Constitutional convention supporters unleash strategy to defeat state legislators standing in way


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
I think the momentum towards an Article 5 convention is irreversible:

Republicans opposed to Constitutional Convention targeted by conservative activists - Washington Times

Leaders of movement to rein in federal spending set sights on Virginia state Sen. Richard Black

Conservative activists pushing to amend the Constitution to rein in federal spending are preparing to delve into state legislative elections across the country, specifically targeting Republicans who are standing in the way of a convention of the states.

“Our attitude is if state legislators won’t stand against Washington, D.C., then they need to be replaced by somebody who will,” Mark Meckler, president of Citizens for Self-Governance and a leader of the state convention movement, told The Washington Times in an interview this week.

Mr. Meckler already has one target in mind: Virginia State Sen. Richard H. Black, a Loudoun County Republican who helped derail an effort in Richmond earlier this year to add Virginia’s voice to the states seeking a convention to rein in federal spending.

“My personal opinion is, and the plan’s not in place, but my personal opinion is — got to remove him from office,” Mr. Meckler said. “He’s irrational on the issue, he’s unreasonable, he’s outrageous.”

Mr. Meckler, a co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, is part of the growing movement among conservatives to have the states exercise their right under the Constitution’s Article V to call a constitutional convention to consider amendments. If two-thirds of the states’ legislatures issue a call, the federal government is compelled to organize the convention.
I wish they had picked a better issue than a balanced budget amendment to go for. Reining in the fed gov on the Commerce Clause would have been way better. Honestly a balanced budget amendment is just dumb.
Mr. Meckler, a co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, is part of the growing movement among conservatives to have the states exercise their right under the Constitution’s Article V to call a constitutional convention to consider amendments. If two-thirds of the states’ legislatures issue a call, the federal government is compelled to organize the convention.

All fifty states have already made more than 700 requests for a convention and the feds have yet to feel compelled to do shit, what makes you think this will be different?
There is a Congress Critter in Nevada blocking it too, I got the email today.
I wish they had picked a better issue than a balanced budget amendment to go for. Reining in the fed gov on the Commerce Clause would have been way better. Honestly a balanced budget amendment is just dumb.

This is why a Constitutional Convention is necessary to hash out details and propose amendments, which would have to be approved by 3/4 of the States. Let the debate begin!
"I think the momentum towards an Article 5 convention is irreversible:"


There will be no 'Constitutional convention,' the notion is idiocy, as such a 'convention' isn't warranted.
I wish they had picked a better issue than a balanced budget amendment to go for. Reining in the fed gov on the Commerce Clause would have been way better. Honestly a balanced budget amendment is just dumb.

There's a whole list of amendments that need to get passed, like repealing the 16th and 17th amendments, to name just two.
It would be hilarious if a Constitutional Convention were called and the Left managed to get enough delegates to repeal the Second Amendment.

It would be hilarious if a Constitutional Convention were called and the Left managed to get enough delegates to repeal the Second Amendment.

The delegates are appointed by states, so how would the left get enough to win anything?
"I think the momentum towards an Article 5 convention is irreversible:"


There will be no 'Constitutional convention,' the notion is idiocy, as such a 'convention' isn't warranted.

Its more than warranted, and surely isn't as idiotic as the idea that our current government can be reformed by elections.
It would be hilarious if a Constitutional Convention were called and the Left managed to get enough delegates to repeal the Second Amendment.

The delegates are appointed by states, so how would the left get enough to win anything?
What kind of delegates do you think would be sent to the Convention by the blue districts and states?

Think about it. We've had Democratic dominated Congresses, you could end up with a Democratic dominated Convention.
It would be hilarious if a Constitutional Convention were called and the Left managed to get enough delegates to repeal the Second Amendment.

The delegates are appointed by states, so how would the left get enough to win anything?

Yep, 31 State legislatures are controlled by republicans, 8 are split, only 11 are controlled by dems. Dems don't even have enough to kill an amendment.
It would be hilarious if a Constitutional Convention were called and the Left managed to get enough delegates to repeal the Second Amendment.

That would be great actually. It only needs a small push for America to break out in a civil war.

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