Constance Germany disco shooting: Two people dead


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016


Constance disco shooting: Two people dead, say police

Shots fired at a discotheque in Constance in southern Germany have left two people dead, say police. One was a guest, the other the suspected shooter, killed in a shootout with police.

Police outside the discotheque Club Grey in Constance

Police in Germany's southwestern state of Baden-Württemberg said the 34-year-old alleged perpetrator of Sunday's pre-dawn shooting had died of wounds after a shootout with police.

The other person killed was a guest at the discotheque.

Injuries were sustained by three other persons inside the venue as well as a police officer hurt during the shootout after the suspect left the premises.

The officer's wounds were not life-threatening, police and prosecutors said.

The attacker's motives were not known, they added.

SWR: doorman intervened

A German DPA news agency photographer identified the venue as Club Grey, a discotheque in Constance's commercial zone near the city's airport.

SWR initially quoted eyewitnesses as saying that a doorman was hit by shots from an automatic pistol as he tried to hinder the alleged perpetrator.

Multiple emergency phone calls had been received around 4:30 a.m., local time.

Constance on the shores of Lake Constance, near Switzerland

"Guests were able to save themselves by fleeing outside or hiding," the police spokesman said.

DPA said special police units rushed to the scene in the German city of 83,000 inhabitants, which lies directly on Germany's southern border with Switzerland, not knowing whether the incident involved a single or multiple attackers.

A helicopter was sighted hovering over the discotheque.

Hamburg rampage

Germany remains on edge, after a fatal rampage in Hamburg on Friday.

A rejected asylum seeker killed one person and injured six others while armed with a knife seized at a Hamburg supermarket.

Hamburg authorities later said he was an Islamist due for deportation and known to police as psychologically unstable.

ipj/rc (dpa, SWR, AFP, Reuters)

Constance disco shooting: Two people dead, say police | News | DW | 30.07.2017


Constance disco shooting: Two people dead, say police

Shots fired at a discotheque in Constance in southern Germany have left two people dead, say police. One was a guest, the other the suspected shooter, killed in a shootout with police.

Police outside the discotheque Club Grey in Constance

Police in Germany's southwestern state of Baden-Württemberg said the 34-year-old alleged perpetrator of Sunday's pre-dawn shooting had died of wounds after a shootout with police.

The other person killed was a guest at the discotheque.

Injuries were sustained by three other persons inside the venue as well as a police officer hurt during the shootout after the suspect left the premises.

The officer's wounds were not life-threatening, police and prosecutors said.

The attacker's motives were not known, they added.

SWR: doorman intervened

A German DPA news agency photographer identified the venue as Club Grey, a discotheque in Constance's commercial zone near the city's airport.

SWR initially quoted eyewitnesses as saying that a doorman was hit by shots from an automatic pistol as he tried to hinder the alleged perpetrator.

Multiple emergency phone calls had been received around 4:30 a.m., local time.

Constance on the shores of Lake Constance, near Switzerland

"Guests were able to save themselves by fleeing outside or hiding," the police spokesman said.

DPA said special police units rushed to the scene in the German city of 83,000 inhabitants, which lies directly on Germany's southern border with Switzerland, not knowing whether the incident involved a single or multiple attackers.

A helicopter was sighted hovering over the discotheque.

Hamburg rampage

Germany remains on edge, after a fatal rampage in Hamburg on Friday.

A rejected asylum seeker killed one person and injured six others while armed with a knife seized at a Hamburg supermarket.

Hamburg authorities later said he was an Islamist due for deportation and known to police as psychologically unstable.

ipj/rc (dpa, SWR, AFP, Reuters)

Constance disco shooting: Two people dead, say police | News | DW | 30.07.2017

Religion of peace at it again.


Constance disco shooting: Two people dead, say police

Shots fired at a discotheque in Constance in southern Germany have left two people dead, say police. One was a guest, the other the suspected shooter, killed in a shootout with police.

Police outside the discotheque Club Grey in Constance

Police in Germany's southwestern state of Baden-Württemberg said the 34-year-old alleged perpetrator of Sunday's pre-dawn shooting had died of wounds after a shootout with police.

The other person killed was a guest at the discotheque.

Injuries were sustained by three other persons inside the venue as well as a police officer hurt during the shootout after the suspect left the premises.

The officer's wounds were not life-threatening, police and prosecutors said.

The attacker's motives were not known, they added.

SWR: doorman intervened

A German DPA news agency photographer identified the venue as Club Grey, a discotheque in Constance's commercial zone near the city's airport.

SWR initially quoted eyewitnesses as saying that a doorman was hit by shots from an automatic pistol as he tried to hinder the alleged perpetrator.

Multiple emergency phone calls had been received around 4:30 a.m., local time.

Constance on the shores of Lake Constance, near Switzerland

"Guests were able to save themselves by fleeing outside or hiding," the police spokesman said.

DPA said special police units rushed to the scene in the German city of 83,000 inhabitants, which lies directly on Germany's southern border with Switzerland, not knowing whether the incident involved a single or multiple attackers.

A helicopter was sighted hovering over the discotheque.

Hamburg rampage

Germany remains on edge, after a fatal rampage in Hamburg on Friday.

A rejected asylum seeker killed one person and injured six others while armed with a knife seized at a Hamburg supermarket.

Hamburg authorities later said he was an Islamist due for deportation and known to police as psychologically unstable.

ipj/rc (dpa, SWR, AFP, Reuters)

Constance disco shooting: Two people dead, say police | News | DW | 30.07.2017

Religion of peace at it again.
Not sure, as usual the German police say it is not terrorist before an investigation and the shooter died as a result of his injuries to the hospital.
As for the attack on Hamburg supermarket Friday the terrorist shouted: "Allah Akbar" confirmed by a witness .
The more dead German pigs, the better! This is a muslim-rape-enabler, coward country that spews nothing but murderous hatred at America while pimping their own females out to the most praised-by-Hitler, mass-Jew-exterminating, human-rights-atrocity hate ideology on this planet. Once a Nazi, always a Nazi, those miserable German, shit-eating vermin. I'm HAPPY England gave Germanpigs their "Dresden therapy" and I'm happy Russia utterly tore these THINGS to shreds. I wish we had tested the A-bomb on them. I've dealt with enough German backpacker arrogant, phony, pompous vermin (not a SINGLE one of whom I've liked), I wish that evil country erased from human memory. Have you noticed that every time German pigs wield any kind of power, the rest of Europe gets Fucked with a capital F? It's difficult to come up with walking urinal-rust I found more loathsome than these Sauerkraut-eating, arrogant, most unlikeable sons of bitches on this planet.
He's an Iraqi, and they're not sure of his motive?
Yes he's an Iraqi and no name released

Gunman opened fire at a packed nightclub in southern Germany early on Sunday, killing one and wounding four before being shot by police, authorities said, ruling out a terror attack.

The 34-year-old man, identified as an Iraqi national, "was critically injured in a shootout with police officers as he left the disco, and later succumbed to his wounds in hospital," police said in a statement.

"We're not assuming that this is an act of terrorist violence," police spokesman Fritz Bezikofer told rolling news channel NTV.

"The events in the disco and all the links are somewhat clearer and they actually rule out a terror background," he said, adding that the gunman was not an asylum seeker and has been living in Germany for some time.

Another police source said he could have been motivated by personal relationship issues.

Officers began receiving emergency calls from terrified clubbers at around 4:30am as the man began shooting in the nightclub heaving with "several hundred" people, said police.
One person was killed on the spot and three others seriously wounded in the club called "Grey", located in an industrial zone in Constance, a city on the banks of the eponymous lake near the Swiss border.

Shortly after the gunman left the building, he was shot by police. One officer was also injured in the exchange of fire.

Terrified nightclubbers had either fled the building or found a place to hide, police said, adding that the danger was now over.

Helicopters were circling overhead and special forces were also deployed to secure the site.

A witness told national news agency DPA that the attacker was shooting randomly at clubbers around him.

"The club was jam-packed," added the unnamed man, who said he had seen the attacker and fled quickly with his friends.

A bouncer at the site had sought to stop the attacker, but was himself injured by the man, local broadcaster SWR said, also reporting witnesses saying that the gunman was armed with an automatic pistol.
He's an Iraqi, and they're not sure of his motive?

Libs really need to think these things through....


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