Conservative/right remains biggest ideological group, libs/left still oh so small

(R)IGHTeous 1

Dec 5, 2010
Conservatives Continue to Outnumber Moderates in 2010
Long term, Republicans growing more conservative, Democrats more liberal.

The political composition of U.S. adults held fairly steady in 2010 compared with 2009. Conservatives remained the largest group, followed by moderates and then liberals. At 35%, the percentage of moderates has declined to a new low, highlighting the increased political polarization that has occurred over the past decade.

While the political pendulum in Washington can swing widely, Americans' political ideology, like their party identification, tends to shift more gradually. Such a shift has been underway in recent years. While the changes are not large, they are unmistakable. Moderates are growing fewer in number while the percentages of conservatives and liberals have expanded. Conservatism has gained ground among Republicans and independents, while the growth in liberalism is strictly among Democrats.

Conservatives Continue to Outnumber Moderates in 2010
Well it doesn't require any critical thought, so...

No mental gymnastics needed. Just common sense. That's because we don't have to justify ridiculous positions.

Can anyone explain to me how spending money we dont have and taxing our children without their representation is good for our society?

Could anyone tell me why passing unconstitutional regulations on the health care industry that make things worse is good?

Could anyone explain why we should ignore the limits the Constitution clearly puts on the Federal Government?

Or why power is better in DC than with the individuals in this nation?

Or why corporations are evil yet LLCs or Partnerships arent? Or what's so bad about making a profit to take care of your family and keep your employees working?

Or why efficiency, honesty, and eliminating corruption is bad?

Or how about hard work? Why is it so bad to work for what we want?

Or why is it fair to take from people who work hard for their money to give to people who don't work at all? Merciful? yes, totally. But fair? heck no.

Or why our politicians get away with taking our money by force and giving it to their power base when any normal person doing that would be doing 5-10 easily?

Or why having a piece of paper from a University is more important than actually knowing things?
As for the original post, I think it's kind of foolish to look at an "My group is bigger than yours" as if that really matters.

Size of the groups don't matter. If modern liberalism/progressivism were correct, 2 people believing it would make it superior to 99% of society thinking conservatism correct.

The matter isnt really liberal/conservative anyway. It's about what's true. And knowing the truth is only half the battle. Living it is the tough part.

I mean look, we elect politicians all the time who say the right things. Then they turn around and implement the exact opposite. The only way to fix that problem is to fix ourselves. If we eliminate the corruption in our own lives, then our system will take care of itself.
Conservatives Continue to Outnumber Moderates in 2010
Long term, Republicans growing more conservative, Democrats more liberal.

The political composition of U.S. adults held fairly steady in 2010 compared with 2009. Conservatives remained the largest group, followed by moderates and then liberals. At 35%, the percentage of moderates has declined to a new low, highlighting the increased political polarization that has occurred over the past decade.

While the political pendulum in Washington can swing widely, Americans' political ideology, like their party identification, tends to shift more gradually. Such a shift has been underway in recent years. While the changes are not large, they are unmistakable. Moderates are growing fewer in number while the percentages of conservatives and liberals have expanded. Conservatism has gained ground among Republicans and independents, while the growth in liberalism is strictly among Democrats.

Conservatives Continue to Outnumber Moderates in 2010

America PROGRESSES liberally....

30 years ago most gays were still in the closet...
but today....
gays are out and about everywhere!

they work with us, live in our neighborhoods, have their own tv shows, are our friends, neighbors and family...

they even have spousal benefits....

and MOST Americans are FINE with this...

even most conservatives will tell you they do NOT hate gays, they have gay friends and they would accept gay spousal rights (if not marriage)


blacks and women have more power/influence today than ever....

blacks, women (and gays) are in prominent positions in theatre, tv, business, the military, politics....

and MOST Americans have no problem with this....


30 years ago interracial relationships still upset most conservatives...

not today.

blacks and whites and latinos have relationships now and nobody cares!


15 years ago cons were extremely angry when shannon faulkner became the first female to enter the citadel..

today...just 15 years later...women are in ALL of the military branches and NOBODY (not even conservatives) cares


everyone has sex outside of marriage

most everyone gets divorced (apparently even fundy christians have a high divorce rate)

most people live together before they marry

and MILLIONS of people in relationships don't even bother to get married any more

it's becoming more and more common for successful single women (in their 30's) to have children without the bother of a husband....

30 years ago 95% of the population of America were christians
today...that number is dwindling..
atheists comprise 15% ( the fasted growing number)
while millions of Americans are switching to other, non traditional religions....

Well it doesn't require any critical thought, so...

No mental gymnastics needed. Just common sense. That's because we don't have to justify ridiculous positions.

Can anyone explain to me how spending money we dont have and taxing our children without their representation is good for our society? Who needs money when we can go to the barter system again?

Could anyone tell me why passing unconstitutional regulations on the health care industry that make things worse is good? It's to force the issue of a public option. By making it to expensive for millions more, they create a demand.

Could anyone explain why we should ignore the limits the Constitution clearly puts on the Federal Government? To qoute my favorite Dem; "Really? Really?"...... Madam Speaker Pelsoi.

Or why power is better in DC than with the individuals in this nation? B/c we can't fire them.

Or why corporations are evil yet LLCs or Partnerships arent? If I have to explain...Or what's so bad about making a profit to take care of your family and keep your employees working? How dare you not demand to be taxed more!!!

Or why efficiency, honesty, and eliminating corruption is bad? You bible thumper you!!

Or how about hard work? Why is it so bad to work for what we want? No one should be required to work hard! It's a civil rights issue.

Or why is it fair to take from people who work hard for their money to give to people who don't work at all? Merciful? yes, totally. But fair? heck no. OH LET ME BE THE FIRST! You filthy RACIST!!

Or why our politicians get away with taking our money by force and giving it to their power base when any normal person doing that would be doing 5-10 easily? Business as usuall, they do it all the time. "For our own good."

Or why having a piece of paper from a University is more important than actually knowing things?
It's solid proof that you went to class and understood at least 70% of what the Prof said.

I win, I got to bring race into it first!
Conservatives Continue to Outnumber Moderates in 2010
Long term, Republicans growing more conservative, Democrats more liberal.

The political composition of U.S. adults held fairly steady in 2010 compared with 2009. Conservatives remained the largest group, followed by moderates and then liberals. At 35%, the percentage of moderates has declined to a new low, highlighting the increased political polarization that has occurred over the past decade.

While the political pendulum in Washington can swing widely, Americans' political ideology, like their party identification, tends to shift more gradually. Such a shift has been underway in recent years. While the changes are not large, they are unmistakable. Moderates are growing fewer in number while the percentages of conservatives and liberals have expanded. Conservatism has gained ground among Republicans and independents, while the growth in liberalism is strictly among Democrats.

Conservatives Continue to Outnumber Moderates in 2010

America PROGRESSES liberally....

30 years ago most gays were still in the closet...
but today....
gays are out and about everywhere!

they work with us, live in our neighborhoods, have their own tv shows, are our friends, neighbors and family...

they even have spousal benefits....

and MOST Americans are FINE with this...

even most conservatives will tell you they do NOT hate gays, they have gay friends and they would accept gay spousal rights (if not marriage)


blacks and women have more power/influence today than ever....

blacks, women (and gays) are in prominent positions in theatre, tv, business, the military, politics....

and MOST Americans have no problem with this....


30 years ago interracial relationships still upset most conservatives...

not today.

blacks and whites and latinos have relationships now and nobody cares!


15 years ago cons were extremely angry when shannon faulkner became the first female to enter the citadel..

today...just 15 years later...women are in ALL of the military branches and NOBODY (not even conservatives) cares


everyone has sex outside of marriage

most everyone gets divorced (apparently even fundy christians have a high divorce rate)

most people live together before they marry

and MILLIONS of people in relationships don't even bother to get married any more

it's becoming more and more common for successful single women (in their 30's) to have children without the bother of a husband....

30 years ago 95% of the population of America were christians
today...that number is dwindling..
atheists comprise 15% ( the fasted growing number)
while millions of Americans are switching to other, non traditional religions....



You keep screaming that in your head. Thank you for exhibiting why lying wackos like you are ONLY 20% OF THIS POP. AND LIKELY TO ONLY DECREASE.

I'll pwn the gay example you used. MY GAY SELF'S PARTY, THE GOP, was again instrumental in passing DADT repeal, like they were with the Civil Rights Act. I represent a growing minority of gay and other minority RIGHTIST GOPers.

You even say most conservatives don't hate gays, and you're right for once.

Also, bout 90% of America believes in a God, and yes, the VAST majority of them are us CHRISTIANS STILL, hate to burst that lil deranged bubble buddy.....not really.:lol:

You did nothing to disprove this accurate poll, only spouted some mostly irrelevant socio-cultural trends that do nothing to prove that conservatism isn't in fact STILL growing. I could pwn the rest of your sad excuse for a rebuttal, but you get the idea.

You pwned yourself, but I had to do this again, mega pwn you, like I said, when you wonder now why your on my pwned belt, remember THIS.
Wait, was this supposed to be a positive poll? Less moderation, more entrenchment of our two-party system, this is good? Unless the growth in conservatives equates to something other than growth in Republicans (and, despite the Tea Party, I find it hard to believe that it does) this poll would seem to indicate the possibility of a firmer grip on power by the two major parties. That's not something to be happy about.

Find some evidence of a growth in independents, conservative or otherwise, then I'll see at least a slight positive aspect to this.

And, of course, there's the obligatory polls are bullshit! :eusa_shhh:
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90% white, mostly Christian, 6% of scientists, that's about "right".
Wait, was this supposed to be a positive poll? Less moderation, more entrenchment of our two-party system, this is good? Unless the growth in conservatives equates to something other than growth in Republicans (and, despite the Tea Party, I find it hard to believe that it does) this poll would seem to indicate the possibility of a firmer grip on power by the two major parties. That's not something to be happy about.

Find some evidence of a growth in independents, conservative of otherwise, then I'll see at least a slight positive aspect to this.

And, of course, there's the obligatory polls are bullshit! :eusa_shhh:

How do you compromise with corruption? Be less corrupt?
90% white, mostly Christian, 6% of scientists, that's about "right".

You really need to learn how to add constructive criticism and not outright bullcrap.

The Republican Party is 90% white.

The Republican Party is mostly Christian.

6% of Scientists identify as "Republican".

Those are NOT criticism, they are "facts".

Criticism is, "If you keep watching Fox, your brain will rot".
Wait, was this supposed to be a positive poll? Less moderation, more entrenchment of our two-party system, this is good? Unless the growth in conservatives equates to something other than growth in Republicans (and, despite the Tea Party, I find it hard to believe that it does) this poll would seem to indicate the possibility of a firmer grip on power by the two major parties. That's not something to be happy about.

Find some evidence of a growth in independents, conservative of otherwise, then I'll see at least a slight positive aspect to this.

And, of course, there's the obligatory polls are bullshit! :eusa_shhh:

How do you compromise with corruption? Be less corrupt?

That response seems like a bit of a non sequitur, did I say anything about compromise with corruption? Or are you contending that views which don't fall on the extremes of liberal or conservative philosophy are compromises rather than honestly held beliefs? I'm not sure where this question came from.
90% white, mostly Christian, 6% of scientists, that's about "right".

You really need to learn how to add constructive criticism and not outright bullcrap.

The Republican Party is 90% white.

The Republican Party is mostly Christian.

6% of Scientists identify as "Republican".

Those are NOT criticism, they are "facts".

Criticism is, "If you keep watching Fox, your brain will rot".

got a link to the 90% white?

Since 1/5 of the world is Catholic, I'll buy that most Reps are christian.

And the reason why so few reps are scientist is b/c they are busy hiring them to work in their businesses. :muahaha:

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