Consider me the dog who's been Kicked around enough

you are so full of shit you are an embaressment to the men who served and the women who served....i dont see them asking or demanding shit for free...glory fucking days...get over them...i dont see the other vets on here demanding shit for you?


I know vets who are entitled to disability payments but they said once they were at the vet hospital and saw people worse off than them - they wouldn't file the paperwork to get payments for themselves. They figured there were others who needed it more.
I didn't lose the war during my time in the US Navy
I was out in December 1972 we lost later.

Also 911 was a loss by our leader
and he should have been Fired immediately afterwards.
When I was fired no one died.
When he was our leader 5,000 died that day.
Is there a bigger reason to be fired ?
I think not.
I could hold the Militray responsible that day
but I don't since they are People of Courage.
Their Leader is/was a known Coward.

Baltimore Bob
Quote: everyone tells the truth while everyone else lies.

NO - 3 out of 4 Americans are Cowards
and incapable of telling the Truth on a cosistant basis.

We need maybe to execute people that tell Lies
then we'd get the Truth more consistantly.

Baltimore Bob

[ame=]YouTube - REM & Muppets - shiny happy people[/ame]
Quote: I know vets who are entitled to disability payments
but they said once they were at the vet hospital
and saw people worse off than them - they wouldn't file the paperwork
to get payments for themselves.
They figured there were others who needed it more.

There is NO shortage of funds
there is a Shortage of People with Courage.
That sounds pretty dumb to me.
Don't take any money if you feel you didn't earn it.

Cowards sent Agent Orange to Nam.
Nothing less and nothing more.

Viets should have been allowed to Sue America.
But Coward Prsidents and Coward Lawyers said NO.
"We tried to kill them in Nam but they survived" says the Cowards.

Baltimore Bob
Quote: I know vets who are entitled to disability payments
but they said once they were at the vet hospital
and saw people worse off than them - they wouldn't file the paperwork
to get payments for themselves.
They figured there were others who needed it more.

There is NO shortage of funds
there is a Shortage of People with Courage.
That sounds pretty dumb to me.
Don't take any money if you feel you didn't earn it.

Cowards sent Agent Orange to Nam.
Nothing less and nothing more.

Viets should have been allowed to Sue America.
But Coward Prsidents and Coward Lawyers said NO.
"We tried to kill them in Nam but they survived" says the Cowards.

Baltimore Bob

Okay, from just your posts in this thread you started I have formed a description of you that fits:

1. Womanizer and possibly abuser.

2. Shellshocked ... the only explanation that covers your problems.

3. Coward ... posting online all day on an anonymous (not truly but meh) forum about your problems instead of going out and making your own life better.

4. Whiney ... see 3.
Quote: Okay, from just your posts in this thread you started
I have formed a description of you that fits:

I did the same:
Your a person that doesn't care how many Americans have to die to save your butt.
Or your gonna play the game called Follow the Leader
even if your leader is Hitler.

Most Non-Vets will NEVER Understand or comprehend
what it's like to be a Vet.
It's like Rape.
No male ever gets raped (except in prison)
so no male could understand Rape.

Does that fit ?
Baltimore Bob
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José;1284254 said:
Originally posted by KittenKoder
Bob reminds me of the guy that once entered a coffee shop I hung out at a lot. He first started flirting with all the tweens that were working there, then tried to scam free coffee ... then failing that became extremely loud and obnoxious, almost violent. They called the cops to have him removed because he just wouldn't stop ... when the cops showed up he ranted that he was "a vet and should not have to pay for anything" .... yeah ... continued on ranting more that they were treating him unfairly ... sounds too damned familiar.

Bob sounds like a stereotypical vietnam vet.

I'm just waiting for the moment he's gonna start sharing his battlefield flashbacks with us as well as the personal hell he went through living as a hermit in Washington's rainforests.

No he doesn't.
KK, you are merely somebody who doesn't fully appreciate BB's ability to post vague complaints that only he understands.

Posting volumes of ASCII which offer no meaningful content which one can respond to meaningfully is an evolving internet artform.

Not only is BB the only person in the universe who knows the TRUTH, he is in the advante guard of this new essay artform.

While he's defining the cutting edge, I wish he'd learn to use the quote function.:lol:
Quote: I know vets who are entitled to disability payments
but they said once they were at the vet hospital
and saw people worse off than them - they wouldn't file the paperwork
to get payments for themselves.
They figured there were others who needed it more.

There is NO shortage of funds
there is a Shortage of People with Courage.
That sounds pretty dumb to me.
Don't take any money if you feel you didn't earn it.

Cowards sent Agent Orange to Nam.
Nothing less and nothing more.

Viets should have been allowed to Sue America.
But Coward Prsidents and Coward Lawyers said NO.
"We tried to kill them in Nam but they survived" says the Cowards.

Baltimore Bob

Okay, from just your posts in this thread you started I have formed a description of you that fits:

1. Womanizer and possibly abuser.

2. Shellshocked ... the only explanation that covers your problems.

3. Coward ... posting online all day on an anonymous (not truly but meh) forum about your problems instead of going out and making your own life better.

4. Whiney ... see 3.

Or it could be that his experiences along with his medical make up left him dealing with irrational thought. As in suffering from a mental illness. And I am saying that with intent to insult.
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I didn't lose the war during my time in the US Navy
I was out in December 1972 we lost later.

Ah don't be so modest. You helped.

Also 911 was a loss by our leader
and he should have been Fired immediately afterwards.

I'm not sure even I can pin that on Bush II.

It took a whole lotta military brass to get it that wrong

{QUOTE]When I was fired no one died.
When he was our leader 5,000 died that day.
Is there a bigger reason to be fired ?
I think not.

Oh, he should have been fired. But mostly for his post 9-11 responses.

Mission accomplished my ass.

I could hold the Militray responsible that day
but I don't since they are People of Courage.
Their Leader is/was a known Coward.

Baltimore Bob

Too long for a bumper sticker.

It might work on a tee-shirt.
Quote: Nobody likes a whining goldbrick.
and no one like their life put in danger for no reason
likr Vietnam was No reason.

Vietnam was about a Coward population acting cowardly
and not DENOUCING America's involvment in Vietnam.
It was about THUGS/Terrorists the US Government
doing their stupid thing.
And 58,000 innocent bystanders getting killed in a Country
they didn't belong in.

That's Vietnam in a Nutshell,

I'm not going to like you if you put my life in danger
and I wouldn't expect any one to like me
if I put your life in danger.
So how neither one of us put the others life in danger.
Is that a Plan ?

Baltimore Bob
Quote: Nobody likes a whining goldbrick.
and no one like their life put in danger for no reason
likr Vietnam was No reason.

Vietnam was about a Coward population acting cowardly
and not DENOUCING America's involvment in Vietnam.
It was about THUGS/Terrorists the US Government
doing their stupid thing.
And 58,000 innocent bystanders getting killed in a Country
they didn't belong in.

That's Vietnam in a Nutshell,

I'm not going to like you if you put my life in danger
and I wouldn't expect any one to like me
if I put your life in danger.
So how neither one of us put the others life in danger.
Is that a Plan ?

Baltimore Bob

Bob did you volunteer or were you drafted?
I guess for the Cowards I need to define the word Fair

FAIR would be like the Judge in Family Court believing my TRUTH
( The Truth of a Vet ) over the Lies of a nasty whore like my ex
( My ex a typical NON-VET Coward )

FAIR would be like protesting and ending the Vietnam war in
the 1960's ( I was there in March 1970 )

FAIR would be giving the Military higher Pay
and giving Vets better benefits then the LOUSY $275/month
that I got along with other Vietnam Vets
when WWII Vets got much more
( That's called Discrimination )
FAIR does not allow Discrimination.

FAIR is showing way more appreciation for us Vets.
Three restaurant chains do this by offering a free meal
to Vets around Veterans Day.
Golden Corral, McCormick & Schmicks, and Appleby's.
I salute these places that have People of Courage
in their Management that want to give back to us Vets.

Why doesn't McDonald's do this.
Thou McDonalds did give me free meals in early 1970's
when I showed there in my Navy uniform.
I hope they continued that tradiition thru today.

I have a GREAT understanding of the word FAIR.

Baltimore Bob

Ok, I'm curious, why did you marry a whore?
or bob could just be a liar and a troll :rolleyes:

He is too scattered and unfocused to be a troll. Let alone a liar.

True, lying takes a lot of smarts and keeping your "facts" straight to keep the lie up for this long, at least.

And even the best of liars stumble.

What makes me believe Bob isn't a troll is his constant need to make us realize that his sorrow is based on cowardly actions of others (in his mind), and not his own. Not that I am calling him a coward or anything, but I think that is what he thinks of himself.
Quote: Ok, I'm curious, why did you marry a whore?

Maybe I didn't see the whoreness until after the marriage.
But as the marriage went on she looked for more control.
She was a control freak.
I didn't want any part of that.

Sometimes we all make mistakes.
She was my biggest mistake.
But I was good for her.
At least found a good guy in her life.
I'm still looking for my good woman.

And I always tell the TRUTH.
I can never turn that switch off.
I'm like Superman
TRUTH, JUSTICE and the American Way.
If The American Way is not cowardness.

Baltimore Bob

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