C'mon, Obamabots, FOCUS!!....Time for ACORN Damage Control!!

The libs are busy with Mr. Wilson...

They don't have time for this insignificant matter... Dammit, someone dissed the 0ssiah! Forces are being mobilized!

Wilson fucks up and conservatives and Republicans alike promptly condemn what he said and where he said it. No hesitation. No reticence. Even if there is some underlying merit to the substance of what Wilson said (and there is), his piss-poor behavior got promptly and rightfully condemned by his "own" side.

ACORN gets CAUGHT on tape engaging in criminal behavior, and with only a few exceptions, the lefties IMMEDIATELY jump on the chance to condemn

Wilson --

but forthrightly embrace stoney silence on the criminal behavior of ACORN!

Libs are, largely, very much like Brave Sir Robin!

Because, clearly, there exists an equivalence between a member of Congress and some idiots working in an office somewhere.

The member of Congress broke no law, only a rule of decorum.

The mere idiot office workers worked for ACORN and their criminal behavior is not the only ACORN illegality presently rearing its head in the news. ACORN is more than just an "office somewhere." It is a backbone entity of President Obama's primary purpose, his background and his identity. It is not a conservative organization by any stretch. It is exclusively a libbie organization.

But still, if your standard is that only the actions, words and behaviors of Congress are worthy of this kind of attention, then I'm sure we will hear no more about it when some fubar whack-job allegedly conservative minister does or says something which has traditonally been hung around the necks of all conservatives. Thanks! :exclaim:

We ALL do, since ACORN receives OUR federal tax dollars.

Uhh, that's not true.
Uhh, yes it is.

An Examiner review of federal spending data found that ACORN has received at least $53 million in federal money since 1994. A downloadable spreadsheet of the $53 million is posted on washingtonexaminer.com.
However, ACORN claims on it's website that it has received NO federal monies.

That alone warrants an investigation, no?
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That's not what the film makers themselves say. Hannah, who played "Kenya" the hooker in the vid, said she "drained her savings" for the trip to Baltimore to do this. The two kids used their own money to do it, couldn't afford half a dozen stops.

Nice apologist try though.

You're actually going to believe Levinson? CNN apparently did, why no interviews of the film makers in that story?

Don't you question the integrity of CNN's reporting here? Totally one-sided.

Edit to add: Doesn't it seem odd that a "community organizer" type deal such as ACORN wasn't organized enough to use like -- I dunno, email or fax -- to WARN all of their offices about this "scam attempt," if it really was attempted numerous times?

If there WAS such a warning, it would be anecdotal proof, at least, of Levinson's claims. Why didn't CNN ask him to back up that claim?

How exactly would anyone know it was a scam? Do hookers not need tax advice?

Maybe we can go after lawyers next for giving advice to criminals.
Did you even watch the videos?

Although your comparison is idiotic, remember that any lawyer who suborns perjury, for example, will face disbarment and jail time. And that's just one of the plethora of ethics deals lawyers have to live by.

What's in the video is a TAX ADVISER showing someone engaged in an ILLEGAL ACTIVITY how to dummy up tax forms to legitimize the income, and how to be able to claim underage, illegal "imported" 14 year old girls from El Salvador as dependents to get the child tax credit! And DIDN'T EVEN BLINK AN EYE when told the 14 year-olds were gonna be HOOKERS too! There's at least FIVE federal laws broken there.

Watch the fucking video and read the fucking transcript, at least!

It's shameful and it's highly criminal.
I could have told the "Conservative FIlmaker" to focus only on ACORN office in battleground states.
How exactly would anyone know it was a scam? Do hookers not need tax advice?

Maybe we can go after lawyers next for giving advice to criminals.
Did you even watch the videos?

Although your comparison is idiotic, remember that any lawyer who suborns perjury, for example, will face disbarment and jail time. And that's just one of the plethora of ethics deals lawyers have to live by.

What's in the video is a TAX ADVISER showing someone engaged in an ILLEGAL ACTIVITY how to dummy up tax forms to legitimize the income, and how to be able to claim underage, illegal "imported" 14 year old girls from El Salvador as dependents to get the child tax credit! And DIDN'T EVEN BLINK AN EYE when told the 14 year-olds were gonna be HOOKERS too! There's at least FIVE federal laws broken there.

Watch the fucking video and read the fucking transcript, at least!

It's shameful and it's highly criminal.
And here's the rub: I understand there is no way to prosecute these idjits. Liability definitely does too I am sure. Because there's no paperwork, no money exchanged hands, and the video itself isn't admissible. But being unable to prosecute does not indicate innocence.

The IRS needs to go through everything that "tax adviser" has ever done, with a fine-toothed comb. Whatever license she has for dispensing tax advice needs to be pulled immediately.

And Congress needs to INVESTIGATE this hydra that is ACORN.

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The conservative filmmakers unsuccessfully attempted similar ruses at the group's offices in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Los Angeles, California, and New York, Levenson said.
ACORN workers caught on tape allegedly advising on prostitution - CNN.com

These guys failed to get a bite at the first five ACORN offices they visited. On the sixth try, they found a couple of douche bags. Hardly an indictment of the whole group.

Wanna bet that I could set up the NRA? If I visited a half dozen NRA offices and asked about how to get my hands on an illegal automatic weapon, how long before someone gave the advice on how to do it?

You won't get an honest answer to that one.

:lol: and just wat answer do you think there should be?

Wilson fucks up and conservatives and Republicans alike promptly condemn what he said and where he said it. No hesitation. No reticence. Even if there is some underlying merit to the substance of what Wilson said (and there is), his piss-poor behavior got promptly and rightfully condemned by his "own" side.

ACORN gets CAUGHT on tape engaging in criminal behavior, and with only a few exceptions, the lefties IMMEDIATELY jump on the chance to condemn

Wilson --

but forthrightly embrace stoney silence on the criminal behavior of ACORN!

Libs are, largely, very much like Brave Sir Robin!

Because, clearly, there exists an equivalence between a member of Congress and some idiots working in an office somewhere.

The member of Congress broke no law, only a rule of decorum.

The mere idiot office workers worked for ACORN and their criminal behavior is not the only ACORN illegality presently rearing its head in the news. ACORN is more than just an "office somewhere." It is a backbone entity of President Obama's primary purpose, his background and his identity. It is not a conservative organization by any stretch. It is exclusively a libbie organization.

But still, if your standard is that only the actions, words and behaviors of Congress are worthy of this kind of attention, then I'm sure we will hear no more about it when some fubar whack-job allegedly conservative minister does or says something which has traditonally been hung around the necks of all conservatives. Thanks! :exclaim:


I see the point sailed right over your head. There is a difference between an elected official of a political party doing something and therefore being criticized by other members and some paperpushers for an activist group saying something stupid. To claim that ACORN is connected to the White House is a claim beyond all reason. It's just another extension of the same race baiting line of attack the Republicans have been undertaking for months.
We ALL do, since ACORN receives OUR federal tax dollars.

Uhh, that's not true.

Uhh, it certainly IS true.


And since you asked, Polk, here's a link of another post I offered (different but related thread) addressing the topic with internal links to support my position: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1506300-post136.html

I stand (semi)corrected, because that still doesn't really support the claims you guys are making. They're an umbrella group. Legally speaking, this is no different from the Bush administration giving taxpayer money to churches.
Uhh, that's not true.

Uhh, it certainly IS true.


And since you asked, Polk, here's a link of another post I offered (different but related thread) addressing the topic with internal links to support my position: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1506300-post136.html

I stand (semi)corrected, because that still doesn't really support the claims you guys are making. They're an umbrella group. Legally speaking, this is no different from the Bush administration giving taxpayer money to churches.

I remember reading after the faith based initiatives were instituted that the government had already been supporting many faith based charities for decades and all this did was level the playing field for all who wished to participate. Because of the controls and intrusive restrictions many decided not to participate. Unfortunately my Google skills are not the best and I have not been able to locate the articles discussing this issue.
Uhh, that's not true.

Uhh, it certainly IS true.


And since you asked, Polk, here's a link of another post I offered (different but related thread) addressing the topic with internal links to support my position: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1506300-post136.html

I stand (semi)corrected, because that still doesn't really support the claims you guys are making. They're an umbrella group. Legally speaking, this is no different from the Bush administration giving taxpayer money to churches.
So you AGREE then, that ACORN should be investigated by Congress?

And by the way I don't buy your Boooooooooosh/Churches analogy. Government has given money to religious organizations for well over 100 years and still continues to do so. But I AM surprised it took this long for one of you partisans to evoke Booooooooooosh.

ACORN is a religious organization now? You DO understand it's a different rulebook, right?
Uhh, it certainly IS true.


And since you asked, Polk, here's a link of another post I offered (different but related thread) addressing the topic with internal links to support my position: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1506300-post136.html

I stand (semi)corrected, because that still doesn't really support the claims you guys are making. They're an umbrella group. Legally speaking, this is no different from the Bush administration giving taxpayer money to churches.
So you AGREE then, that ACORN should be investigated by Congress?

I don't think it would be out of line to investigate any possible wrongdoing by ACORN. I don't think it's something that necessarily needs to be handled by the Congress (the FBI and the IRS have much more expertise at this sort of thing), but the broader concept has merit. Of course, I've been called for investigations of tax-exempt groups for years.

And by the way I don't buy your Boooooooooosh/Churches analogy. Government has given money to religious organizations for well over 100 years and still continues to do so. But I AM surprised it took this long for one of you partisans to evoke Booooooooooosh.

ACORN is a religious organization now? You DO understand it's a different rulebook, right?

The entire point is that both groups serve as umbrellas for both activities which taxpayer funds are lawfully provided (housing assistance in the case of ACORN, substance abuse programs by religious bodies) and activities for which the use of public funds would be illegal.
I stand (semi)corrected, because that still doesn't really support the claims you guys are making. They're an umbrella group. Legally speaking, this is no different from the Bush administration giving taxpayer money to churches.
So you AGREE then, that ACORN should be investigated by Congress?

I don't think it would be out of line to investigate any possible wrongdoing by ACORN. I don't think it's something that necessarily needs to be handled by the Congress (the FBI and the IRS have much more expertise at this sort of thing), but the broader concept has merit. Of course, I've been called for investigations of tax-exempt groups for years.

And by the way I don't buy your Boooooooooosh/Churches analogy. Government has given money to religious organizations for well over 100 years and still continues to do so. But I AM surprised it took this long for one of you partisans to evoke Booooooooooosh.

ACORN is a religious organization now? You DO understand it's a different rulebook, right?
The entire point is that both groups serve as umbrellas for both activities which taxpayer funds are lawfully provided (housing assistance in the case of ACORN, substance abuse programs by religious bodies) and activities for which the use of public funds would be illegal.
You well know it's CONGRESS who investigates these, with the FBI and IRS being tools of the investigation.

You're calling for an investigation of ACORN, correct? Then we're all on the same page, but let's drop the "yeah but MOM look at what the other kids are doing too" mantra. That's never worked, even on Mom.

As soon as arrests, indictments, and even sting videos come out on any other org which gets our money, I want them investigated as well.
I wouldn't be opposed to an investigation, but it shouldn't be a Congressional three-ring-circus. The investigations should be conducted agencies that are focused on investigating, not looking to make political grandstands.
I wouldn't be opposed to an investigation, but it shouldn't be a Congressional three-ring-circus. The investigations should be conducted agencies that are focused on investigating, not looking to make political grandstands.
The Congress is charged with investigating organizations which get federal monies. You know this.

Here's one they NEED to investigate, have hearings on, get UNDER OATH testimony.

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