Condi is Back


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
ME: I always liked Condi Rice. You talk about a smart woman!! She's a billion times smarter than Crooked Hillary or any other Democrat for that matter. I hope she runs in 2024.

Condoleezza Rice schools NBC reporter on race relations in America
She calls bs on the narrative that minorities are worse off today than before.

ME: I always liked Condi Rice. You talk about a smart woman!! She's a billion times smarter than Crooked Hillary or any other Democrat for that matter. I hope she runs in 2024.
Condoleezza Rice schools NBC reporter on race relations in America
She calls bs on the narrative that minorities are worse off today than before.

Uh Oh, IM2's not gonna like her! He'll say she's a white man's puppet and her opinion don't count! :eek:
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Uh Oh, IM2's not gonna like her! He'll say she's a white man's puppet and her opinion don't count! :eek:

That's because IM2 is a hate-mongering racist who makes his own race look bad.

I would suggest that IM2 watch that ENTIRE video, because Malcom X appears several times and what he says may surprise people. I was sure surprised.
If you want to see how hardcore racist Democrats are, tell them you're black and conservative. They hate black conservatives more then they hate white people in general.
If you want to see how hardcore racist Democrats are, tell them you're black and conservative. They hate black conservatives more then they hate white people in general.
How about a gay black and Hispanic illegal alien cross dresser gender confused republican?...
If you want to see how hardcore racist Democrats are, tell them you're black and conservative. They hate black conservatives more then they hate white people in general.
How about a gay black and Hispanic illegal alien cross dresser gender confused republican?...
If illegal immigrants voted for Republicans, Democrats would have built a wall with gun towers and mine fields like the USSR and the north korean Democrats.
ME: I always liked Condi Rice. You talk about a smart woman!! She's a billion times smarter than Crooked Hillary or any other Democrat for that matter. I hope she runs in 2024.

Condoleezza Rice schools NBC reporter on race relations in America
She calls bs on the narrative that minorities are worse off today than before.

She was asked about running, and said there was no way she would put up with the crap.
ME: I always liked Condi Rice. You talk about a smart woman!! She's a billion times smarter than Crooked Hillary or any other Democrat for that matter. I hope she runs in 2024.

Condoleezza Rice schools NBC reporter on race relations in America
She calls bs on the narrative that minorities are worse off today than before.

I can’t stand Condi. She is just another warmongering elitist asshole. How could anyone but a dupe, like her?
I have absolutely nothing against the former Secretary of State Rice... I believe she is way above average intelligence and served our country honorably... That being said if I ever had a pertinent question re: Russia or the NFL, I would call her... Now my father (deceased) didn't think her shit stunk at all...

I'm not 75 or white.

I have heard the things Malcolm X said and I am not going to allow some white racist to dilute his life to 2-3 sentences taken out of context.

And I don't need to watch your video. I've heard what Rice has to say. You guys apparently have not,

Rice hits U.S. 'birth defect'
The Washington Times - Friday, March 28, 2008

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said yesterday that the United States still has trouble dealing with race because of a national “birth defect” that denied black Americans the opportunities given to whites at the country’s very founding.

“Black Americans were a founding population,” she said. “Africans and Europeans came here and founded this country together — Europeans by choice and Africans in chains. That’s not a very pretty reality of our founding.”

As a result, Miss Rice told editors and reporters at The Washington Times, “descendants of slaves did not get much of a head start, and I think you continue to see some of the effects of that.”

“That particular birth defect makes it hard for us to confront it, hard for us to talk about it, and hard for us to realize that it has continuing relevance for who we are today,” she said.

But she spoke forcefully on the subject, citing personal and family experience to illustrate “a paradox and contradiction in this country,” which “we still haven’t resolved.”

On the one hand, she said, race in the U.S. “continues to have effects” on public discussions and “the deepest thoughts that people hold.” On the other, “enormous progress” has been made, which allowed her to become the nation’s chief diplomat. “America doesn’t have an easy time dealing with race,” Miss Rice said, adding that members of her family have “endured terrible humiliations.”

“What I would like understood as a black American is that black Americans loved and had faith in this country even when this country didn’t love and have faith in them — and that’s our legacy,” she said.

Rice hits U.S. ‘birth defect’

By Lucy Madison CBS News November 27, 2011
Condi Rice: U.S. will never be "race blind"

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said America has come a long way in confronting racial inequality - but that America will never be "race blind," and that race and poverty in America is "still a terrible witch's brew."

Rice, appearing in Sunday's special Thanksgiving edition of "Face the Nation," reflected on how growing up in Birmingham, Ala., during segregation "shaped me fundamentally."

"My family had to persevere under those circumstances to educate all of us, and to insist that we might not be able to control our circumstances but we could control our response," Rice told CBS' Bob Schieffer.

Since those days, Rice argued, a lot of things have changed.

"We have a black president. We've had two black secretaries of state. We have black CEOs. Obviously African Americans are pushing way into territories that, probably, my grandparents would never have thought possible," she said.

Still, she argued that even though America has "gotten to a place [where] race is not the limiting factor that it once was," she said that "we're never going to erase race as a factor in American life."

"It is a birth defect with which this country was born out of slavery; we're never really going to be race blind," she said.

Condi Rice: U.S. will never be "race blind" - CBS News

The conservative media did not cover these things. So I am glad you all agree with me and Dr. Rice on this matter.
ME: I always liked Condi Rice. You talk about a smart woman!! She's a billion times smarter than Crooked Hillary or any other Democrat for that matter. I hope she runs in 2024.

Condoleezza Rice schools NBC reporter on race relations in America
She calls bs on the narrative that minorities are worse off today than before.

Condi Rice; what a gal; Mt Rushmore!! The first Ms President!!

I have heard the things Malcolm X said and I am not going to allow some white racist to dilute his life to 2-3 sentences taken out of context.

Condi is a real African American. You're just a ghetto negro doing his master's bidding
IM2 is a 75 year old aging white hippie....

Hard to believe, but sometimes, people posting anonymously are not who they claim.

Say what you will, but IM2 cannot possibly be as clean and articulate as he appears. There was only one black man with that gift and that was the stuff of legends. Just ask Biden

Why can't I?

You idiots live in a delusional state whereby you actually think blacks agree with your bullshit. You cite and brag about how you love Condoleezza Rice and she doesn't agree with your delusion.

I know what I am. You rags can think what you want.
I have heard the things Malcolm X said and I am not going to allow some white racist to dilute his life to 2-3 sentences taken out of context.

Condi is a real African American. You're just a ghetto negro doing his master's bidding

You are dumb white trash. Condoleezza Rice doesn't agree with your racism.
IM2 is soft like Charmin. He needs to use some on his diarrhea lips.


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