Conservatives celebrate! We won the battle of Madison!!!!

You may win the battle in Wisconsin and lose the war

Republicans are firmly establishing themselves as anti-worker in a time when Amercans overwhelmingly support the right to collective bargaining

Even Chris Christie supports collective bargaining and I agree on many, many things, but on this one I will have to respectfully disagree. What percentage of American belong to unions? Around 12% now, if I recall correctly. Those of us forced to employ union workers and see NO better worker than a non-union person despise unions and also despise union supporters. As an Obama voter, I am squarely on Walker's side on this one and I believe the Democrats would be fools to make this an issue in 2012.

fair enough..

I however believe the American worker is under attack as he finds it harder and harder to maintain his former standard of living.

Unions or the threat of forming a union is all that a worker has to ensure that his rights are not violated
You may win the battle in Wisconsin and lose the war

Republicans are firmly establishing themselves as anti-worker in a time when Amercans overwhelmingly support the right to collective bargaining

Even Chris Christie supports collective bargaining and I agree on many, many things, but on this one I will have to respectfully disagree. What percentage of American belong to unions? Around 12% now, if I recall correctly. Those of us forced to employ union workers and see NO better worker than a non-union person despise unions and also despise union supporters. As an Obama voter, I am squarely on Walker's side on this one and I believe the Democrats would be fools to make this an issue in 2012.

fair enough..

I however believe the American worker is under attack as he finds it harder and harder to maintain his former standard of living.

Unions or the threat of forming a union is all that a worker has to ensure that his rights are not violated

Agreed. But, more and more US companies cannot compete in the global market and rather than deal with greedy unions, they have simply shipped their jobs overseas. Which is better? Taking a little pay cut or hitting the unemployment lines altogether?
Since when have unions ever done work?

That is an ignorant remark Avatar. Surprised to see that come from someone with intellect, who was prolly schooled by Union teachers. Sigh,...That ol Retarded short term memory syndrome has sure took it's toll on the reightys.

How is it ignorant? Unions do less work than non-union and demand more pay for less productivity. Heck, some members get paid to do jack squat. You want verification? Just open your eyes.

As for my intellect, any knowledge I have is despite the public school system. See, unlike you I don't sit back and wait for people to give me information. I try to learn it for myself. I read. I think. I experiment. There is so much to learn in the world. I know I've only cracked a fraction of a percent of what is out there. If I sat around presuming that I was simply educated because i went to school and picked up a few degrees, id be as ignorant as you.

When I was a union worker,the majority of my fellow employees were hard workers. It was the minority that leeched & exploited the system that was designed to protect them equally that ended up costing me my job & nearly 2000 others. It only took a handful of idiots to bring down an industry leading company. People on the outside don't realize how easy it can be & how few it takes to cause unrepairable damage & chaos. It only took a few months & series of events to nearly destroy a company that was in operation over 50 years. That is the more common scenario for union shops or former union shops & why the majority of companies don't want them anymore. The classic case of a few bad apples spoiling the bunch. That's only the private sector though. The public sector is a whole nother story... and I agree on many, many things, but on this one I will have to respectfully disagree. What percentage of American belong to unions? Around 12% now, if I recall correctly. Those of us forced to employ union workers and see NO better worker than a non-union person despise unions and also despise union supporters. As an Obama voter, I am squarely on Walker's side on this one and I believe the Democrats would be fools to make this an issue in 2012.

fair enough..

I however believe the American worker is under attack as he finds it harder and harder to maintain his former standard of living.

Unions or the threat of forming a union is all that a worker has to ensure that his rights are not violated

Agreed. But, more and more US companies cannot compete in the global market and rather than deal with greedy unions, they have simply shipped their jobs overseas. Which is better? Taking a little pay cut or hitting the unemployment lines altogether?

It would be a lot more than a little pay cut for American workers to be on a par with their foreign counterparts. and I agree on many, many things, but on this one I will have to respectfully disagree. What percentage of American belong to unions? Around 12% now, if I recall correctly. Those of us forced to employ union workers and see NO better worker than a non-union person despise unions and also despise union supporters. As an Obama voter, I am squarely on Walker's side on this one and I believe the Democrats would be fools to make this an issue in 2012.

fair enough..

I however believe the American worker is under attack as he finds it harder and harder to maintain his former standard of living.

Unions or the threat of forming a union is all that a worker has to ensure that his rights are not violated

Agreed. But, more and more US companies cannot compete in the global market and rather than deal with greedy unions, they have simply shipped their jobs overseas. Which is better? Taking a little pay cut or hitting the unemployment lines altogether?

I would agree if it were a shared sacrifice

Over the last 30 years

American workers have been working more hours, seeing stagnant pay, decreased benefits and a higher cost of living

Corporate executives have seen pay and bonuses escallate
Nobody is going back to slave wages,or so on and so forth. Jezzzzzzz

That is EXACTLY what is happening in this country and multinationals are doing everything in their power to speed the process.
Weakening Teacher Unions is vital to any possible change & improvement in our Publc Schools. Teacher Unions just have too much power at this point. They don't care about the kids anymore. They only care about themselves and getting Democrats elected. In fact there shouldn't be any Unions in our Government. It's just a very bad combination. Conservatives haven't won quite yet in Madison. They're getting there though. Much Kudos are well deserved for Governor Scott Walker. He's making the tough Adult decisions that have to be made. I wish him nothing but the best of luck.
Last edited: and I agree on many, many things, but on this one I will have to respectfully disagree. What percentage of American belong to unions? Around 12% now, if I recall correctly. Those of us forced to employ union workers and see NO better worker than a non-union person despise unions and also despise union supporters. As an Obama voter, I am squarely on Walker's side on this one and I believe the Democrats would be fools to make this an issue in 2012.

fair enough..

I however believe the American worker is under attack as he finds it harder and harder to maintain his former standard of living.

Unions or the threat of forming a union is all that a worker has to ensure that his rights are not violated

Agreed. But, more and more US companies cannot compete in the global market and rather than deal with greedy unions, they have simply shipped their jobs overseas. Which is better? Taking a little pay cut or hitting the unemployment lines altogether?

Let me ask you honestly think that American workers taking a "little pay cut" is going to stop businesses from shipping jobs overseas where they can pay people cents on the hour?
We havent won anything. The Democrats in the State Senate are still on the lamb. Just because the State House has voted on the measure doesnt mean we've won anything.

True, it isn't official yet. But really, whats gonna happen? The Dem's gonna stay gone forever? Are the Republicans gonna let their childish tactic work and give in?

No. The Reps have the momentum and support. They even have the sympathy of many for trying to balance a budget.

This is like a Super Bowl where one team is up 52-7, but there is still 5:00 on the clock. The result is settled, but the game isn't quite over. That is all.

The Fleebaggers have already conceded that this will go down as planned. All that is going on now is stalling so they can get the agitators out stirring up trouble.
All this railing against unions is the result of talking points that some conservatives blindly accept. Why? Because it fits into their worldview of lazy bums that ruin our country ...if we could only fix THEM we'd be ok.

Bullshit. It's not lazy black welfare moms or lazy black union workers who have screwed up this country...despite the railing to the contrary. Yep. I brought up race...because more often than not...that's the conservative stereotype...lazy black people who feed off welfare. That's why this union thing has legs.

When are the dems going to grow a pair and pound home the meme that conservatives don't care about the little guy?
Weakening Teacher Unions is vital to any possible change & improvement in our Publc Schools. Teacher Unions just have too much power at this point. They don't care about the kids anymore. They only care about themselves and getting Democrats elected. In fact there shouldn't be any Unions in our Government. It's just a very bad combination. Conservatives haven't quite won yet in Madison. They're getting there though. Much Kudos are well deserved for Governor Scott Walker. He's making the tough Adult decisions that have to be made. I wish him nothing but the best of luck.

Guess what?

You get what you pay for. Weaken teacher pay and benefits and you get poorer quality teachers

Don't blame the unions
Unions in Government is a Lose/Lose for everyone but Unions & Democrats. The Taxpayer always loses though. Unions just don't belong in Government. It shouldn't have ever been allowed. It's time for the Taxpayers to take charge. Time for the Unions to go.
You may win the battle in Wisconsin and lose the war

Republicans are firmly establishing themselves as anti-worker in a time when Amercans overwhelmingly support the right to collective bargaining

Even Chris Christie supports collective bargaining and I agree on many, many things, but on this one I will have to respectfully disagree. What percentage of American belong to unions? Around 12% now, if I recall correctly. Those of us forced to employ union workers and see NO better worker than a non-union person despise unions and also despise union supporters. As an Obama voter, I am squarely on Walker's side on this one and I believe the Democrats would be fools to make this an issue in 2012.

Hell has frozen over.

Yes it has!!!
It's all about the Entitlement mentality. Most people now have less sympathy for Teachers than they did in the past. Teachers have become like Generational Welfare Recipients. They feel they deserve to have everything given to them. How often do you see Teachers & Welfare Recipients taking the time to thank Taxpayers for the benefits they receive? I never see that. All i see is Teachers & Welfare Recipients whining about everything and demanding more. I do blame the Democrats for this mentality. Teachers don't have it nearly as bad as they claim. They enjoy All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of paid Holiday Time Off,and Entire Summers Off. How many other American Workers enjoy those kinds of benefits? Teachers are just doing too much whining at this point. Sure they have it tough but so do most other American Workers. But none whine & complain more than Teachers do. It's all about that Entitlement mentality in the end. How bout a thank you to the Taxpayers once and awhile?
Weakening Teacher Unions is vital to any possible change & improvement in our Publc Schools. Teacher Unions just have too much power at this point. They don't care about the kids anymore. They only care about themselves and getting Democrats elected. In fact there shouldn't be any Unions in our Government. It's just a very bad combination. Conservatives haven't quite won yet in Madison. They're getting there though. Much Kudos are well deserved for Governor Scott Walker. He's making the tough Adult decisions that have to be made. I wish him nothing but the best of luck.

Guess what?

You get what you pay for. Weaken teacher pay and benefits and you get poorer quality teachers

Don't blame the unions

Guess what?

Our public school system is shit. We aren't getting what we're paying for now.
What we have is overpaid Prima Donna's who aren't held to the standard of those that hold equally paying jobs in other fields. Even at McDonalds,you will get the hatchet if you fuck up too many burgers. I bet there are a few teachers that are thinking sit down & STFU before you ruin it for the rest of us. Those that know how good they have it. Just like the few who were against the strike at my old job. Looking back now,I wish I would have listened to them. I would probably still have my job there making a lot more than I'm making now if the few were the majority looking at the big picture & not being greedy. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if teachers themselves will look back one day & think the same thing. Be careful for what you wish for because you might just...end up far worse than you were before.
We won the battle of Madison boys!!! Unions are going bye bye!! Wisconsin is the start. Many states will follow with this first step already having been taken by the courageous Gov. Walker, a man who will go down in history as one of the many political heroes who went up against the violent union thugs for the sake of the nations financial stability.

We won, and now, as unions diminish, so will the billions they flood into Democratic fundraising, setting the state for countless victories in the future for conservatives!!!



First, We have not won Anything yet.

Second, If you were a real Conservative you would know that making the unions "Go BYE BYE" is not the Goal.

Personally I favor a balance. I want unions to have to Earn their members. The simple way to do this is to make Union membership Optional, and not Mandatory to work in Unionized Shops.

This would be good for all workers, good for the country, and very GOOD! for union members. The only people it is not good for, is the big Cat, Union Leadership that currently get to take Dues from Their Members with very Little accountability at all.

I thought you Democrats loved Choice, Stop standing in the way of Choice. Support right to work laws that Make Union Membership Optional not Mandatory. Force the Union Leadership to have to make it worth it to be in the Union and pay those dues.

It is a win win, Despite the Liberal Lies you have all been programed to repeat.
Hey here's a Revolutionary idea...How bout Teachers & Welfare Recipients say Thank You to Taxpayers once and awhile? I know that seems shocking but how bout it? Teachers & Welfare Recipients seem to only want to complain and demand more. Well,most Americans are getting sick of their Entitlement attitude. A Thank You once and awhile really would be nice.
You may win the battle in Wisconsin and lose the war

Republicans are firmly establishing themselves as anti-worker in a time when Amercans overwhelmingly support the right to collective bargaining

Even Chris Christie supports collective bargaining and I agree on many, many things, but on this one I will have to respectfully disagree. What percentage of American belong to unions? Around 12% now, if I recall correctly. Those of us forced to employ union workers and see NO better worker than a non-union person despise unions and also despise union supporters. As an Obama voter, I am squarely on Walker's side on this one and I believe the Democrats would be fools to make this an issue in 2012.

Hell has frozen over.

It's global warming.
When I was a union worker,the majority of my fellow employees were hard workers. It was the minority that leeched & exploited the system that was designed to protect them equally that ended up costing me my job & nearly 2000 others. It only took a handful of idiots to bring down an industry leading company. People on the outside don't realize how easy it can be & how few it takes to cause unrepairable damage & chaos. It only took a few months & series of events to nearly destroy a company that was in operation over 50 years. That is the more common scenario for union shops or former union shops & why the majority of companies don't want them anymore. The classic case of a few bad apples spoiling the bunch. That's only the private sector though. The public sector is a whole nother story...

Private or Public? I see Public Unions at all the time and they are some of the worst.
LibApoc is one of those deluded souls who wants to blame everyone else for their problems. It's the lazy bums lazy bums!!! If only we could get all the lazy bums out...our kuntree would be great again!

NewsFlash...the lazy bums don't amount to as much as FauxNews and some hysterical conservatives would make you think.

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