CNN Analyst: Many Americans Will Dismiss Media as ‘Leftist Liars’ Over Disputed BuzzFeed Story


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
CNN Analyst: Many Americans Will Dismiss Media as ‘Leftist Liars’ Over Disputed BuzzFeed Story
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin fretted Friday that many Americans would dismiss the news media as a "bunch of leftist liars" in the wake of the BuzzFeed News story called "not accurate" by special counsel Robert Mueller's office.... BuzzFeed set off a Washington firestorm on Thursday with its report that President Donald Trump had directed longtime lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. However, on Friday night, a spokesman for Mueller's office said the report was "not accurate."... "BuzzFeed's description of specific statements to the Special Counsel's Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen's Congressional testimony are not accurate," the spokesman said in a statement.... The story had dominated political discussions throughout the day on Friday, with multiple Democrats saying the report, if true, could merit impeachment proceedings against Trump. The rare comment by Mueller's office calling the report inaccurate caused the left-leaning Toobin to worry it would further diminish the media's reputation with the public.... "The larger message that a lot of people are going to take from this story is that the news media are a bunch of leftist liars who are dying to get the president, and they're willing to lie to do it," Toobin said. "And I don't think that's true."... "I just think this is a bad day for us … It reinforces every bad stereotype about the news media," he added. Also read more:

They the Praetorian Guard for the “Progressive Marxist Socialist” agenda. Goebbels would be proud of their propaganda.
Hmm..., CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin fretted Friday that many Americans would dismiss the news media as a “bunch of leftist liars” in the wake of the BuzzFeed News story called “not accurate” by special counsel Robert Mueller’s office. Note to Mr. Toobin....., That ship sailed a long, long time ago....
If people didn’t already realize that CNN and the rest of the LSM are nothing but DNC propagandists by now then this story won’t make any difference to them. Once you go full retard it’s hard to come back.
Indeed, Toobin is worrying about the reputation of the MSM reporting. It's like a prostitute worrying about people finding out she’s not really a virgin.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat news machine never once stopped to consider Trump might actually be innocent and their trashing the President said a lot more about them than it said about him. Its not about fake news. Its about our culture and the way our country been ripped by them right down the middle.
The crestfallen faces in news rooms show they’ve learned nothing from the Buzzfeed disaster and in fact they’ll forget everything.
At this point, I really doubt there are too many Americans who DO NOT believe the MSM is slanted to the left, and we've all witnessed one hit piece after another really since Reagan, and it has progressively gotten worse until now it's simply laughable that there's any truly journalistic objectivity.
I just think this is a bad day for us … It reinforces every bad stereotype about the news media," he added. Also read more
Yeah, don't you just HATE when stereotypes are TRUE?


Commie propagandists' goose-stepping chickens are coming home to roost.

Take your fucking medicine!
The liberal media have exposed themselves for who they really are, dishonest biased partisan hacks not journalists.
Toobin's own spin is part of the problem. He excuses the media hysteria over promoting a story they couldn't verify that went on to be discredited by Mueller as the media "having a bad day".
On CNN last night Lemon was attacking TRUMP over a tweet about prayer rugs being found along the border, with Lemon going into hysterics over TRUMP tweeting something that wasn't verified.
If the gist of the story was true, Mueller wouldn't have said it was inaccurate, duh.
If the gist of the story was true, Mueller wouldn't have said it was inaccurate, duh.
Ok, for the slow-witted:




If the story was false they would have said false.
Trump has already admitted to writing Traitor Tot’s lies to Congress. Is it so hard for the wingnuts to believe he also told Cohen to lie?

Mueller knows everything, in no small part because of the FBI raid on Cohen’s office.
Journalism is dead; replaced by propagandists.
Many of us already knew this.
Dismissed them as liars a long long time ago. Of course they are communist and anti-American as well.

Good thing that more people are seeing the truth.

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