Conservative Patriot Militia Try To Take Over Capitol Building

"During a special legislative session Monday at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, far-right protesters stormed the statehouse as lawmakers were inside. By 8:30 a.m., as protesters coalesced around the Capitol door, Oregon state police declared an unlawful assembly, according to authorities, according to authorities and local reports -- among the dozens of protesters were members of Patriot Prayer, a far-right, violent group sympathetic to white supremacists, based in Vancouver, Washington. Local Proud Boy affiliates also attended and were heavily armed."

It's disgusting to see the police attack these guys who were only trying to storm the capitol building to arrest the Governor and restore freedom to the citizens of Oregon..the police falsely claimed that the protesters sprayed them with pepper spray and other chemical agents which is highly doubtful; the protesters were heavily armed and they wouldn't be spraying agents, they would be spraying bullets...

Fortunately, the protesters made entry into the building, however there was a standoff with Deep State troopers and they were pushed back, some were even arrested...only one state Senator stood up for these patriots -- Republican State Senator Dallas Heard bravely accused state senators of engaging in a
"campaign against the people and the children of God." -- well said sir, well said....

They are trying to seize power. These people should be arrested and locked up for the rest of their lives. This is treason.

Yet anti-fa protesters aren't doing the same thing, right?

And they are getting returned to the street as fast as the local prosecutors can suck them off, right?

"During a special legislative session Monday at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, far-right protesters stormed the statehouse as lawmakers were inside. By 8:30 a.m., as protesters coalesced around the Capitol door, Oregon state police declared an unlawful assembly, according to authorities, according to authorities and local reports -- among the dozens of protesters were members of Patriot Prayer, a far-right, violent group sympathetic to white supremacists, based in Vancouver, Washington. Local Proud Boy affiliates also attended and were heavily armed."

It's disgusting to see the police attack these guys who were only trying to storm the capitol building to arrest the Governor and restore freedom to the citizens of Oregon..the police falsely claimed that the protesters sprayed them with pepper spray and other chemical agents which is highly doubtful; the protesters were heavily armed and they wouldn't be spraying agents, they would be spraying bullets...

Fortunately, the protesters made entry into the building, however there was a standoff with Deep State troopers and they were pushed back, some were even arrested...only one state Senator stood up for these patriots -- Republican State Senator Dallas Heard bravely accused state senators of engaging in a
"campaign against the people and the children of God." -- well said sir, well said....

They aren’t conswrvative, patriots or militia. They are radical treasonous scum who should be tried and hung

Yet anti-fa protesters should just get a slap on the wrist right?

You will now see people prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, because they have the "wrong" politics based on the opinions of the local government types.

Nope.....they should be arrested if they stormed the capitol building and demanded the arrest of the governor over being forced to wear a mask to go inside of a Starbucks...

Is "what about Antifa??" your answer to everything???

If you were pulled over for speeding -- would you pump your chest up to the cop and say "what about Antifa!!!" as if that is a defense?

No, my response is based on the complete lack of police enforcement in places like Oregon when lefty radicals break shit, government and private, yet I guarantee these guys will have the book thrown at them for far less actual damage.

If I get pulled over for speeding and a 2nd cop just sits there when a guy blows by us going 30 MPH faster than me, then yes I am going to ask why that guy isn't being pulled over.

That reminds me....remember when right wing ammo-sexuals took over a federal building (also in Oregon) -- and nothing happened??

Remember when those same right wing ammosexuals had an armed stand off with law enforcement officers and conservative media treated them like heroes??
_00.rac008 (31).jpg

Now how many federal buildings did Antifa take over with no push back and did you call them heroes for "defending their freedoms"??

"During a special legislative session Monday at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, far-right protesters stormed the statehouse as lawmakers were inside. By 8:30 a.m., as protesters coalesced around the Capitol door, Oregon state police declared an unlawful assembly, according to authorities, according to authorities and local reports -- among the dozens of protesters were members of Patriot Prayer, a far-right, violent group sympathetic to white supremacists, based in Vancouver, Washington. Local Proud Boy affiliates also attended and were heavily armed."

It's disgusting to see the police attack these guys who were only trying to storm the capitol building to arrest the Governor and restore freedom to the citizens of Oregon..the police falsely claimed that the protesters sprayed them with pepper spray and other chemical agents which is highly doubtful; the protesters were heavily armed and they wouldn't be spraying agents, they would be spraying bullets...

Fortunately, the protesters made entry into the building, however there was a standoff with Deep State troopers and they were pushed back, some were even arrested...only one state Senator stood up for these patriots -- Republican State Senator Dallas Heard bravely accused state senators of engaging in a
"campaign against the people and the children of God." -- well said sir, well said....

They aren’t conswrvative, patriots or militia. They are radical treasonous scum who should be tried and hung

Yet anti-fa protesters should just get a slap on the wrist right?

You will now see people prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, because they have the "wrong" politics based on the opinions of the local government types.

Nope.....they should be arrested if they stormed the capitol building and demanded the arrest of the governor over being forced to wear a mask to go inside of a Starbucks...

Is "what about Antifa??" your answer to everything???

If you were pulled over for speeding -- would you pump your chest up to the cop and say "what about Antifa!!!" as if that is a defense?

No, my response is based on the complete lack of police enforcement in places like Oregon when lefty radicals break shit, government and private, yet I guarantee these guys will have the book thrown at them for far less actual damage.

If I get pulled over for speeding and a 2nd cop just sits there when a guy blows by us going 30 MPH faster than me, then yes I am going to ask why that guy isn't being pulled over.

That reminds me....remember when right wing ammo-sexuals took over a federal building (also in Oregon) -- and nothing happened??

Remember when those same right wing ammosexuals had an armed stand off with law enforcement officers and conservative media treated them like heroes??
View attachment 432161

Now how many federal buildings did Antifa take over with no push back and did you call them heroes for "defending their freedoms"??

Why are you limiting your angst to federal buildings?

Oh right because you don't care about the widespread property damage done by lefties because you support it.

And when they were attacking a federal building earlier this year you were silent over it.

Lefty violence is systemic and widespread and far more of a threat to this country than these righty idiots.

But because you support anti-fa you won't admit to it. least blacks had the sense to only disturb the peace due to the killing of fellow blacks under color of law; unlike the right wing who only have the color of rebels without a just Cause.

"During a special legislative session Monday at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, far-right protesters stormed the statehouse as lawmakers were inside. By 8:30 a.m., as protesters coalesced around the Capitol door, Oregon state police declared an unlawful assembly, according to authorities, according to authorities and local reports -- among the dozens of protesters were members of Patriot Prayer, a far-right, violent group sympathetic to white supremacists, based in Vancouver, Washington. Local Proud Boy affiliates also attended and were heavily armed."

It's disgusting to see the police attack these guys who were only trying to storm the capitol building to arrest the Governor and restore freedom to the citizens of Oregon..the police falsely claimed that the protesters sprayed them with pepper spray and other chemical agents which is highly doubtful; the protesters were heavily armed and they wouldn't be spraying agents, they would be spraying bullets...

Fortunately, the protesters made entry into the building, however there was a standoff with Deep State troopers and they were pushed back, some were even arrested...only one state Senator stood up for these patriots -- Republican State Senator Dallas Heard bravely accused state senators of engaging in a
"campaign against the people and the children of God." -- well said sir, well said....

They aren’t conswrvative, patriots or militia. They are radical treasonous scum who should be tried and hung

Yet anti-fa protesters should just get a slap on the wrist right?

You will now see people prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, because they have the "wrong" politics based on the opinions of the local government types.

Nope.....they should be arrested if they stormed the capitol building and demanded the arrest of the governor over being forced to wear a mask to go inside of a Starbucks...

Is "what about Antifa??" your answer to everything???

If you were pulled over for speeding -- would you pump your chest up to the cop and say "what about Antifa!!!" as if that is a defense?

No, my response is based on the complete lack of police enforcement in places like Oregon when lefty radicals break shit, government and private, yet I guarantee these guys will have the book thrown at them for far less actual damage.

If I get pulled over for speeding and a 2nd cop just sits there when a guy blows by us going 30 MPH faster than me, then yes I am going to ask why that guy isn't being pulled over.

That reminds me....remember when right wing ammo-sexuals took over a federal building (also in Oregon) -- and nothing happened??

Remember when those same right wing ammosexuals had an armed stand off with law enforcement officers and conservative media treated them like heroes??
View attachment 432161

Now how many federal buildings did Antifa take over with no push back and did you call them heroes for "defending their freedoms"??

Why are you limiting your angst to federal buildings?

Oh right because you don't care about the widespread property damage done by lefties because you support it.

And when they were attacking a federal building earlier this year you were silent over it.

Lefty violence is systemic and widespread and far more of a threat to this country than these righty idiots.

But because you support anti-fa you won't admit to it.

I oppose's pretty simple.....that doesn't make me a supporter of any group which is why I don't reflexively defend Antifa or any other group......

I defend principles and policies...

You on the other hand -- you are an emotionally fragile cuck -- you are driven by your fears -- so you end up supporting anything as long as it eases your fears for the moment -- which is why folks like you end up supporting the same shit you later claim to oppose, just because that policy is now aimed at you....

I am willing to bet you had no opposition to the Patriot Act during the Bush years, all of the surveillance state policies, all of the fearmongering from the War on Terror because in your mind, it targeted "those others", fuck them right??

Now when you feel it's you being targeted, you are amazed at why others are saying "fuck you!"

"During a special legislative session Monday at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, far-right protesters stormed the statehouse as lawmakers were inside. By 8:30 a.m., as protesters coalesced around the Capitol door, Oregon state police declared an unlawful assembly, according to authorities, according to authorities and local reports -- among the dozens of protesters were members of Patriot Prayer, a far-right, violent group sympathetic to white supremacists, based in Vancouver, Washington. Local Proud Boy affiliates also attended and were heavily armed."

It's disgusting to see the police attack these guys who were only trying to storm the capitol building to arrest the Governor and restore freedom to the citizens of Oregon..the police falsely claimed that the protesters sprayed them with pepper spray and other chemical agents which is highly doubtful; the protesters were heavily armed and they wouldn't be spraying agents, they would be spraying bullets...

Fortunately, the protesters made entry into the building, however there was a standoff with Deep State troopers and they were pushed back, some were even arrested...only one state Senator stood up for these patriots -- Republican State Senator Dallas Heard bravely accused state senators of engaging in a
"campaign against the people and the children of God." -- well said sir, well said....

They aren’t conswrvative, patriots or militia. They are radical treasonous scum who should be tried and hung

Yet anti-fa protesters should just get a slap on the wrist right?

You will now see people prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, because they have the "wrong" politics based on the opinions of the local government types.

You are complaining about the out come. Bum rush a capital building like that and armed. They would have been shot and killed here. These cops ain't taking the time to figure out who's who in possible armed conflict. Cops here say jump you say how high or your skull is in pieces. White,black ,blue or freaking I don't care what color or how rich you are these cops will split your wig in a heart beat. They ain't putting up with armed people rushing the capital. Even if you survive making the cops nervous with your guns they are going to put you in county while they sort shit out. Crap shoot you come out of there. Yall talk about how to act around cops, better take your own advice around here. People acting the fool round here won't be round here long.

"During a special legislative session Monday at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, far-right protesters stormed the statehouse as lawmakers were inside. By 8:30 a.m., as protesters coalesced around the Capitol door, Oregon state police declared an unlawful assembly, according to authorities, according to authorities and local reports -- among the dozens of protesters were members of Patriot Prayer, a far-right, violent group sympathetic to white supremacists, based in Vancouver, Washington. Local Proud Boy affiliates also attended and were heavily armed."

It's disgusting to see the police attack these guys who were only trying to storm the capitol building to arrest the Governor and restore freedom to the citizens of Oregon..the police falsely claimed that the protesters sprayed them with pepper spray and other chemical agents which is highly doubtful; the protesters were heavily armed and they wouldn't be spraying agents, they would be spraying bullets...

Fortunately, the protesters made entry into the building, however there was a standoff with Deep State troopers and they were pushed back, some were even arrested...only one state Senator stood up for these patriots -- Republican State Senator Dallas Heard bravely accused state senators of engaging in a
"campaign against the people and the children of God." -- well said sir, well said....

They aren’t conswrvative, patriots or militia. They are radical treasonous scum who should be tried and hung

Yet anti-fa protesters should just get a slap on the wrist right?

You will now see people prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, because they have the "wrong" politics based on the opinions of the local government types.

Nope.....they should be arrested if they stormed the capitol building and demanded the arrest of the governor over being forced to wear a mask to go inside of a Starbucks...

Is "what about Antifa??" your answer to everything???

If you were pulled over for speeding -- would you pump your chest up to the cop and say "what about Antifa!!!" as if that is a defense?

No, my response is based on the complete lack of police enforcement in places like Oregon when lefty radicals break shit, government and private, yet I guarantee these guys will have the book thrown at them for far less actual damage.

If I get pulled over for speeding and a 2nd cop just sits there when a guy blows by us going 30 MPH faster than me, then yes I am going to ask why that guy isn't being pulled over.

That reminds me....remember when right wing ammo-sexuals took over a federal building (also in Oregon) -- and nothing happened??

Remember when those same right wing ammosexuals had an armed stand off with law enforcement officers and conservative media treated them like heroes??
View attachment 432161

Now how many federal buildings did Antifa take over with no push back and did you call them heroes for "defending their freedoms"??

Why are you limiting your angst to federal buildings?

Oh right because you don't care about the widespread property damage done by lefties because you support it.

And when they were attacking a federal building earlier this year you were silent over it.

Lefty violence is systemic and widespread and far more of a threat to this country than these righty idiots.

But because you support anti-fa you won't admit to it.

I oppose's pretty simple.....that doesn't make me a supporter of any group which is why I don't reflexively defend Antifa or any other group......

I defend principles and policies...

You on the other hand -- you are an emotionally fragile cuck -- you are driven by your fears -- so you end up supporting anything as long as it eases your fears for the moment -- which is why folks like you end up supporting the same shit you later claim to oppose, just because that policy is now aimed at you....

I am willing to bet you had no opposition to the Patriot Act during the Bush years, all of the surveillance state policies, all of the fearmongering from the War on Terror because in your mind, it targeted "those others", fuck them right??

Now when you feel it's you being targeted, you are amazed at why others are saying "fuck you!"

What fascism? Fascism has been defined by the left now as anything to the Right of Mitt Romney.

The Patriot act was overreach, but it was supported by BOTH sides of the political spectrum.

All this hooting about a few guys breaking a door at a state house is to deflect from the much greater and pervasive violence being perpetrated by the left.
The basic problem with organized religion is that it is a gigantic game of "telephone." Somebody comes along with a fancy title and a nice hat or collar and tells you what you must believe in your soul, like they would have any idea. They are just humans. My father taught me that you have to believe what you say. When I was taking off from the Catholic Church I refused to say that "I believe in the one holy and apostolic church" because I didn't, and you don't lie to the Supreme Being. My Father got disgusted with the RCCs, good Irishman that he was. But every Sunday he went down to the church to sit there and do whatever he did with his own thoughts. When I decided that I wanted to participate in Quaker Worship, sitting in silence, he drove me there.

I know that I am babbling, perhaps. But we must get out of religiosity and turn back toward spirituality. For example, a person who is about to enter a marriage, he or she should spend a day thinking and perhaps praying about what this momentous occasion means in their life. They are about to swear an oath.
"anti-lockdown" protests remind me of
college protests in my under-grad college
that were devoted to a demand for "free
parking spaces" on college parking lots for
those students who had cars
I'll have you know that the automobile was not yet invented then

"During a special legislative session Monday at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, far-right protesters stormed the statehouse as lawmakers were inside. By 8:30 a.m., as protesters coalesced around the Capitol door, Oregon state police declared an unlawful assembly, according to authorities, according to authorities and local reports -- among the dozens of protesters were members of Patriot Prayer, a far-right, violent group sympathetic to white supremacists, based in Vancouver, Washington. Local Proud Boy affiliates also attended and were heavily armed."

It's disgusting to see the police attack these guys who were only trying to storm the capitol building to arrest the Governor and restore freedom to the citizens of Oregon..the police falsely claimed that the protesters sprayed them with pepper spray and other chemical agents which is highly doubtful; the protesters were heavily armed and they wouldn't be spraying agents, they would be spraying bullets...

Fortunately, the protesters made entry into the building, however there was a standoff with Deep State troopers and they were pushed back, some were even arrested...only one state Senator stood up for these patriots -- Republican State Senator Dallas Heard bravely accused state senators of engaging in a
"campaign against the people and the children of God." -- well said sir, well said....

They aren’t conswrvative, patriots or militia. They are radical treasonous scum who should be tried and hung

Yet anti-fa protesters should just get a slap on the wrist right?

You will now see people prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, because they have the "wrong" politics based on the opinions of the local government types.

You are complaining about the out come. Bum rush a capital building like that and armed. They would have been shot and killed here. These cops ain't taking the time to figure out who's who in possible armed conflict. Cops here say jump you say how high or your skull is in pieces. White,black ,blue or freaking I don't care what color or how rich you are these cops will split your wig in a heart beat. They ain't putting up with armed people rushing the capital. Even if you survive making the cops nervous with your guns they are going to put you in county while they sort shit out. Crap shoot you come out of there. Yall talk about how to act around cops, better take your own advice around here. People acting the fool round here won't be round here long.

Notice no one got shot. Leftist bring weapons that are below firearm level, but they actually bring them to use them.

Intent is the difference here.

"During a special legislative session Monday at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, far-right protesters stormed the statehouse as lawmakers were inside. By 8:30 a.m., as protesters coalesced around the Capitol door, Oregon state police declared an unlawful assembly, according to authorities, according to authorities and local reports -- among the dozens of protesters were members of Patriot Prayer, a far-right, violent group sympathetic to white supremacists, based in Vancouver, Washington. Local Proud Boy affiliates also attended and were heavily armed."

It's disgusting to see the police attack these guys who were only trying to storm the capitol building to arrest the Governor and restore freedom to the citizens of Oregon..the police falsely claimed that the protesters sprayed them with pepper spray and other chemical agents which is highly doubtful; the protesters were heavily armed and they wouldn't be spraying agents, they would be spraying bullets...

Fortunately, the protesters made entry into the building, however there was a standoff with Deep State troopers and they were pushed back, some were even arrested...only one state Senator stood up for these patriots -- Republican State Senator Dallas Heard bravely accused state senators of engaging in a
"campaign against the people and the children of God." -- well said sir, well said....

They aren’t conswrvative, patriots or militia. They are radical treasonous scum who should be tried and hung

Yet anti-fa protesters should just get a slap on the wrist right?

You will now see people prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, because they have the "wrong" politics based on the opinions of the local government types.

You are complaining about the out come. Bum rush a capital building like that and armed. They would have been shot and killed here. These cops ain't taking the time to figure out who's who in possible armed conflict. Cops here say jump you say how high or your skull is in pieces. White,black ,blue or freaking I don't care what color or how rich you are these cops will split your wig in a heart beat. They ain't putting up with armed people rushing the capital. Even if you survive making the cops nervous with your guns they are going to put you in county while they sort shit out. Crap shoot you come out of there. Yall talk about how to act around cops, better take your own advice around here. People acting the fool round here won't be round here long.

Notice no one got shot. Leftist bring weapons that are below firearm level, but they actually bring them to use them.

Intent is the difference here.

Cops here ain't taken the time to figure out intent in that situation. Don't believe me come make some noise here and see what happens. You like your skull in one piece do not make a cop nervous here. Left or right ain't gunna matter to them. Its just the way it is.

"During a special legislative session Monday at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, far-right protesters stormed the statehouse as lawmakers were inside. By 8:30 a.m., as protesters coalesced around the Capitol door, Oregon state police declared an unlawful assembly, according to authorities, according to authorities and local reports -- among the dozens of protesters were members of Patriot Prayer, a far-right, violent group sympathetic to white supremacists, based in Vancouver, Washington. Local Proud Boy affiliates also attended and were heavily armed."

It's disgusting to see the police attack these guys who were only trying to storm the capitol building to arrest the Governor and restore freedom to the citizens of Oregon..the police falsely claimed that the protesters sprayed them with pepper spray and other chemical agents which is highly doubtful; the protesters were heavily armed and they wouldn't be spraying agents, they would be spraying bullets...

Fortunately, the protesters made entry into the building, however there was a standoff with Deep State troopers and they were pushed back, some were even arrested...only one state Senator stood up for these patriots -- Republican State Senator Dallas Heard bravely accused state senators of engaging in a
"campaign against the people and the children of God." -- well said sir, well said....

They aren’t conswrvative, patriots or militia. They are radical treasonous scum who should be tried and hung

Yet anti-fa protesters should just get a slap on the wrist right?

You will now see people prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, because they have the "wrong" politics based on the opinions of the local government types.

You are complaining about the out come. Bum rush a capital building like that and armed. They would have been shot and killed here. These cops ain't taking the time to figure out who's who in possible armed conflict. Cops here say jump you say how high or your skull is in pieces. White,black ,blue or freaking I don't care what color or how rich you are these cops will split your wig in a heart beat. They ain't putting up with armed people rushing the capital. Even if you survive making the cops nervous with your guns they are going to put you in county while they sort shit out. Crap shoot you come out of there. Yall talk about how to act around cops, better take your own advice around here. People acting the fool round here won't be round here long.

Notice no one got shot. Leftist bring weapons that are below firearm level, but they actually bring them to use them.

Intent is the difference here.

Cops here ain't taken the time to figure out intent in that situation. Don't believe me come make some noise here and see what happens. You like your skull in one piece do not make a cop nervous here. Left or right ain't gunna matter to them. Its just the way it is.

Where is "here"?

Have you noticed that the RKBA protests more than 99% of the time don't involve a single round being fired? Most of them also result in zero arrests.

"During a special legislative session Monday at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, far-right protesters stormed the statehouse as lawmakers were inside. By 8:30 a.m., as protesters coalesced around the Capitol door, Oregon state police declared an unlawful assembly, according to authorities, according to authorities and local reports -- among the dozens of protesters were members of Patriot Prayer, a far-right, violent group sympathetic to white supremacists, based in Vancouver, Washington. Local Proud Boy affiliates also attended and were heavily armed."

It's disgusting to see the police attack these guys who were only trying to storm the capitol building to arrest the Governor and restore freedom to the citizens of Oregon..the police falsely claimed that the protesters sprayed them with pepper spray and other chemical agents which is highly doubtful; the protesters were heavily armed and they wouldn't be spraying agents, they would be spraying bullets...

Fortunately, the protesters made entry into the building, however there was a standoff with Deep State troopers and they were pushed back, some were even arrested...only one state Senator stood up for these patriots -- Republican State Senator Dallas Heard bravely accused state senators of engaging in a
"campaign against the people and the children of God." -- well said sir, well said....

They aren’t conswrvative, patriots or militia. They are radical treasonous scum who should be tried and hung

Yet anti-fa protesters should just get a slap on the wrist right?

You will now see people prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, because they have the "wrong" politics based on the opinions of the local government types.

You are complaining about the out come. Bum rush a capital building like that and armed. They would have been shot and killed here. These cops ain't taking the time to figure out who's who in possible armed conflict. Cops here say jump you say how high or your skull is in pieces. White,black ,blue or freaking I don't care what color or how rich you are these cops will split your wig in a heart beat. They ain't putting up with armed people rushing the capital. Even if you survive making the cops nervous with your guns they are going to put you in county while they sort shit out. Crap shoot you come out of there. Yall talk about how to act around cops, better take your own advice around here. People acting the fool round here won't be round here long.

Notice no one got shot. Leftist bring weapons that are below firearm level, but they actually bring them to use them.

Intent is the difference here.

Cops here ain't taken the time to figure out intent in that situation. Don't believe me come make some noise here and see what happens. You like your skull in one piece do not make a cop nervous here. Left or right ain't gunna matter to them. Its just the way it is.

Where is "here"?

Have you noticed that the RKBA protests more than 99% of the time don't involve a single round being fired? Most of them also result in zero arrests.

Columbus, Ohio. Do not piss a cop off here. It's just the way it is. Think what you want, these cops take zero crap.

"During a special legislative session Monday at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, far-right protesters stormed the statehouse as lawmakers were inside. By 8:30 a.m., as protesters coalesced around the Capitol door, Oregon state police declared an unlawful assembly, according to authorities, according to authorities and local reports -- among the dozens of protesters were members of Patriot Prayer, a far-right, violent group sympathetic to white supremacists, based in Vancouver, Washington. Local Proud Boy affiliates also attended and were heavily armed."

It's disgusting to see the police attack these guys who were only trying to storm the capitol building to arrest the Governor and restore freedom to the citizens of Oregon..the police falsely claimed that the protesters sprayed them with pepper spray and other chemical agents which is highly doubtful; the protesters were heavily armed and they wouldn't be spraying agents, they would be spraying bullets...

Fortunately, the protesters made entry into the building, however there was a standoff with Deep State troopers and they were pushed back, some were even arrested...only one state Senator stood up for these patriots -- Republican State Senator Dallas Heard bravely accused state senators of engaging in a
"campaign against the people and the children of God." -- well said sir, well said....

If your side had stood up to the Black Lies Matter rioters and looters for the last 6 months your fake moral outrage today would carry mor weight

but you didnt

so lib complaints now are dismissed as being without merit
Well at least they aren't making a scene and destroying property like BLM - True Patriots! :rofl:

"During a special legislative session Monday at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, far-right protesters stormed the statehouse as lawmakers were inside. By 8:30 a.m., as protesters coalesced around the Capitol door, Oregon state police declared an unlawful assembly, according to authorities, according to authorities and local reports -- among the dozens of protesters were members of Patriot Prayer, a far-right, violent group sympathetic to white supremacists, based in Vancouver, Washington. Local Proud Boy affiliates also attended and were heavily armed."

It's disgusting to see the police attack these guys who were only trying to storm the capitol building to arrest the Governor and restore freedom to the citizens of Oregon..the police falsely claimed that the protesters sprayed them with pepper spray and other chemical agents which is highly doubtful; the protesters were heavily armed and they wouldn't be spraying agents, they would be spraying bullets...

Fortunately, the protesters made entry into the building, however there was a standoff with Deep State troopers and they were pushed back, some were even arrested...only one state Senator stood up for these patriots -- Republican State Senator Dallas Heard bravely accused state senators of engaging in a
"campaign against the people and the children of God." -- well said sir, well said....

They aren’t conswrvative, patriots or militia. They are radical treasonous scum who should be tried and hung

Yet anti-fa protesters should just get a slap on the wrist right?

You will now see people prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, because they have the "wrong" politics based on the opinions of the local government types.

You are complaining about the out come. Bum rush a capital building like that and armed. They would have been shot and killed here. These cops ain't taking the time to figure out who's who in possible armed conflict. Cops here say jump you say how high or your skull is in pieces. White,black ,blue or freaking I don't care what color or how rich you are these cops will split your wig in a heart beat. They ain't putting up with armed people rushing the capital. Even if you survive making the cops nervous with your guns they are going to put you in county while they sort shit out. Crap shoot you come out of there. Yall talk about how to act around cops, better take your own advice around here. People acting the fool round here won't be round here long.

Notice no one got shot. Leftist bring weapons that are below firearm level, but they actually bring them to use them.

Intent is the difference here.

It was a right winger who went out of his way and out of his State to commit homicide.

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