The Most Surprising New Gun Owners Are U.S. Liberals

And they don't talk about it because of gun safety or other safe precautions, they don't talk about it because they know owning a gun goes against their party affiliations or social and political circles.
That's a cute fantasy.

In what we call reality, outside of gun humper and criminal circles, nobody talks about owning a gun.

Normal people just call it baseline class.
That's a cute fantasy.

In what we call reality, outside of gun humper and criminal circles, nobody talks about owning a gun.

Normal people just call it baseline class.
What's a fantasy, that Democrats have bought guns and don't talk about it because they are afraid of what their political inner circle will say? I'm sure it's very plausible. But you're right, responsible gun ownership is quiet gun ownership.
What's a fantasy, that Democrats have bought guns and don't talk about it because they are afraid of what their political inner circle will say? I'm sure it's very plausible. But you're right, responsible gun ownership is quiet gun ownership.
You’re in a daze. Democrats serve in the. Military, hunt and fish, and many are police. They just aren’t stupid about arming criminals like the republicans.

American gun culture has long been dominated by conservative, white men. Now, in a marked change, a burgeoning number of liberals are buying firearms, according to surveys and fast-growing gun groups drawing minorities and progressives.

“It’s a group of people who five years ago would never have considered buying a gun,” says Jennifer Hubbert, an anthropology professor at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Ore., who has researched liberal gun owners.

Historically, it wasn’t unusual for Democrats to own guns, with many more of them living in rural areas. Also, hunting was much more popular. But starting in the early ’90s, gun ownership among Democrats dropped significantly. Increasingly divisive political battles over the role of firearms in American society led the Democratic Party to become an advocate for gun regulation. Republicans became the party of gun rights.

Now, today’s Democrats are rediscovering guns . . .

Well at least I don't have to share my range with them. ;)

That said, it's not a bad thing to listen to the thoughts and motivations of your enemies.

Political discourse is much more interesting when there is disagreement.

It makes no sense to be a liberal period, much less a liberal gun owner, but they do exist, and it would be in our best interest for them to embrace gun rights.

Perhaps that is why some of the gun-grabbing talk from the less insane dems has died down some. They are in the same line of fire as right-leaners.
Still about 30% of the population own guns.

Are the Lefties arming up to shoot the conservatives?
What's a fantasy, that Democrats have bought guns and don't talk about it because they are afraid of what their political inner circle will say?

Your mistake is thinking everyone acts like you and your cult, what with your compulsive signaling and purity tests.
Of course. The right wingers generally already own guns.

This is like saying all the new starter bra buyers are teenagers.

Well no shit.

What we are seeing are the late stages of a gun crazed society. Gun haters start buying guns to protect themselves from the batshit gun nutter society.
Except that the "gun nutters" aren't shooting anybody. It's paranoia run amok.
*except the expresident and a lot of schoolchildren
Those are just plain nutters. They don't care what tool they use. Perfect case in point, the anti-gunners' favorite bugaboo, the NRA. How many NRA members have done mass shootings in the last 5 years, 10 years?
No, those are gun nutters.

Nuts with guns. Nuts for guns.
Guns are peripheral to them. Killing people is their main goal. Take away guns and they'll use bombs or cars, like we see around the world. Tell us this, what percentage of the firearms in private hands have killed more than one person in the last 5 years, 10 years?
Once they snap.

So gun nutters are more likely to snap.

But I think we knew that already.
No, nutters are more likely to snap. Pretending the problem is guns leaves many wide-open targets. Doing nothing about the underlying causes of the hatred and willingness to kill will do nothing to reduce the body count. Seriously, it is in living memory that guns were common in cars and trucks parked at schools, kids could shoot guns in class at school, and no one got shot. Today, you have to basically give one of your nuts to buy a gun and you get yelled at by the crazies if you have one, and guess what, people are getting shot. It's not the guns.
Still about 30% of the population own guns.

Are the Lefties arming up to shoot the conservatives?
Tell that to the conservative bozos who attempted to assassinate Trump.
You have trouble keeping your clam under control. You’re going after each other.

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