trump's intellectual capacity questioned

After comparing interviews

It seems both he and Joe Biden recently did extended interviews with Time Magazine, and the questions asked of the two were posed in markedly different ways.

"Something striking: the substance of Trump and Biden's answers is, of course, quite distinct but, even more than that, one can tell the interviewer has more confidence in the intellectual capacity of one man over the other," she wrote.

They then pointed out to an instance in which the interviewer asked both men about their positions on defending Taiwan.

"I want to get your thoughts on China," Time asked Trump. "Do you think the U.S. should defend Taiwan if China invades?"

When it came time to ask Biden the same question, however, the interviewer asked a much more detailed question.

"CIA Director Bill Burns says the President Xi Jinping of China has ordered the Chinese military to be ready by 2027 to conduct a successful invasion of Taiwan," Time asked Biden. "You said on multiple occasions that you would use U.S. forces to defend Taiwan. What does that mean? Is it boots on the ground? What shape would that take?"

In analyzing this, Jacobs said that it indicated that Time interviewers believed they needed to dumb down questions to get a cogent response from Trump.

It's pretty obvious when you look at them side by side.

Link to the article at the top. and here are the original tweets 1798063134256902437

Apparently we need a software adjustment now that Elmo has finally changed twitters address to X.

Seems more like they had to give Biden more information than TRUMP so Biden would know what they're talking about.
Well yes of course. The corporate media and entire criminal establishment is supporting Genocide Joe, while opposing Dumb Don. That certainly is a clear difference. Don’t you agree?

Of course, Don is of and for the establishment and no matter how much he sucks up to them, they still hate him. Crazy no?
Joe Biden does not run Israel.
Seems more like they had to give Biden more information than TRUMP so Biden would know what they're talking about.
Well I supposes that's one way to look at it.

If you're desperate to defend your orange ghod.
After that humiliating spectacle in Normandy, it's literally required to question President's Trump's mental acuity.... (Alinsky 101, right?)

When that drooling fucktard of a pResident shit its pants in front of millions and has to be whisked off for a diaper change, it's definitely time to "look over there!!"

Imagine those 100-year old veterans thinking "we fought and died for THIS?!?!" as he abandoned them to get wiped and take a nap. 🤮 🤮

After comparing interviews

It seems both he and Joe Biden recently did extended interviews with Time Magazine, and the questions asked of the two were posed in markedly different ways.

"Something striking: the substance of Trump and Biden's answers is, of course, quite distinct but, even more than that, one can tell the interviewer has more confidence in the intellectual capacity of one man over the other," she wrote.

They then pointed out to an instance in which the interviewer asked both men about their positions on defending Taiwan.

"I want to get your thoughts on China," Time asked Trump. "Do you think the U.S. should defend Taiwan if China invades?"

When it came time to ask Biden the same question, however, the interviewer asked a much more detailed question.

"CIA Director Bill Burns says the President Xi Jinping of China has ordered the Chinese military to be ready by 2027 to conduct a successful invasion of Taiwan," Time asked Biden. "You said on multiple occasions that you would use U.S. forces to defend Taiwan. What does that mean? Is it boots on the ground? What shape would that take?"

In analyzing this, Jacobs said that it indicated that Time interviewers believed they needed to dumb down questions to get a cogent response from Trump.

It's pretty obvious when you look at them side by side.

Link to the article at the top. and here are the original tweets 1798063134256902437

Apparently we need a software adjustment now that Elmo has finally changed twitters address to X.

Yet another topic that you deranged moonbats have done to death...

Well duh! They already know he has the mind of a child at this point. They plan to manipulate him.
Your post is dripping with desperation and dishonesty. Trump is 10 times the man Biden is and has 10 times the intellect. It's not our fault the Dem candidate is a moron mush brain who graduated nearly dead last in his class and is mocked by his own party.
Compared with Biden? Tooo funny.

Why would anyone think a political issue could succesfully be made about Trump's intellect?

Trying this just means the sum total of your intellectual opinions can fit on a fortune-cookie message with room left over for the lucky numbers.
Your post is dripping with desperation and dishonesty. Trump is 10 times the man Biden is and has 10 times the intellect. It's not our fault the Dem candidate is a moron mush brain who graduated nearly dead last in his class and is mocked by his own party.
Enough with the mouth-foaming. You are the one coming off as desperate here.

After comparing interviews

It seems both he and Joe Biden recently did extended interviews with Time Magazine, and the questions asked of the two were posed in markedly different ways.

"Something striking: the substance of Trump and Biden's answers is, of course, quite distinct but, even more than that, one can tell the interviewer has more confidence in the intellectual capacity of one man over the other," she wrote.

They then pointed out to an instance in which the interviewer asked both men about their positions on defending Taiwan.

"I want to get your thoughts on China," Time asked Trump. "Do you think the U.S. should defend Taiwan if China invades?"

When it came time to ask Biden the same question, however, the interviewer asked a much more detailed question.

"CIA Director Bill Burns says the President Xi Jinping of China has ordered the Chinese military to be ready by 2027 to conduct a successful invasion of Taiwan," Time asked Biden. "You said on multiple occasions that you would use U.S. forces to defend Taiwan. What does that mean? Is it boots on the ground? What shape would that take?"

In analyzing this, Jacobs said that it indicated that Time interviewers believed they needed to dumb down questions to get a cogent response from Trump.

It's pretty obvious when you look at them side by side.

Link to the article at the top. and here are the original tweets 1798063134256902437

Apparently we need a software adjustment now that Elmo has finally changed twitters address to X.
One of the candidates is hiding the interview he had with Hur. That interview concluded with a statement that the candidate suffered diminished capacity and was not able to stand trail as he was non compos mentis
After comparing interviews

It seems both he and Joe Biden recently did extended interviews with Time Magazine, and the questions asked of the two were posed in markedly different ways.

De CrapitUS showing us his obvious own cognitive shortcomings yet again .
Imagining that academic IQ is any indicator of overall aptitude for leadership .

If wetting your trousers and dirtying your underwear counts , then demented Piss Pot wins some marks .
Have never forgotten him shitting himself literally in front of the Popeye.
Ironically Italian for pants wetter is De Crappy USer

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