Closing Message: Kamala Harris Dumps ‘Joy’ for Angry, Bitter, Nasty Tone

Nothing says “Joy” like an angry, bitter, cackling hen who despises citizens who she puts at the end of a wagging finger, cackle’splaining how U S citizens are to take second place to her imported criminal illegals and terrorists.

Everything about Harris is fake and her every thought seems to focus on how best to denigrate Americans.

Vice President Kamala Harris dumped her so-called “campaign of joy” messaging for a more angry, bitter, and nasty tone with less than three weeks until Election Day.

Polling shows Harris lost momentum in the past weeks while using the “campaign of joy.” Her new strategy appears to be the use of President Joe Biden’s 2020 and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 playbook that demonizes former President Donald Trump as unhinged, unstable, and unchecked.
She screwed Willie and got coveted positions through her fake career. Now she has to WORK and THINK for a change.;;; :laughing0301:
Being awarded a high-ranking position because libs value female blackness over merit is not an “accomplishment.” She used her minority status her entire life, and even took the spot of a disadvantaged minority to get into law school. So if you consider taking advantage, and even lying, about her identity in order to get slots over qualified people an “accomplishment,” she has nothing.
I'm voting for her but not because she is Black, Brown, or female. Are you voting for Trump because he is a White male?
I'm voting for her but not because she is Black, Brown, or female. Are you voting for Trump because he is a White male?
I’m voting for Trump because his policies were good for the country, and Kamala’s policies would continue the destruction. Plus, she’s stupid.

But you cannot deny that she was made VP, and hence positioned to be the nominee now, because she is a Female Black (sort of). She never would have gotten the spot if she had been white, or male.
I’m voting for Trump because his policies were good for the country, and Kamala’s policies would continue the destruction. Plus, she’s stupid.
Meow. What has she done that was stupid? Beating Trump in a debate?

But you cannot deny that she was made VP, and hence positioned to be the nominee now, because she is a Female Black (sort of). She never would have gotten the spot if she had been white, or male.
Did Biden choose her from the hundreds of qualified candidates because she represented a demographic that is generally not represented in the US? Probably.
Meow. What has she done that was stupid? Beating Trump in a debate?

The idiot can’t even answer basic questions.
Did Biden choose her from the hundreds of qualified candidates because she represented a demographic that is generally not represented in the US? Probably.
Yes, and that is racist. He should have picked someone qualified rather than prioritize female blackness.
The idiot can’t even answer basic questions.
Does any politician? Trump answers questions with lies, I guess you prefer that.

Yes, and that is racist. He should have picked someone qualified rather than prioritize female blackness.
That's humorous since you don't know Biden's priorities. Did Trump pick Pence because he was the most qualified to be VP or did Trump want to court the evangelical Christian vote.

An AG and Senator not qualified? How qualified was any president?
No accomplishments!!!

She is the first woman, the first African American, and the first Asian American to be vice president. She is the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history. From 2017 to 2021, she represented California in the United States Senate. Before that, she was the attorney general of California.

Your turn.
Wow. Your fawning, drooling announcement of "African American" heritage is curious as it means everything of substance regarding her DIE privilege. You do understand that she is the VP specifically because she was the “trendy" correct color?
Wow. Your fawning, drooling announcement of "African American" heritage is curious as it means everything of substance regarding her DIE privilege. You do understand that she is the VP specifically because she was the “trendy" correct color?
So being a woman of color was her ONLY qualification? Being a lawyer, an AG, or a Senator was irrelevant since thousands of people have that on their resume. I don't, do you?
So being a woman of color was her ONLY qualification? Being a lawyer, an AG, or a Senator was irrelevant since thousands of people have that on their resume. I don't, do you?

being a POC was the defining characteristic as explained by ole' stumblebum.

being a POC was the defining characteristic as explained by ole' stumblebum.
He is proud to have a diverse administration in a diverse nation. Do you think diversity is a good thing or a bad thing?
He is proud to have a diverse administration in a diverse nation. Do you think diversity is a good thing or a bad thing?
Why do you think DIE is a rational reason to hire anyone?

Biden is a dummy who caved to the woke mob.
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