Communist China to redistrubute wealth. Who does that sound like here???

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
Hong Kong CNN Business —

Chinese President Xi Jinping this week issued a bold new pledge to redistribute wealth in the country, piling more pressure on the country’s richest citizens and businesses.

Xi told top leaders from the ruling Chinese Communist Party on Tuesday that the government must establish a system to redistribute wealth in the interest of “social fairness,” according to a summary of the speech published by Xinhua, the official state news agency. He said it was “necessary” to “reasonably regulate excessively high incomes, and encourage high-income people and enterprises to return more to society.”

The Xinhua article did not include many details about how Xi hoped to accomplish this goal, but did suggest that the government could consider taxation or other ways of redistributing income and wealth.

Xi even invoked the need for “common prosperity” among the Chinese people as critical for the Party to maintain power, and transform the country into a “fully developed, rich and powerful” nation by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the existence of the People’s Republic of China.

“Common prosperity is the prosperity of all the people,” Xi said during the leadership’s economic meeting, which is hosted every few months to determine policy. “Not the prosperity of a few people.”

President Xi Jinping turns his fire on China's rich in push to redistribute wealth

If you took Xi out of the article and replaced it with your favorite Democrat (Biden, Piglosi, Waters) you wouldn't know the article is about Communists in China. Anybody here would swear this was a statement from the Democrat party, and their loyal puppets would support it.

When people find it offensive when I call the Democrats Communist, you better let this sink in.
Hong Kong CNN Business —

Chinese President Xi Jinping this week issued a bold new pledge to redistribute wealth in the country, piling more pressure on the country’s richest citizens and businesses.

Xi told top leaders from the ruling Chinese Communist Party on Tuesday that the government must establish a system to redistribute wealth in the interest of “social fairness,” according to a summary of the speech published by Xinhua, the official state news agency. He said it was “necessary” to “reasonably regulate excessively high incomes, and encourage high-income people and enterprises to return more to society.”

The Xinhua article did not include many details about how Xi hoped to accomplish this goal, but did suggest that the government could consider taxation or other ways of redistributing income and wealth.

Xi even invoked the need for “common prosperity” among the Chinese people as critical for the Party to maintain power, and transform the country into a “fully developed, rich and powerful” nation by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the existence of the People’s Republic of China.

“Common prosperity is the prosperity of all the people,” Xi said during the leadership’s economic meeting, which is hosted every few months to determine policy. “Not the prosperity of a few people.”

President Xi Jinping turns his fire on China's rich in push to redistribute wealth

If you took Xi out of the article and replaced it with your favorite Democrat (Biden, Piglosi, Waters) you wouldn't know the article is about Communists in China. Anybody here would swear this was a statement from the Democrat party, and their loyal puppets would support it.

When people find it offensive when I call the Democrats Communist, you better let this sink in.
Hmmm...when hundreds of millions of human beings live in poverty, there is no doubt the singular leader is concerned, for his image and his life.

Is China Succeeding at Eradicating Poverty? | ChinaPower Project

Chinese leaders are pragmatic and look to the future. R's and D's look to the next elections.
Hong Kong CNN Business —

Chinese President Xi Jinping this week issued a bold new pledge to redistribute wealth in the country, piling more pressure on the country’s richest citizens and businesses.

Xi told top leaders from the ruling Chinese Communist Party on Tuesday that the government must establish a system to redistribute wealth in the interest of “social fairness,” according to a summary of the speech published by Xinhua, the official state news agency. He said it was “necessary” to “reasonably regulate excessively high incomes, and encourage high-income people and enterprises to return more to society.”

The Xinhua article did not include many details about how Xi hoped to accomplish this goal, but did suggest that the government could consider taxation or other ways of redistributing income and wealth.

Xi even invoked the need for “common prosperity” among the Chinese people as critical for the Party to maintain power, and transform the country into a “fully developed, rich and powerful” nation by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the existence of the People’s Republic of China.

“Common prosperity is the prosperity of all the people,” Xi said during the leadership’s economic meeting, which is hosted every few months to determine policy. “Not the prosperity of a few people.”

President Xi Jinping turns his fire on China's rich in push to redistribute wealth

If you took Xi out of the article and replaced it with your favorite Democrat (Biden, Piglosi, Waters) you wouldn't know the article is about Communists in China. Anybody here would swear this was a statement from the Democrat party, and their loyal puppets would support it.

When people find it offensive when I call the Democrats Communist, you better let this sink in.

Hmmm, sounds like Jesus Christ.
Hmmm, sounds like Jesus Christ.

I don't recall that, and I was educated in a private Catholic school and even an altar boy at our church. I don't remember any stories where Jesus insist government confiscate wealth and give it to those who need it.

What I do remember is that Jesus asked his followers to give from the heart, not at the point of a spear against their bellies.
Hmmm...when hundreds of millions of human beings live in poverty, there is no doubt the singular leader is concerned, for his image and his life.

Is China Succeeding at Eradicating Poverty? | ChinaPower Project

Chinese leaders are pragmatic and look to the future. R's and D's look to the next elections.

Maybe, but as we see, the Communists have the same mentality as our liberals in the Democrat party. At least in China, you can say poverty is not a choice. In the US it is in most cases. It's the reason people from all across the globe want to come here; because here you don't have to live in poverty unless you really want to.
Redistribution of wealth is a replay of the the Corinthian tyrrany. Poverty if they don’t want to links the Cathars.
Hmmm...when hundreds of millions of human beings live in poverty, there is no doubt the singular leader is concerned, for his image and his life.

Is China Succeeding at Eradicating Poverty? | ChinaPower Project

Chinese leaders are pragmatic and look to the future. R's and D's look to the next elections.
The communists simply kill their opponents and then erase any history of it. If anyone alive speaks of the communist actions they are sent for re education via forced labor, most never to be seen again.
I don't recall that, and I was educated in a private Catholic school and even an altar boy at our church. I don't remember any stories where Jesus insist government confiscate wealth and give it to those who need it.

What I do remember is that Jesus asked his followers to give from the heart, not at the point of a spear against their bellies.
If you were an altar boy, do you have any snickers or cokes left? 😁😁

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