Comrade Bernie Praises Castro Regime in New Interview


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
What a time to be alive!


Not The Onion: Bernie Sanders praises the Castro regime in new '60 Minutes' interview
Bullshit. Clearly states right in the damn tweet he praised ELEMENTS of the Castro regime. So the literacy program Castro introduced was a bad thing? People learning to read is a bad thing?
Hilarious! Please parse Bernie’s support of the Castro regime further!
READING is fundamental. Clearly you and those like you are the ones that need to take a remedial reading course. Try watching the less than a minute piece posted on twitter. Your short attention span should be able to handle that no?
Bullshit. Clearly states right in the damn tweet he praised ELEMENTS of the Castro regime. So the literacy program Castro introduced was a bad thing? People learning to read is a bad thing?
Hilarious! Please parse Bernie’s support of the Castro regime further!
READING is fundamental. Clearly you and those like you are the ones that need to take a remedial reading course. Try watching the less than a minute piece posted on twitter. Your short attention span should be able to handle that no?
Can’t parse Bernie’s love of Commie Castro further? No problem, we’ve got 8 months to go!
Bullshit. Clearly states right in the damn tweet he praised ELEMENTS of the Castro regime. So the literacy program Castro introduced was a bad thing? People learning to read is a bad thing?
Hilarious! Please parse Bernie’s support of the Castro regime further!
READING is fundamental. Clearly you and those like you are the ones that need to take a remedial reading course. Try watching the less than a minute piece posted on twitter. Your short attention span should be able to handle that no?
Can’t parse Bernie’s love of Commie Castro further? No problem, we’ve got 8 months to go!
Poor thing can't defend Trumpenstein so lies about another shocking. Reading comprehension is CLEARLY something you failed. Oh and yes EVERY dictatorship no matter their ideology has had good aspects of it.
Bullshit. Clearly states right in the damn tweet he praised ELEMENTS of the Castro regime. So the literacy program Castro introduced was a bad thing? People learning to read is a bad thing?
That's like saying Hitler was a good's just that putting Jews in Ovens thing we don't agree with....but other than that.....
Jan 13, 2019.....Regarding the possibility of Socialism taking root in America.........Norman said......

You have watched too much Star Wars "Find the balance of good and evil in the force".
USA is a capitalist nation. Here the mantra is to FUCK socialism and evil. Save the fiction for dumber 3rd world countries.

February 2020......
NY Times Editorial - Why Sanders Will Probably Win the Nomination
Opinion | Why Sanders Will Probably Win the Nomination

Until Americans snap out of their delusional stupor and denial, anything's possible.
Even Socialism (gasp)...even Communism (more denial)
So how many Americans moved to Cuba after Castro took over compared to how many Cubans escaped from Cuba?
Bullshit. Clearly states right in the damn tweet he praised ELEMENTS of the Castro regime. So the literacy program Castro introduced was a bad thing? People learning to read is a bad thing?
To RWNJs it is.
Every civilized country has an education system. Are we supposed celebrate communism for that?
Bullshit. Clearly states right in the damn tweet he praised ELEMENTS of the Castro regime. So the literacy program Castro introduced was a bad thing? People learning to read is a bad thing?
You are now officially a member of the Dimsocialist Party.

Are you're still one of the top officials of the trump bootlicking party.
Bullshit. Clearly states right in the damn tweet he praised ELEMENTS of the Castro regime. So the literacy program Castro introduced was a bad thing? People learning to read is a bad thing?
To RWNJs it is.
Every civilized country has an education system. Are we supposed celebrate communism for that?
Now that's a really stupid reply.
Bullshit. Clearly states right in the damn tweet he praised ELEMENTS of the Castro regime. So the literacy program Castro introduced was a bad thing? People learning to read is a bad thing?
To RWNJs it is.
Every civilized country has an education system. Are we supposed celebrate communism for that?
Now that's a really stupid reply.
No, it isn't. Celebrating communism for having a literary program is really stupid.
Bullshit. Clearly states right in the damn tweet he praised ELEMENTS of the Castro regime. So the literacy program Castro introduced was a bad thing? People learning to read is a bad thing?

Castro impoverished people, persecuted them, murdered them, deprived them of their basic human rights, but hey, he taught them to read. What a guy

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