CNN Says March "... not about women, it's about liberalism"

Women and women's rights are a cornerstone foundation of any progressive ideology, liberalism included.

To assign special rights to a select group is, in fact, a cornerstone of progressive ideology. There's no doubt about that. "Fair and equal" is not a phrase with which liberals are familiar.

Women are not a select group. They are half, and in some cases more than half of the population.

Aren't women considered a minority?
CNN analyst Bakari Sellers let slip a shocking revelation about the Women’s March Saturday.

“It’s not about women, it’s about liberalism,” he said.

It started when Sellers and Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance got in an argument about the inclusiveness of the march. (RELATED: These Are Some Of The Craziest Signs From The Women’s March)

“The Democratic Party is hollowed out. We did lose 1,000 seats. We did lose governor’s mansions, no question about it,” Sellers said. “The fact is that people came out today in something that we haven’t seen in this country or around this world in a very long period of time. This is not anti-Trump. This is pro-America.”

Nance shot back, saying the march was not inclusive to all women and bringing up the March for Life that occurs each year in D.C.

“March for life, been going on for 43 years, will have about, 400,000, 500,000, next weekend,” she said. “ will need all of you back here to have the same conversation next weekend, because that [March for Life] is ignored on a regular basis. This is not new.”

She then brought up the fact that it shouldn’t have been “called a women’s march,” because pro-life women were not included.

That’s when Sellers laughed and corrected Nance, saying it wasn’t about women at all.

When did Sellers grow a vagina?????
He got his manufactured.
Women and women's rights are a cornerstone foundation of any progressive ideology, liberalism included.

To assign special rights to a select group is, in fact, a cornerstone of progressive ideology. There's no doubt about that. "Fair and equal" is not a phrase with which liberals are familiar.

Women are not a select group. They are half, and in some cases more than half of the population.

To assign a group, no matter how large or how small, special rights is an indicator of progressive ideology.

I'm curious ---- how come we don't have special rights for prostate cancer patients?

The whole concept of democracy is that ALL people, no matter their group, are given the same rights. Creating special caveats simply because they are women, or black, or Hispanic, or whatever the hell you want to divide the people into, is simply wrong. Let me know when you start a special tax break for left handed masturbaters. This damn lotion is about to bankrupt me.
CNN analyst Bakari Sellers let slip a shocking revelation about the Women’s March Saturday.

“It’s not about women, it’s about liberalism,” he said.

It started when Sellers and Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance got in an argument about the inclusiveness of the march. (RELATED: These Are Some Of The Craziest Signs From The Women’s March)

“The Democratic Party is hollowed out. We did lose 1,000 seats. We did lose governor’s mansions, no question about it,” Sellers said. “The fact is that people came out today in something that we haven’t seen in this country or around this world in a very long period of time. This is not anti-Trump. This is pro-America.”

Nance shot back, saying the march was not inclusive to all women and bringing up the March for Life that occurs each year in D.C.

“March for life, been going on for 43 years, will have about, 400,000, 500,000, next weekend,” she said. “ will need all of you back here to have the same conversation next weekend, because that [March for Life] is ignored on a regular basis. This is not new.”

She then brought up the fact that it shouldn’t have been “called a women’s march,” because pro-life women were not included.

That’s when Sellers laughed and corrected Nance, saying it wasn’t about women at all.

BULLSHIT: This is what happens when you elect a vile, vulgar, foul mouthed, immature, woman assaulting pig and put him in the oval office dumb ass.

Every woman was there, it didn't matter if they were pro life or pro choice, they were there. Millions of them all over this country participated. Even in the freezing cold.

New York


Washington D.C.


Denver, Colorado


San Franciso




Las Vegas, Nevada


Los Angeles




This is just a smidgen of the women that were protesting yesterday. They were all over the country, and it had absolutely NOTHING to do whether they were a Republican/Democrat/Independent or whether they were pro life or pro choice. They made a noise that went around the world. They were all out there because they had one single thing in common. The douch bag of a President you installed in the Oval office.

REPUBLICANS HAVE AWOKEN A SLEEPING GIANT. You have officially declared war on every single woman in this country, and it's a war you're going to lose.
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CNN analyst Bakari Sellers let slip a shocking revelation about the Women’s March Saturday.

“It’s not about women, it’s about liberalism,” he said.

It started when Sellers and Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance got in an argument about the inclusiveness of the march. (RELATED: These Are Some Of The Craziest Signs From The Women’s March)

“The Democratic Party is hollowed out. We did lose 1,000 seats. We did lose governor’s mansions, no question about it,” Sellers said. “The fact is that people came out today in something that we haven’t seen in this country or around this world in a very long period of time. This is not anti-Trump. This is pro-America.”

Nance shot back, saying the march was not inclusive to all women and bringing up the March for Life that occurs each year in D.C.

“March for life, been going on for 43 years, will have about, 400,000, 500,000, next weekend,” she said. “ will need all of you back here to have the same conversation next weekend, because that [March for Life] is ignored on a regular basis. This is not new.”

She then brought up the fact that it shouldn’t have been “called a women’s march,” because pro-life women were not included.

That’s when Sellers laughed and corrected Nance, saying it wasn’t about women at all.

BULLSHIT: This is what happens when you elect a vile, vulgar, foul mouthed, immature, woman assaulting pig and put him in the oval office dumb ass.

Every woman was there, it didn't matter if they were pro life or pro choice, they were there. Millions of them all over this country participated. Even in the freezing cold.

New York


Washington D.C.


Denver, Colorado


San Franciso




Las Vegas, Nevada


Los Angeles




This is just a smidgen of the women that were protesting yesterday. They were all over the country, and it had absolutely NOTHING to do whether they were a Republican/Democrat/Independent or whether they were pro life or pro choice. They made a noise that went around the world. They were all out there because they had one single thing in common. The douch bag of a President you installed in the Oval office.

REPUBLICANS HAVE AWOKEN A SLEEPING GIANT. You have officially declared war on every single woman in this country, and it's a war you're going to lose.

That is categorically false. There were women's rights groups denied. (Check out New Wave Feminists).

They marched on their own, but were ridiculed and attacked by the loving, kind, and inclusive women of the march.
If women had used this same enthusiasm to vote for Hillary, should would have won. 42% of females voted for Trump.
CNN analyst Bakari Sellers let slip a shocking revelation about the Women’s March Saturday.

“It’s not about women, it’s about liberalism,” he said.

It started when Sellers and Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance got in an argument about the inclusiveness of the march. (RELATED: These Are Some Of The Craziest Signs From The Women’s March)

“The Democratic Party is hollowed out. We did lose 1,000 seats. We did lose governor’s mansions, no question about it,” Sellers said. “The fact is that people came out today in something that we haven’t seen in this country or around this world in a very long period of time. This is not anti-Trump. This is pro-America.”

Nance shot back, saying the march was not inclusive to all women and bringing up the March for Life that occurs each year in D.C.

“March for life, been going on for 43 years, will have about, 400,000, 500,000, next weekend,” she said. “ will need all of you back here to have the same conversation next weekend, because that [March for Life] is ignored on a regular basis. This is not new.”

She then brought up the fact that it shouldn’t have been “called a women’s march,” because pro-life women were not included.

That’s when Sellers laughed and corrected Nance, saying it wasn’t about women at all.

BULLSHIT: This is what happens when you elect a vile, vulgar, foul mouthed, immature, woman assaulting pig and put him in the oval office dumb ass.

Every woman was there, it didn't matter if they were pro life or pro choice, they were there. Millions of them all over this country participated. Even in the freezing cold.

New York


Washington D.C.


Denver, Colorado


San Franciso




Las Vegas, Nevada


Los Angeles




This is just a smidgen of the women that were protesting yesterday. They were all over the country, and it had absolutely NOTHING to do whether they were a Republican/Democrat/Independent or whether they were pro life or pro choice. They made a noise that went around the world. They were all out there because they had one single thing in common. The douch bag of a President you installed in the Oval office.

REPUBLICANS HAVE AWOKEN A SLEEPING GIANT. You have officially declared war on every single woman in this country, and it's a war you're going to lose.

Liar. Pro-life and pro-Trump women were booted and you know it.

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