Nothing says “Joy” like an angry, bitter, cackling hen who despises citizens who she puts at the end of a wagging finger, cackle’splaining how U S citizens are to take second place to her imported criminal illegals and terrorists.
Everything about Harris is fake and her every thought seems to focus on how best to denigrate Americans.
Vice President Harris dumped her so-called "campaign of joy" messaging for a more angry, bitter, and nasty tone as Election Day nears.
Vice President Kamala Harris dumped her so-called “campaign of joy” messaging for a more angry, bitter, and nasty tone with less than three weeks until Election Day.
shows Harris lost momentum in the past weeks while using the “campaign of joy.” Her new strategy appears to be the use of President Joe Biden’s 2020 and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 playbook that demonizes former President Donald Trump as unhinged, unstable, and unchecked.