Close to starting to recover from this DEPRESSION

And everyone else considers that to be an improvement. Losing $500/month is an improvement over losing $700/month even though total debt is still increasing.


As I have been saying for a year now, you are insane. All you do is post gibberish. Please get psychiatric help.

That was one of your more bizzarre posts. Are you claiming that losing $500/month is NOT an improvement over losing $700/month? Because that's all I said and you're saying it's gibberish. I thought it was quite straightforward and not at all controversial. I'd love to hear your explanation of exactly how my statement was in error.

You are insane Pinko. That is all there is to it as I have told you thousands of times. Losing money as I have told you before is not good for people. They usuallly do not like it even if you think it is fun.

Losing 599 or 699 or 999 dollars is bad regardless.

Go to the psychiatric facility and take the meds they have prescribed for you and then think about it. Regardless of how much the person loses, it is not good. Remember think about it for as long as it takes and eventually you will understand.
The situation is Europe coupled with impending defaults by some states and municipalities will put "paid" to any recovery. The stock market is already anticipating a downturn.
None of this will help Obama in Nov. His administration is toast. The dems are going down down down.

Well, Learned man of the Sacred Scrolls, I know deep down inside that you are right.

Still, I hope for a real economic revival that puts people back to work. I am a reasonable person, though and expect that we will not see it for another half a year at best. If it goes much beyond that, we will be caught in the second leg of collapse, and we might not recover from that for ten years.

I am just an historian, but history has taught us many many lessons.

kook, party of two, please. kook, party of two.

Now, there clown, if you actually think that a person who hopes for recovery is a kook, you must really think this country is in far more serious trouble. Please explain that to us.
Why would you think that it is impossible to recover?
You are a nutty guy Nue,

We have been recovering for months now.

Its a slow recovery and that is how it had to be. It was a deep recession and very well my be labeled a depression after the fact.

None the less recovery is coming and the numbers show a remarkable v shape from the year before Bush left to now.

This means Obama and his stimulus saved the day.

Cons tanked us with their lack of regulations and lack of oversight.

Obama and the libs saved us with the stimulus and march towards sound regulations.

Many will never admitt it even with all the evidence lying right in front of them.

You cant fix stupid.

Nothing but lies from you as usual. We are still shedding jobs. Unemployment is over thirty million now and it is not improving.

If we were a manufacturing dominant economy, we could say that factories are slow to hire coming out of a recession, BUT we are NOT a manufacturing economy.

We are a service sector economy and that is where we are losing jobs. That is the reason why we are up to thirty million out of work.

Obama has royally fucked things up. There has been no overall improvement on his watch. I think he should resign in disgrace because of his massive corruption. We do not need shitheads like him in office. The sooner he is impeached or forcefully removed from office the better it will be for the United States.

I believe the country needs to take a different direction.

Manufacturing jobs are picking up because inventories are low. But restocking inventories are different than a growing economy.

There has been this drive by big business for cheap labor. The truth is your labor pool is where you hope to sell your products. Sure, you can make a quick buck if you cut benefits and lay off workers. But what happens in the long run? You've got no place to sell your goods. You made a killing in a year, but what happens the next year when there is no one to sell to?

Big business has to nurture it's labor force if it wants to continue to make profits in this country.

Of course, many companies have moved to "Zug" or the Cayman Islands.

The Associated Press: Rig owner holds closed-door meeting in Switzerland

Companies like BP, Trans-Ocean and Halliburton. They do this to avoid paying taxes. They just bleed this country dry. And then the Conservative Supreme Court calls them "people" and says they can spend as much as they want in the political process.

Then there are those that believe education is for "elitist". When I was a kid, every parent wanted their child to go to college and become a doctor, engineer, scientist, professor, businessman, just get an education and things will sort themselves out. Every parent. Now you have an entire political party that scoffs at education. Calls it communist and Marxist. I'm incredulous. What is wrong with these people? How did they get this stupid?

Worse, the people who need the help the most, want it and fight it at the same time.

This country is in a mess. It may take hitting rock bottom to get people to wake up.
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This country is in a mess. It may take hitting rock bottom to get people to wake up.

Rock Bottom is where I am "Afraid" that we are going.
Out of this Depression is where I "Hope" we are going.

Regardless of Crazy Pinko's beliefs, it is possible to still have hope even though one is very afraid.
Losing money as I have told you before is not good for people.
Never said it was good.
They usuallly do not like it even if you think it is fun.
and you complain about me misrepresenting your position? You've got balls, that's for sure. I never said it was fun.

Losing 599 or 699 or 999 dollars is bad regardless.
Are you saying they're all equally bad and it doesn't make any difference? That if you had to go into debt it wouldn't matter to you if it was $100 or $1,000,000? Neither is good, are you seriously claiming that a debt of $100 is not better than a debt of $1million?
Being close to recovery means exactly as I posted. We are still falling, but not as fast as we have been for the past three years.
And everyone else considers that to be an improvement. Losing $500/month is an improvement over losing $700/month even though total debt is still increasing.


As I have been saying for a year now, you are insane. All you do is post gibberish. Please get psychiatric help.

When you are sick and you blood platelettes are low and they stop being as low from day to day then the Dr will say you are recovering.

To pretend that a possitive trend is not a possitive trend makes you te crazy one Nue.
Is anyone on this site seriously claiming a "choice" between a Republican or Democrat next November 2nd will help anyone except Wall Street? (and the Pentagon)

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