increasing Depression, NOT a recovery.

The amazing thing is that you don't find these at all contradictory. Are things starting to look better or is the Depression increasing? You really can't have it both ways.
We are still not there, but the fact remains that we are close to the point that we can claim that we are starting to recover from this Depression.

Gentlemen, as I have repeatedly said to the Buffoons on this board, we are not in recovery. Recovery would imply that things are starting to get to normal. Things have been progressively getting worse for the past three years. We ARE close to the point where we can claim that recovery looks near. There has been some minor improvement in a small part of the economy (Manufacturing), but that small part of the economy is only ten percent of the economy overall.

The nincompoops who are ballyhooing that as a RECOVERY do not have any idea about that which they speak.

When ninety percent of the remaining economy is still crashing, we are still in an increasing Depression, NOT a recovery.

The amazing thing is that you don't find these at all contradictory. Are things starting to look better or is the Depression increasing? You really can't have it both ways.

The amazing thing is that you are so totally fucked up in the head that you try to take two statement that are the same and say that they are different. Damn, you are so damn dishonest and criminally minded! What do you gain from all of the outrageous dishonesty.

Being close to recovery means exactly as I posted. We are still falling, but not as fast as we have been for the past three years. We could turn positive in the next six months. I would not count on it, but it is a possibility.

YOU on the other hand will continue to post insane nonsense for the rest of your life. Hereditary insanity is a hard thing to shake.
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We're close to being close?

Indeed! The fact that a small segment of the economy (Manufacturing and sales of those manufactured products) is improving is an indication that things are not as bad as they were a year ago.

The economy overall is still not going up yet, but we are closer now than we were.
You are a nutty guy Nue,

We have been recovering for months now.

Its a slow recovery and that is how it had to be. It was a deep recession and very well my be labeled a depression after the fact.

None the less recovery is coming and the numbers show a remarkable v shape from the year before Bush left to now.

This means Obama and his stimulus saved the day.

Cons tanked us with their lack of regulations and lack of oversight.

Obama and the libs saved us with the stimulus and march towards sound regulations.

Many will never admitt it even with all the evidence lying right in front of them.

You cant fix stupid.
You are a nutty guy Nue,

We have been recovering for months now.

Its a slow recovery and that is how it had to be. It was a deep recession and very well my be labeled a depression after the fact.

None the less recovery is coming and the numbers show a remarkable v shape from the year before Bush left to now.

This means Obama and his stimulus saved the day.

Cons tanked us with their lack of regulations and lack of oversight.

Obama and the libs saved us with the stimulus and march towards sound regulations.

Many will never admitt it even with all the evidence lying right in front of them.

You cant fix stupid.

Nothing but lies from you as usual. We are still shedding jobs. Unemployment is over thirty million now and it is not improving.

If we were a manufacturing dominant economy, we could say that factories are slow to hire coming out of a recession, BUT we are NOT a manufacturing economy.

We are a service sector economy and that is where we are losing jobs. That is the reason why we are up to thirty million out of work.

Obama has royally fucked things up. There has been no overall improvement on his watch. I think he should resign in disgrace because of his massive corruption. We do not need shitheads like him in office. The sooner he is impeached or forcefully removed from office the better it will be for the United States.
The amazing thing is that you are so totally fucked up in the head that you try to take two statement that are the same and say that they are different. Damn, you are so damn dishonest and criminally minded! What do you gain from all of the outrageous dishonesty.
See, that's what I find interesting....there are several people who've posted that they find your statements contradictory and confusing, but you can't for a second entertain the thought that it is you who are being unclear or that the statements are contradictory. You can't even think that people have difficulty understanding, but that we all must be lying. That's fascinating, that you are so incapable of thinking you could be wrong or at fault in any way that anyone who disagrees with you must really understand perfectly what you meant but lies about it.

Being close to recovery means exactly as I posted. We are still falling, but not as fast as we have been for the past three years.
And everyone else considers that to be an improvement. Losing $500/month is an improvement over losing $700/month even though total debt is still increasing.

Hereditary insanity is a hard thing to shake.
Are you insulting my family now?

Now this should be fun:
We are still shedding jobs. Unemployment is over thirty million now and it is not improving.
Please give the source of that information...definition of "unemployment" and source of the number.

The sooner he is impeached or forcefully removed from office the better it will be for the United States.
Are you now promoting sedition and the overthrow of the US government by force? Interesting.
I don't see any recovery, went to the mall twice this week it was like a ghost town only teenage kids in there, everything is marked down 30 and 60 percent.
went to eat at charlie browns yesterday, just to have there salad it was empty two other couple that was it at 5 pm.
also we are have tons of houses going into foreclosure here in New Jersey
you can buy a bi-level 1,600 square feet for 160k to 200k and the prices are still tanking
I checked houses for sale seen what they were selling for then check my county records on line to see what they paid for them.
seen one someone paid 225k in the peek of the housing market in 2007 and now they been trying to sell it for 182k for past 8 months, this is a little 700 square foot house block from the bay.
another one was for 160k and they paid 217k in 2006
I see tons of them.
the stock market looks so artificial, I really think its being pumped up?
I found a pdf file with the foreclosures in my town there are hundred of them they go up for auction every Tuesday.
We still have real bad unemployment problem and more and more businesses folding everyday and all I see is the fake media on the tube saying things are getting better, while more people file for bankruptcy and more foreclosures ect
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The situation is Europe coupled with impending defaults by some states and municipalities will put "paid" to any recovery. The stock market is already anticipating a downturn.
None of this will help Obama in Nov. His administration is toast. The dems are going down down down.
The situation is Europe coupled with impending defaults by some states and municipalities will put "paid" to any recovery. The stock market is already anticipating a downturn.
None of this will help Obama in Nov. His administration is toast. The dems are going down down down.

Well, Learned man of the Sacred Scrolls, I know deep down inside that you are right.

Still, I hope for a real economic revival that puts people back to work. I am a reasonable person, though and expect that we will not see it for another half a year at best. If it goes much beyond that, we will be caught in the second leg of collapse, and we might not recover from that for ten years.

I am just an historian, but history has taught us many many lessons.
That's Harry Dent's latest prediction. (Sorry, unable to link to that You Tube video)

Harry's been in the prediction business for 30 years.

He sees one more rally in stocks resulting in Dow 11300-11800 by early August 2010.

Followed by a CRASH similar to the four month oil slide that took prices from $147/barrel to $32/barrel.

"The worst of this downturn will occur in the next 2 years."

If he's right....... how likely is it voting for a Republican OR Democrat will help?
Being close to recovery means exactly as I posted. We are still falling, but not as fast as we have been for the past three years.
And everyone else considers that to be an improvement. Losing $500/month is an improvement over losing $700/month even though total debt is still increasing.


As I have been saying for a year now, you are insane. All you do is post gibberish. Please get psychiatric help.
The situation is Europe coupled with impending defaults by some states and municipalities will put "paid" to any recovery. The stock market is already anticipating a downturn.
None of this will help Obama in Nov. His administration is toast. The dems are going down down down.

Well, Learned man of the Sacred Scrolls, I know deep down inside that you are right.

Still, I hope for a real economic revival that puts people back to work. I am a reasonable person, though and expect that we will not see it for another half a year at best. If it goes much beyond that, we will be caught in the second leg of collapse, and we might not recover from that for ten years.

I am just an historian, but history has taught us many many lessons.

kook, party of two, please. kook, party of two.
Being close to recovery means exactly as I posted. We are still falling, but not as fast as we have been for the past three years.
And everyone else considers that to be an improvement. Losing $500/month is an improvement over losing $700/month even though total debt is still increasing.


As I have been saying for a year now, you are insane. All you do is post gibberish. Please get psychiatric help.

That was one of your more bizzarre posts. Are you claiming that losing $500/month is NOT an improvement over losing $700/month? Because that's all I said and you're saying it's gibberish. I thought it was quite straightforward and not at all controversial. I'd love to hear your explanation of exactly how my statement was in error.
The situation is Europe coupled with impending defaults by some states and municipalities will put "paid" to any recovery. The stock market is already anticipating a downturn.
None of this will help Obama in Nov. His administration is toast. The dems are going down down down.

Well, Learned man of the Sacred Scrolls, I know deep down inside that you are right.

Still, I hope for a real economic revival that puts people back to work. I am a reasonable person, though and expect that we will not see it for another half a year at best. If it goes much beyond that, we will be caught in the second leg of collapse, and we might not recover from that for ten years.

I am just an historian, but history has taught us many many lessons.

kook, party of two, please. kook, party of two.

Kooks? No, kooks are people who think that the Greek problem will be solved by infusions of Eurocash. Kooks think this will have no effect on the US economy. Kooks think the economy is in fine shape when in fact many municipalities are about to default. Cali owes 14B dollars. How are they going to pay that back? How will Greece? They wont.
2nd German banker doubts Greece's ability to repay - Yahoo! News
Assuming that we are beginning to recover, that recovery will work its way though the economy industry by industr, region by region.

Depending on where you live the economy looks different.

Here in Maine, a place where we didn't really enjoy those halcyon days of growth, the drop in RE prices wasn't nearly do bad as in places like SoCA and NEV and FLA.

Those places are, I think, going to take quite a while before they recover from those pernicious effects of the crash.

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