Compassionate and Caring Liberals Celebrate Breitbart's death

I know. I'd feel terrible if Obama died and the right went on a hatefest. Really. I do fear it would happen and I really would be appalled.

Yes, but Obama doesn't literally make a living trying to destroy people's lives.

That's the same reason why I wouldn't speak badly of G W Bush, if he were to die.

At least in Bush's case, I truly believe he had the best interests of the country at heart.

In Breitbart's case, he only had his own interests at heart, and he did everything he could to destroy the lives of anyone who got in his way.

Who's life did he destroy?
Breitbart was a right winger. You are a left winger. Stands to reason you would not 'mourn' his passing.... but you choose to point out the 'partisan rifts, fostering hatred and spreading malicious rumors'..... which he was certainly guilty of.... but no more so than the majority of left wing bullshit artists.

And that is totally true. Which is why I included the line about Ed Schultz.

I'm sorry, but I have no respect for the hate-mongerers from either side.

Keith Olbermann, Michael Moore, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter.

They're all nasty pieces of work that would do just about anything to tear the rifts that separate this country wide open.
I know. I'd feel terrible if Obama died and the right went on a hatefest. Really. I do fear it would happen and I really would be appalled.

Yes, but Obama doesn't literally make a living trying to destroy people's lives.

That's the same reason why I wouldn't speak badly of G W Bush, if he were to die.

At least in Bush's case, I truly believe he had the best interests of the country at heart.

In Breitbart's case, he only had his own interests at heart, and he did everything he could to destroy the lives of anyone who got in his way.

[ame=]The Godfather / Michael Corleone on Politics - YouTube[/ame]

LBJ Whacked MLK and Malcolm X.
Isn't it a horrible thing when you can't force people to all like someone and be sad and remorseful (at least publically) when that person dies?

I know. I'd feel terrible if Obama died and the right went on a hatefest. Really. I do fear it would happen and I really would be appalled.

I know...there must be some way to FORCE people to speak nicely of the Dead, don't you think?
Who's life did he destroy?

Off the top of my head, as the most glaring example?

Anthony Weiner.

Now you may have disagreed with Weiner politically, but he was always doing what he thought was right.

He did not deserve to have his life utterly destroyed like that.
Who's life did he destroy?

Off the top of my head, as the most glaring example?

Anthony Weiner.

Now you may have disagreed with Weiner politically, but he was always doing what he thought was right.

He did not deserve to have his life utterly destroyed like that.

Anthony Weiner did it to himself. Politicians should know better than to tweet their junk.

Breitbart just capitalized on Weiner's mistake.
Random no ones on Twitter are saying mean things about the death of some two-bit blogger?

Who gives a shit?
Who's life did he destroy?

Off the top of my head, as the most glaring example?

Anthony Weiner.

Now you may have disagreed with Weiner politically, but he was always doing what he thought was right.

He did not deserve to have his life utterly destroyed like that.

That is pathetic. Breitbart forced Weiner to take pictures of his cock and send them to his some of his female twitter and facebook followers? Breitbart forced Weiner to have online liasons with at least 6 different women? :lol:

Not even close. Anthony Weiner destroyed his own life.
Anthony Weiner did it to himself. Politicians should know better than to tweet their junk.

Breitbart just capitalized on Weiner's mistake.

Which of course, is my point.

Breitbart's entire career was a series of capitalizing on "mistakes" like that. That's what he did.

He was the ultimate in political paparazzi. A true leech on society.
Anthony Weiner did it to himself. Politicians should know better than to tweet their junk.

Breitbart just capitalized on Weiner's mistake.

Which of course, is my point.

Breitbart's entire career was a series of capitalizing on "mistakes" like that. That's what he did.

He was the ultimate in political paparazzi. A true leech on society.

Bullshit. We all own our own lives and have to take personal responsibility for our actions. Weiner was the architect of his own demise. He owns his mistakes and lies. He cannot blame anyone else and he knows it.

You claimed that Breitbart destroyed peoples lives - Can you name a person who's life was destroyed by Breitbart?
Who's life did he destroy?

Off the top of my head, as the most glaring example?

Anthony Weiner.

Now you may have disagreed with Weiner politically, but he was always doing what he thought was right.

He did not deserve to have his life utterly destroyed like that.

Tell that to the rest of the Political class...especially on the left.

That is pathetic. Breitbart forced Weiner to take pictures of his cock and send them to his some of his female twitter and facebook followers? Breitbart forced Weiner to have online liasons with at least 6 different women? :lol:

Not even close. Anthony Weiner destroyed his own life.

Oh give it a rest.

Because no-one has affairs. That just never happens, right?

Because Breitbart just HAD to go and make it a national news story.

OK, you don't want to have any sympathy for Weiner, who's life was completely destroyed because Breitbart just had to pry into his sex life?

Fine, Shirley Sherrod.

He attempted to destroy her life, and it backfired on him. He would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for all the people that called him on his bullshit.
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Tell that to the rest of the Political class...especially on the left.


Again, what does this have to do with "the left"?

There are just as many hate-mongering assholes on that side of the fence.

That doesn't make Breitbart any less of a hate-mongering asshole.
That is pathetic. Breitbart forced Weiner to take pictures of his cock and send them to his some of his female twitter and facebook followers? Breitbart forced Weiner to have online liasons with at least 6 different women? :lol:

Not even close. Anthony Weiner destroyed his own life.

Oh give it a rest.

Because no-one has affairs. That just never happens, right?

Because Breitbart just HAD to go and make it a national news story.

OK, you don't want to have any sympathy for Weiner, who's life was completely destroyed because Breitbart just had to pry into his sex life?

Fine, Shirley Sherrod.

Her life was destroyed? :lol: She must really hate him them, huh?

The news of Mr. Breitbart's death came as a surprise to me when I was informed of it this morning," Sherrod said in a statement sent to International Business Times by her attorney, Thomas Clare. "My prayers go out to Mr. Breitbart's family as they cope during this very difficult time. I do not intend to make any further comments.
apparently not.....
Shirley Sherrod on Andrew Breitbart: Death 'a Surprise' [VIDEOS] - International Business Times
Surely no one is surprised at liberals! I can't believe this comes as a shock to anyone. This is what they are like. It would be far more surprising if libs said anything else.

Of course if anyone told the truth about a lib icon like pointing out that Whitney Houston was a has-been crack ho, they get mad and start saying that Christians shouldn't speak ill of the dead.

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