Old Rocks
Diamond Member
What is being missed by those reviewing that NCDC graphic is that it entails a comparative time period of 30 years, starting in 1971 when dire warning of an impending Ice Age were being sounded. These warning continued throughout the 1970's as did lower than "normal" temps.
So you have a "norm baseline" that was constructed from a decade of below normal temps, thus we see yet more sleight of hand being performed by the flat-earth global warmers.
Now satellite data is a bit more accurate than the surface temps that are open to manipulations to coordinate a predetermined outcome - aka, "Hide the Decline." (satellite data can be manipulated as well though - so proceed with caution!)
This data only goes back about 30 years though, so its use is relatively short term in overall global temperature comparisons. That being said, the satellite data trends do not show a current crisis in global temps...
1998 is clearly an outlier. Remove that one year of temperature readings from the 30 year satellite record and we see global temps that remain relatively stable.
Man-Made Global Warming is utter bullshit...
The above stands.
Nothing the flat-earther warmers have stated disputes it...
Look at the UAH MSU graph. Go to the 0.4 line. Follow it across. The temperature does not cross it until 1998. And crosses in again 7 times between 1998 and 2009. That is cooling?
As usual, you cannot even comprehend your own evidence.