CNN Jeffery Toobin goes all in for character assassination.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Democrats have their rallying cry for November! This Libtoad croaks "IF you sexually assaulted a girl in high school your life SHOULD BE RUINED". The operative word in his statement is IF. That's the point you idiot, a court of law is what determines IF there is enough PROOF to merit ruining a man's life. NOT some random women making wild accusations from 30 or 40 years ago. This is like a repeating episode of Liberals gone mad.

If he is Confirmed the big money Globalist Donors are going to cause havok. The good news is Americans are getting quite annoyed with it, it's becoming a situation where they feel bullied to vote or support a particular issue the way some annoying sob wants them too.

I don't know about you, but when someone tries to bully me I fight back. The Democrats were looking strong for the Mid-Terms, I think the antics of the last two weeks in particular have really awoken the right, centralists and Independents. It may just work out for Trump in 2018.
It just reminds everyone of liberal democrat hypocrisy..

Democrats/fake news will never get over fully supporting a rapist in the White House.. and they still love him and his tubby enabler..
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Democrats have their rallying cry for November! This Libtoad croaks "IF you sexually assaulted a girl in high school your life SHOULD BE RUINED". The operative word in his statement is IF. That's the point you idiot, a court of law is what determines IF there is enough PROOF to merit ruining a man's life. NOT some random women making wild accusations from 30 or 40 years ago. This is like a repeating episode of Liberals gone mad.

You don't agree? That if you sexually assault someone in high school your life should be ruined?
Democrats have their rallying cry for November! This Libtoad croaks "IF you sexually assaulted a girl in high school your life SHOULD BE RUINED". The operative word in his statement is IF. That's the point you idiot, a court of law is what determines IF there is enough PROOF to merit ruining a man's life. NOT some random women making wild accusations from 30 or 40 years ago. This is like a repeating episode of Liberals gone mad.

You don't agree? That if you sexually assault someone in high school your life should be ruined?

Corey booker anyone? Remind us what your stance on him is?
Keep pouring it on, libs. As you’re gonna get your asses bitten Election Day may as well make it a great big one.

Well, I will agree that males who like to put their hands on women without consent are not going to like all this.

You dont think chicks get drunk and grab on dudes? YOU might not (for obvious reasons) but strait chicks do. Sorry.
Democrats have their rallying cry for November! This Libtoad croaks "IF you sexually assaulted a girl in high school your life SHOULD BE RUINED". The operative word in his statement is IF. That's the point you idiot, a court of law is what determines IF there is enough PROOF to merit ruining a man's life. NOT some random women making wild accusations from 30 or 40 years ago. This is like a repeating episode of Liberals gone mad.

Isn't this the Democrat Fake News CNN clown that got caught masturbating on a work Zoom call?

Toobin apparently didn’t just, um, take it out: “VICE updated the story to include more gruesome details: two sources saw Toobin pleasuring himself during an election simulation call featuring Jelani Cobb, Jane Mayer and other New Yorker big names. Graciously they appended this immortal editorial note: ‘This piece has been updated with more detail about the call and the headline has been updated to reflect that Toobin was masturbating.’”

He may not find actual election night as stimulating.


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