Cobra: Covenant (Terrorism-DNA)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Has terrorism 'bruised' our nationalism-sensibilities (e.g., My Fellow Americans)?

Signing off,



At the Philadelphia Auto Show (held this year in June), two secret U.S. military-operatives known as 'G.I. Joes' were evaluating the social appeal of new age cars in the emerging geopolitical commerce-based landscape following the symbolic peace-promoting Winter Olympics in PyeongChang (South Korea). These two G.I. Joes were Snake-Eyes and Scarlett. They were sent to the Philly Auto Show by G.I. Joe Commander Duke. The auto-show featured many luscious cars on display and futuristic models, so even U.S. President Donald Trump (a former 'capitalism-baron') was there(!).


Meanwhile, back at the G.I. Joe secret fortress in Virginia, the wily democracy-tactician Pistol (brother of Scarlett!) was closely-monitoring a bizarre situation in which there were groups of hippies beaching on the beaches of Miami for no apparent reason that summer. Pistol was sure there was something unusual being 'planned' by the super-terrorist organization known as 'Cobra' and they may have been using the hippies as a 'front' for this new 'scheme.' Pistol decided to stakeout Miami Beach while Scarlett and Snake-Eyes were at the auto-show.


Since the Philly Auto-Show went beautifully, Snake-Eyes and Scarlett were thrilled and decided to bring back their report to G.I. Joe Commander Duke, thinking everything was more-or-less hunky-dory. However, when they got back to their fortress in Virginia, to their shock, they discovered that the Auto Show (which was highly-marketed by the U.S. government, since Americans believed the terrorist groups ISIS and Cobra had surrendered) was a 'veil' for a secret nuclear-submarine terrorism invasion Cobra was planning in Miami Beach. Pistol (Scarlett's brother) was correct, after all!


Cobra dropped dozens of agents onto Miami Beach, pouring out of the nuclear-submarines. Some of these Cobra drones were dressed as 'Leatherface' (fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal from iconic Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror-film franchise) and running around the beach simply terrorizing the people of Miami and making them think that America was being invaded by a hoard of psychopaths. You see, Cobra's intention was to use commercial stability as a 'veil' to create random anarchy. G.I. Joe Commander Duke informed U.S. President Donald Trump that a nuclear-strike by incendiary North Korea was surely to follow(!).


GOD: It seems terrorism has become a 'natural instinct.'
SATAN: It's a shame America does not 'nationalize' On the Road!
GOD: Why (and how) would America 'nationalize' Kerouac?
SATAN: Kerouac symbolizes pedestrian imagination, and capitalism requires propaganda.
GOD: So if we, say, nationalize a book for merchandising, capitalism will...prosper?
SATAN: Precisely. Capitalism requires the marketing of 'high-quality crafts.'
GOD: Isn't that addressed by Microsoft and Apple Computers?
SATAN: Computers and software are merely the 'tools' for modern networking.
GOD: So you're suggesting that modern anti-terrorism requires 'aesthetic marketing.'
SATAN: Isn't that why films like Used Cars and Toys are so popular/symbolic?
GOD: Well, G.I. Joe Commander Duke is in control of this Miami 'scenario.'
SATAN: Cobra is coordinating a global terrorism 'symphony.'
GOD: Perhaps Hollywood should make a speculation-film (e.g., Clear and Present Danger).
SATAN: Never underestimate the spiritual impact of terrorism-paranoia.
GOD: After 9/11, the world is on edge about commerce-symbolic terrorism!
SATAN: That's why PyeongChang (Winter Olympics) rallied South Korea and North Korea.
GOD: The new sci-fi horror-film Alien: Covenant seems symbolic of 'federalism-fears.'
SATAN: Terrorism awakens Americans to the anxiety about national composure...




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