Comey Sues To Block Subpoena For Him To Testify Before Congress

Enlighten us. What has Comey been charged with, to where he needs to "prove his innocence."

1. ACCORDING TO DEMOCRAT RULES Comey is already GUILTY until proven innocent, the burden of proof being on the ACCUSED - COMEY - not the accuser.

2. He has been accused of PERJURY by his former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, who has already been recommended for indictment by the US IG months ago but whom fellow co-conspirator US Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein REFUSES to indict.

in his test messages to his adulterous FBI partner Strzok talked about 'The Secret Society' - that had already met - and their 'INFORMATION LEAK STRATEGY'. Comey threw McCabe under the bus and blamed him for the / any leaks - Under oath and in testimony before Congress McCabe declared Comey had LIED to Congress when he said he knew nothing about leaked information, that he DID KNOW! (Strzok's adulterous partner was asked by Congress what the texts Strzok sent her meant....she responded by telling them THEY MEAN EXACTLY WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE THEY MEAN!)

Additional evidence has come out further exposing the entire Conspiracy, how Srtzok worked with the DOJ, CIA, and NIA to help author false Intel Community Assessments and Reports the CIA and FBI then illegally used to lie to Congress and the FISA Court by telling them the report was based on 'legitimate Intel instead of truthfully off of the Russian-authored Dossier.....Steele working with the DOJ through Oher/Oher's Fusin GPS wife, how Mueller was working / communicating with Oher and Steele on the Dossier before the investigation officially opened and before Mueller was named Special Counsel, etc......

The documents regarding all of these have been deemed 'classified', which Mueller knows...and he, unlike snowflakes, is smart enough to know testifying under oath before a public committee about all of this information is his ONLY hope of not getting indicted / going to jail because he can refuse to answer do to classification levels, which he could not do in a closed-door hearing!

1. Comey is not applying for a lifetime position in the federal government.

2. Maybe it is because they have not found any evidence of a crime. The IG report said 2 different things. He found no evidence of crimes by McCabe but still recommended a prosecution.

There is no secret society. Srtzok joked about a secret society and idiots like you take it seriously. This is the only secret society I know.

We don't know what Paige said. We know what Republicans said. A transcript of her testimony has NEVER been released so we have no idea what was actually said. That is probably why Comey refuses to testify in public.

There is no conspiracy. You want to smear our intel agencies because you don't like what they said. The fact is that the FISA court was told of the political origins of the dossier. Comey also said that parts were verified. The Russians wanted Trump to win.

The Republicans are abusing their authority to get 1 last smear in. The only freak show I see is you and Donald Trump.
The FBI and DOJ did some wonderful work with HSBC bank...................LOL ...........under the previous administration............

But hey.Comey was only on the board of directors for a little while before becoming the Top Dog now didn't he....

RINO wait till few workdays left, lol AFTER losing majority then suddenly try to make noise? After sitting around for 2 years? Pathetic. They are all in the swamp and like the perks. They don't help or protect the Great President Trump.

I am glad some RINO got voted out. Back Trump or walk. I hope w/o pension.
Make note of the Judge if he grants a citizen the right to ignore a subpoena. It will be useful for the Republicans when the new House starts issuing the same.
He is not ignoring it
He has legal objections to it

Why don’t we just pick up the investigation next month?
Make note of the Judge if he grants a citizen the right to ignore a subpoena. It will be useful for the Republicans when the new House starts issuing the same.
He is not ignoring it
He has legal objections to it

Why don’t we just pick up the investigation next month?
Why don't we say we did and watch football..............

Enjoy the show folks............that's all any of this is..................
Enlighten us. What has Comey been charged with, to where he needs to "prove his innocence."

1. ACCORDING TO DEMOCRAT RULES Comey is already GUILTY until proven innocent, the burden of proof being on the ACCUSED - COMEY - not the accuser.

2. He has been accused of PERJURY by his former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, who has already been recommended for indictment by the US IG months ago but whom fellow co-conspirator US Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein REFUSES to indict.

in his test messages to his adulterous FBI partner Strzok talked about 'The Secret Society' - that had already met - and their 'INFORMATION LEAK STRATEGY'. Comey threw McCabe under the bus and blamed him for the / any leaks - Under oath and in testimony before Congress McCabe declared Comey had LIED to Congress when he said he knew nothing about leaked information, that he DID KNOW! (Strzok's adulterous partner was asked by Congress what the texts Strzok sent her meant....she responded by telling them THEY MEAN EXACTLY WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE THEY MEAN!)

Additional evidence has come out further exposing the entire Conspiracy, how Srtzok worked with the DOJ, CIA, and NIA to help author false Intel Community Assessments and Reports the CIA and FBI then illegally used to lie to Congress and the FISA Court by telling them the report was based on 'legitimate Intel instead of truthfully off of the Russian-authored Dossier.....Steele working with the DOJ through Oher/Oher's Fusin GPS wife, how Mueller was working / communicating with Oher and Steele on the Dossier before the investigation officially opened and before Mueller was named Special Counsel, etc......

The documents regarding all of these have been deemed 'classified', which Mueller knows...and he, unlike snowflakes, is smart enough to know testifying under oath before a public committee about all of this information is his ONLY hope of not getting indicted / going to jail because he can refuse to answer do to classification levels, which he could not do in a closed-door hearing!

1. Comey is not applying for a lifetime position in the federal government.

2. Maybe it is because they have not found any evidence of a crime. The IG report said 2 different things. He found no evidence of crimes by McCabe but still recommended a prosecution.

There is no secret society. Srtzok joked about a secret society and idiots like you take it seriously. This is the only secret society I know.

We don't know what Paige said. We know what Republicans said. A transcript of her testimony has NEVER been released so we have no idea what was actually said. That is probably why Comey refuses to testify in public.

There is no conspiracy. You want to smear our intel agencies because you don't like what they said. The fact is that the FISA court was told of the political origins of the dossier. Comey also said that parts were verified. The Russians wanted Trump to win.

The Republicans are abusing their authority to get 1 last smear in. The only freak show I see is you and Donald Trump.
The FBI and DOJ did some wonderful work with HSBC bank...................LOL ...........under the previous administration............

But hey.Comey was only on the board of directors for a little while before becoming the Top Dog now didn't he....


Ah yes, the old Republican tactic of adding one plus one and coming up with 5. And then encouraging others to investigate based on their findings, and when that investigation fails to find any evidence of a crime, convene another investigation to deflect from the crimes of those demanding the investigation.

This is how Republicans have vilified the Clintons and each other for years. Their policies are so destructive to the American way of life, and their willingness to do anything necessary, legal, moral or otherwise, to retain that power, that they need to constantly stage these investigative dramas against Democrats to cover their very real crimes of graft and corruption.

Then they say "well the Deep State wouldn't prosecute the Democrats". Which is a just like their reading of the report from the first Benghazi Investigation which found no stand down orders, no lies, no cover-up, and no wrong-doing on the part of the Administration in connection with this event, and then closing the report, and saying we have to convene another investigation. That happened 6 times in total. They learned nothing from the seventh investigation which they didn't learn in the first, but they did it to smear Clinton and Obama.

Republicans were carrying out these investigations. Comey, Mueller, that whole crowd at the FBI, are largely Republicans. Ken Starr vowed to "get the Clintons" and spent 6 years and $100 million of taxpayers' money trying to do it and came up with a lie about a blow job.

At least in the Russia Investigation, Mueller has guilty pleas on numerous charges, including three which name the President of the United States as an unindicted co-conspirator, and he's recovered $38 million under proceeds of crime legislation, which should be enough to pay for another two years of investigations.

I have always said that a good lawyer pays his own fees, and Mueller is the best I've ever seen. In this one instance, the Trump Administration has upheld its promise to hire only the best people.
I have always said that a good lawyer pays his own fees, and Mueller is the best I've ever seen.
Proven to have hidden Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's effort to buy Uranium One, protected Hillary from taking $145 Million in Bribery ...

Caught intentionally manufacturing and withholding evidence to put 2 innocent people in jail

Refuses to acknowledge / investigate exposed evidence of Democrat crimes...

Obstructed Justice by ignoring Congressional Subpoenas...

Exposed for setting Perjury Traps...

Protected John Podesta, Manafort's accomplice, from indictment / charges...

Bwuhahahahahaha. :lmao:
Enlighten us. What has Comey been charged with, to where he needs to "prove his innocence."

1. ACCORDING TO DEMOCRAT RULES Comey is already GUILTY until proven innocent, the burden of proof being on the ACCUSED - COMEY - not the accuser.

2. He has been accused of PERJURY by his former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, who has already been recommended for indictment by the US IG months ago but whom fellow co-conspirator US Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein REFUSES to indict.

in his test messages to his adulterous FBI partner Strzok talked about 'The Secret Society' - that had already met - and their 'INFORMATION LEAK STRATEGY'. Comey threw McCabe under the bus and blamed him for the / any leaks - Under oath and in testimony before Congress McCabe declared Comey had LIED to Congress when he said he knew nothing about leaked information, that he DID KNOW! (Strzok's adulterous partner was asked by Congress what the texts Strzok sent her meant....she responded by telling them THEY MEAN EXACTLY WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE THEY MEAN!)

Additional evidence has come out further exposing the entire Conspiracy, how Srtzok worked with the DOJ, CIA, and NIA to help author false Intel Community Assessments and Reports the CIA and FBI then illegally used to lie to Congress and the FISA Court by telling them the report was based on 'legitimate Intel instead of truthfully off of the Russian-authored Dossier.....Steele working with the DOJ through Oher/Oher's Fusin GPS wife, how Mueller was working / communicating with Oher and Steele on the Dossier before the investigation officially opened and before Mueller was named Special Counsel, etc......

The documents regarding all of these have been deemed 'classified', which Mueller knows...and he, unlike snowflakes, is smart enough to know testifying under oath before a public committee about all of this information is his ONLY hope of not getting indicted / going to jail because he can refuse to answer do to classification levels, which he could not do in a closed-door hearing!

1. Comey is not applying for a lifetime position in the federal government.

2. Maybe it is because they have not found any evidence of a crime. The IG report said 2 different things. He found no evidence of crimes by McCabe but still recommended a prosecution.

There is no secret society. Srtzok joked about a secret society and idiots like you take it seriously. This is the only secret society I know.

We don't know what Paige said. We know what Republicans said. A transcript of her testimony has NEVER been released so we have no idea what was actually said. That is probably why Comey refuses to testify in public.

There is no conspiracy. You want to smear our intel agencies because you don't like what they said. The fact is that the FISA court was told of the political origins of the dossier. Comey also said that parts were verified. The Russians wanted Trump to win.

The Republicans are abusing their authority to get 1 last smear in. The only freak show I see is you and Donald Trump.
The FBI and DOJ did some wonderful work with HSBC bank...................LOL ...........under the previous administration............

But hey.Comey was only on the board of directors for a little while before becoming the Top Dog now didn't he....


Ah yes, the old Republican tactic of adding one plus one and coming up with 5. And then encouraging others to investigate based on their findings, and when that investigation fails to find any evidence of a crime, convene another investigation to deflect from the crimes of those demanding the investigation.

This is how Republicans have vilified the Clintons and each other for years. Their policies are so destructive to the American way of life, and their willingness to do anything necessary, legal, moral or otherwise, to retain that power, that they need to constantly stage these investigative dramas against Democrats to cover their very real crimes of graft and corruption.

Then they say "well the Deep State wouldn't prosecute the Democrats". Which is a just like their reading of the report from the first Benghazi Investigation which found no stand down orders, no lies, no cover-up, and no wrong-doing on the part of the Administration in connection with this event, and then closing the report, and saying we have to convene another investigation. That happened 6 times in total. They learned nothing from the seventh investigation which they didn't learn in the first, but they did it to smear Clinton and Obama.

Republicans were carrying out these investigations. Comey, Mueller, that whole crowd at the FBI, are largely Republicans. Ken Starr vowed to "get the Clintons" and spent 6 years and $100 million of taxpayers' money trying to do it and came up with a lie about a blow job.

At least in the Russia Investigation, Mueller has guilty pleas on numerous charges, including three which name the President of the United States as an unindicted co-conspirator, and he's recovered $38 million under proceeds of crime legislation, which should be enough to pay for another two years of investigations.

I have always said that a good lawyer pays his own fees, and Mueller is the best I've ever seen. In this one instance, the Trump Administration has upheld its promise to hire only the best people.
They had enough to bury HSBC BANK..............The only math at the end was 1.8 Billion in fines for the largest money laundering case in history........None went to jail.........

We could put a mountain of evidence to you and you would just sit and spin.............which would be normal........
So Comey is going to testify

Let’s watch Republicans embarrass themselves as they conduct another investigation on emails
So Comey is going to testify

Let’s watch Republicans embarrass themselves as they conduct another investigation on emails

No kidding


Anything to distract from 6 guilty pleas, 34 Federal Grand Jury indictments, and 100's of criminal charges that are certain to produce more.

It's going to be GREAT once these house Republican rodeo clowns are gone, and real crimes are put under the spot light. January 20, 2019 when the new congress is sworn in, It begins.

Enlighten us. What has Comey been charged with, to where he needs to "prove his innocence."

1. ACCORDING TO DEMOCRAT RULES Comey is already GUILTY until proven innocent, the burden of proof being on the ACCUSED - COMEY - not the accuser.

2. He has been accused of PERJURY by his former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, who has already been recommended for indictment by the US IG months ago but whom fellow co-conspirator US Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein REFUSES to indict.

in his test messages to his adulterous FBI partner Strzok talked about 'The Secret Society' - that had already met - and their 'INFORMATION LEAK STRATEGY'. Comey threw McCabe under the bus and blamed him for the / any leaks - Under oath and in testimony before Congress McCabe declared Comey had LIED to Congress when he said he knew nothing about leaked information, that he DID KNOW! (Strzok's adulterous partner was asked by Congress what the texts Strzok sent her meant....she responded by telling them THEY MEAN EXACTLY WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE THEY MEAN!)

Additional evidence has come out further exposing the entire Conspiracy, how Srtzok worked with the DOJ, CIA, and NIA to help author false Intel Community Assessments and Reports the CIA and FBI then illegally used to lie to Congress and the FISA Court by telling them the report was based on 'legitimate Intel instead of truthfully off of the Russian-authored Dossier.....Steele working with the DOJ through Oher/Oher's Fusin GPS wife, how Mueller was working / communicating with Oher and Steele on the Dossier before the investigation officially opened and before Mueller was named Special Counsel, etc......

The documents regarding all of these have been deemed 'classified', which Mueller knows...and he, unlike snowflakes, is smart enough to know testifying under oath before a public committee about all of this information is his ONLY hope of not getting indicted / going to jail because he can refuse to answer do to classification levels, which he could not do in a closed-door hearing!

1. Comey is not applying for a lifetime position in the federal government.

2. Maybe it is because they have not found any evidence of a crime. The IG report said 2 different things. He found no evidence of crimes by McCabe but still recommended a prosecution.

There is no secret society. Srtzok joked about a secret society and idiots like you take it seriously. This is the only secret society I know.

We don't know what Paige said. We know what Republicans said. A transcript of her testimony has NEVER been released so we have no idea what was actually said. That is probably why Comey refuses to testify in public.

There is no conspiracy. You want to smear our intel agencies because you don't like what they said. The fact is that the FISA court was told of the political origins of the dossier. Comey also said that parts were verified. The Russians wanted Trump to win.

The Republicans are abusing their authority to get 1 last smear in. The only freak show I see is you and Donald Trump.
The FBI and DOJ did some wonderful work with HSBC bank...................LOL ...........under the previous administration............

But hey.Comey was only on the board of directors for a little while before becoming the Top Dog now didn't he....


Ah yes, the old Republican tactic of adding one plus one and coming up with 5. And then encouraging others to investigate based on their findings, and when that investigation fails to find any evidence of a crime, convene another investigation to deflect from the crimes of those demanding the investigation.

This is how Republicans have vilified the Clintons and each other for years. Their policies are so destructive to the American way of life, and their willingness to do anything necessary, legal, moral or otherwise, to retain that power, that they need to constantly stage these investigative dramas against Democrats to cover their very real crimes of graft and corruption.

Then they say "well the Deep State wouldn't prosecute the Democrats". Which is a just like their reading of the report from the first Benghazi Investigation which found no stand down orders, no lies, no cover-up, and no wrong-doing on the part of the Administration in connection with this event, and then closing the report, and saying we have to convene another investigation. That happened 6 times in total. They learned nothing from the seventh investigation which they didn't learn in the first, but they did it to smear Clinton and Obama.

Republicans were carrying out these investigations. Comey, Mueller, that whole crowd at the FBI, are largely Republicans. Ken Starr vowed to "get the Clintons" and spent 6 years and $100 million of taxpayers' money trying to do it and came up with a lie about a blow job.

At least in the Russia Investigation, Mueller has guilty pleas on numerous charges, including three which name the President of the United States as an unindicted co-conspirator, and he's recovered $38 million under proceeds of crime legislation, which should be enough to pay for another two years of investigations.

I have always said that a good lawyer pays his own fees, and Mueller is the best I've ever seen. In this one instance, the Trump Administration has upheld its promise to hire only the best people.

Very True--and it couldn't be better stated than this:

"Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever.
There’s a certain twisted logic to this. The unhinged right starts with the ideologically satisfying answer – President Obama and Hillary Clinton are guilty of horrible Benghazi-related wrongdoing – and then works backwards, looking for “proof” that matches the conclusion. When their ostensible allies fail to tell these activists what they want to hear, they could reevaluate their bogus assumptions, but it’s vastly easier to believe Republicans have let them down."
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy


I guess we can be thankful that Democrats didn't drag up 240 grieving mothers to call Ronald Reagan a murderer when he lost 240 U.S. marines in a bombing at an Embassy in Lebanon.

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It is amazing to this day how 4 Americans needlessly died in Benghazi after the President and Secretary of State refused to order Americans out like every other nation who had people there did, saving the lives of all of their people...yet snowflakes insist nothing wrong was done, nothing more could have been done to save them than to leave them there in a compound that proved indefensible, with not enough security to protect them in a compound whose wall had a 4 foot hole in it from a previous terrorist attack, knowing another attack was coming, and knowing there was no one to come to their rescue.

Nope, Obama and Hillary did everything they possibly could have to save American lives.

To this day no one still knows where Obama was the more than 6 hours the terrorist attack on Benghazi went on and while there were 4 Americans murdered. No photos of a packed WH War Room, like after UBL was killed, were shown afterwards...but 'nothing to see there'.

Snowflakes insist it was proven there was absolutely nothing they could have done more (lol) and no wrong-doing went on, no failure of any kind happened - despite the 4 needless deaths - because Hillary was not charged with a crime in the non-judicial fact-finding hearings.

Just because 4 Americans died who did not have to does not mean mistakes were made, anything could have been done differently, and / or mistakes / failures were made.

Politics is obviously different than being in military command. If I would have known an attack was coming against a known indefensible base / compound where some of my troops were stationed and I did nothing to ensure their safety, actually made them LESS secure, and refused to pull them out I would have been relieved of command at the very least, probably courts martialed.

But in politics, not a damn thing was done wrong ...according to democrats.


Snowflakes are so full of partisan shit they can't admit when their heroes f* up.

If Hillary and Obama had just been honest immediately, told the American people that 4 Americans had dies after a terrorist attack, it would have all quickly blown over... They could not admit they made mistakes, either.

The FACT is that if Hillary / Obama had ordered all Americans out of Benghazi, to pull back to Tripoli, when every other nation pulled their people out Stephens and the other 3 Americans would be alive today....

Period, dot!
If a judge is ordered to set limits on Congressional subpoenas to protect criminals from being thoroughly investigated something is seriously f*ed up.

The US IG has already hammered Comey and the FBI for wrong-doing - he recommended the ex-FBI Deputy Director for indictment...but his co-conspirator, Rosenstein refuses to do so... The ex-FBI Deputy Director testified and told Congress Comey had lied...after Comey three him under the bus about leaks.

So now we are going to let the accused criminals dictate if they will or will not comply with Subpoenas...

Only democrats and snowflakes would demand that ... For democrats and snowflakes ONLY.....
No, a public hearing is not acceptable. The reason all the Leftists say they won't testify without a public hearing is so they can say, "I'm afraid I can't comment on that because it is confidential"

Naturally, the Left always wins cuz they own the Swamp.


Mmm. Chicken dinner.

I'll take some stove top as well.
RINO wait till few workdays left, lol AFTER losing majority then suddenly try to make noise? After sitting around for 2 years? Pathetic. They are all in the swamp and like the perks. They don't help or protect the Great President Trump.

I am glad some RINO got voted out. Back Trump or walk. I hope w/o pension.
Are they supposed to protect Trump or the United States?
If a judge is ordered to set limits on Congressional subpoenas to protect criminals from being thoroughly investigated something is seriously f*ed up.

The US IG has already hammered Comey and the FBI for wrong-doing - he recommended the ex-FBI Deputy Director for indictment...but his co-conspirator, Rosenstein refuses to do so... The ex-FBI Deputy Director testified and told Congress Comey had lied...after Comey three him under the bus about leaks.

So now we are going to let the accused criminals dictate if they will or will not comply with Subpoenas...

Only democrats and snowflakes would demand that ... For democrats and snowflakes ONLY.....
What accused criminals?
If a judge is ordered to set limits on Congressional subpoenas to protect criminals from being thoroughly investigated something is seriously f*ed up.

The US IG has already hammered Comey and the FBI for wrong-doing - he recommended the ex-FBI Deputy Director for indictment...but his co-conspirator, Rosenstein refuses to do so... The ex-FBI Deputy Director testified and told Congress Comey had lied...after Comey three him under the bus about leaks.

So now we are going to let the accused criminals dictate if they will or will not comply with Subpoenas...

Only democrats and snowflakes would demand that ... For democrats and snowflakes ONLY.....
What accused criminals?
The guy who has been accused of lying to Congress by his former Deputy FBI Director, who authored Hillary's exoneration before the 1st witness had been called, etc....

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