Conservatives riled up over registering women for draft


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The Senate’s NDAA, which the committee approved on July 21, contains an amendment by the panel's chairman, Jack Reed of Rhode Island, that would require women to sign up with Selective Service, just as men do between the ages of 18 and 25. If enacted, women could be drafted into military service in the event of a national emergency, though there is no prospect of that on the horizon, and no American has been drafted in nearly half a century.

If the bill became law in its present form, women would have to start registering one year after enactment of the NDAA, a knowledgeable Senate aide told CQ Roll Call.

But while most of the committee's Republicans voted for the amendment, five voted no, senators and aides disclosed. And two of them, who normally are strong advocates for supporting the military — Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Josh Hawley of Missouri — voted against the Pentagon authorization bill because of their concerns about the draft issue, their aides revealed Friday.

I continue to maintain the position that this is not equality. The pretense that it is pisses me off. It's about expendability. That said, my son is not expendable by virtue of being male.
The Senate’s NDAA, which the committee approved on July 21, contains an amendment by the panel's chairman, Jack Reed of Rhode Island, that would require women to sign up with Selective Service, just as men do between the ages of 18 and 25. If enacted, women could be drafted into military service in the event of a national emergency, though there is no prospect of that on the horizon, and no American has been drafted in nearly half a century.

If the bill became law in its present form, women would have to start registering one year after enactment of the NDAA, a knowledgeable Senate aide told CQ Roll Call.

But while most of the committee's Republicans voted for the amendment, five voted no, senators and aides disclosed. And two of them, who normally are strong advocates for supporting the military — Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Josh Hawley of Missouri — voted against the Pentagon authorization bill because of their concerns about the draft issue, their aides revealed Friday.

I continue to maintain the position that this is not equality. The pretense that it is pisses me off. It's about expendability. That said, my son is not expendable by virtue of being male.

Women continue cribbing about equality, therefore they should also be required to meet conscription laws and serve side by side with the men.
Registering for the draft is sort of pointless and probably should be dumped. I can't imagine Sleepy Joe drafting anyone at any time.

However, if you are going to register people in this age of people constantly changing their gender, its probably best just to register everyone and they can tell the government what their gender is in the very unlikely event that we have a call up.
The Senate’s NDAA, which the committee approved on July 21, contains an amendment by the panel's chairman, Jack Reed of Rhode Island, that would require women to sign up with Selective Service, just as men do between the ages of 18 and 25. If enacted, women could be drafted into military service in the event of a national emergency, though there is no prospect of that on the horizon, and no American has been drafted in nearly half a century.

If the bill became law in its present form, women would have to start registering one year after enactment of the NDAA, a knowledgeable Senate aide told CQ Roll Call.

But while most of the committee's Republicans voted for the amendment, five voted no, senators and aides disclosed. And two of them, who normally are strong advocates for supporting the military — Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Josh Hawley of Missouri — voted against the Pentagon authorization bill because of their concerns about the draft issue, their aides revealed Friday.

I continue to maintain the position that this is not equality. The pretense that it is pisses me off. It's about expendability. That said, my son is not expendable by virtue of being male.

The conservatives opposing this legislation are just plain wrong. My daughter is an Army officer and complete a deployment to Iraq. Her brother served 10 years and deployed to Afghanistan. There is no difference between their serving. Women should be subject to a draft, although I believed no draft will ever be required. The wars will not last long enough for one to be required.




I do not believe women should be in the military. I would not have been able to serve under or with one if I had been in the military.

That being said, I am as fully supportive of women being forced to sign up with selective service as I am with forcing them to meet the same physical standards as their male counterparts.

Equality can be a real bitch sometimes, sweetheart.
What's the problem? we're all equal. There shouldn't be special, preferential treatment based on your biological sex.

Remember too, when women couldn't vote the reason for that was that they didn't want to, because if they did, they then had to shoulder the same responsibilities as men and one of them was a chance of being conscribed to the Army for service - which they didn't want.
I continue to maintain the position that this is not equality. The pretense that it is pisses me off. It's about expendability. That said, my son is not expendable by virtue of being male.
The gals being registered for the draft doesn't put them directly into combat necessarily anyways. There's plenty of K.P. duty cooking and cleaning, sewing, laundering and repairing uniforms. There's undercover Reconnaissance work for females too.
I do not believe women should be in the military. I would not have been able to serve under or with one if I had been in the military.

That being said, I am as fully supportive of women being forced to sign up with selective service as I am with forcing them to meet the same physical standards as their male counterparts.

Equality can be a real bitch sometimes, sweetheart.

That's bull crap.
But you would be the first to yell woman's equality. If you want equal rights you have to fight for them. If it means serving your country alongside men, then that's part of equal rights. There are many jobs in all branches of the military that can be filled by females allowing men to be on the fighting front.
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The conservatives opposing this legislation are just plain wrong. My daughter is an Army officer and complete a deployment to Iraq. Her brother served 10 years and deployed to Afghanistan. There is no difference between their serving. Women should be subject to a draft, although I believed no draft will ever be required. The wars will not last long enough for one to be required.
Good for your daughter...I can guarantee my daughters have no interest in being in the military and magic thinking wont make them good soldiers, it simply will get them and the rest dead quicker
Women continue cribbing about equality, therefore they should also be required to meet conscription laws and serve side by side with the men.
Not all women are dumb feminists.

Only feminist females should be required to register for the SS.
Ah well,.. I'm thirty-one and currently have no children so right now this doesn't concern me.
The Senate’s NDAA, which the committee approved on July 21, contains an amendment by the panel's chairman, Jack Reed of Rhode Island, that would require women to sign up with Selective Service, just as men do between the ages of 18 and 25. If enacted, women could be drafted into military service in the event of a national emergency, though there is no prospect of that on the horizon, and no American has been drafted in nearly half a century.

If the bill became law in its present form, women would have to start registering one year after enactment of the NDAA, a knowledgeable Senate aide told CQ Roll Call.

But while most of the committee's Republicans voted for the amendment, five voted no, senators and aides disclosed. And two of them, who normally are strong advocates for supporting the military — Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Josh Hawley of Missouri — voted against the Pentagon authorization bill because of their concerns about the draft issue, their aides revealed Friday.

I continue to maintain the position that this is not equality. The pretense that it is pisses me off. It's about expendability. That said, my son is not expendable by virtue of being male.
I have no idea who these 'conservatives' are, but if the women can physically cut it the same asthe men I'm for it. Having served with Israelis I can tell you some of the women are bad-asses that could kill you faster than a heart attack.
That's bull crap.
But you would be the first to yell woman's equality. If you want equal rights you have to fight for them. If it means serving your country alongside men, then that's part of equal rights. There are many jobs in all branches of the military that can be filled by females allowing men to be on the fighting front.

How sexist of you! Did you know there are no MOSs in the Army that women cannot hold.
Not all women are dumb feminists.

Only feminist females should be required to register for the SS.
Why do they have to be dumb feminists? I have two daughters who would have served when called. My youngest is a Captain and now commands an Army transportation company.
That's bull crap.
But you would be the first to yell woman's equality. If you want equal rights you have to fight for them. If it means serving your country alongside men, then that's part of equal rights. There are many jobs in all branches of the military that can be filled by females allowing men to be on the fighting front
Doc, I’m neither female nor a believer in Equsl Rights. The Us Army turned me away in 1992, telling me that they couldn’t give me a combat MOS for medical reasons. I wasn’t interested in a non-combat MOS.

I AM a believer that in ALL of these circumstances where society wants to bring women into traditionally Male occupations and opportunities; the women need to meet all the same criteria as the Men and undertake the same qualifications as the Men.
The conservatives opposing this legislation are just plain wrong. My daughter is an Army officer and complete a deployment to Iraq. Her brother served 10 years and deployed to Afghanistan. There is no difference between their serving. Women should be subject to a draft, although I believed no draft will ever be required. The wars will not last long enough for one to be required.
No, that's wrong.
That's bull crap.
But you would be the first to yell woman's equality. If you want equal rights you have to fight for them. If it means serving your country alongside men, then that's part of equal rights. There are many jobs in all branches of the military that can be filled by females allowing men to be on the fighting front.
Naah-he's a kookburger living in the 12th century. To him, a woman is only good for being a live-in cook, maid, punching bag, and penis holster.

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