consumer confidendce is rising, time to create a crisis republicans

Wholey shit they better get with the canceling of Christmas pronto.

They do own jesus and Im sure he wouldnt mind taking a birthday off this year just for them.
I'm not even sure how you pull good news out of last month... More or less TM's OP is an outright lie.

Obama held the country hostage then put his name on a horrible budget getting the US downgraded.
Obama killed the economy when he floated it rather than letting it correct itself with a near trillion dollar stimulus..
Obama created inflation.
Obama has made gas prices 4$ +
Obama has made more poor people
Obama has shrunk the middle class and moved their jobs over seas
Obama is the food stamp president
Obama created 10% un employment
Obama is one of the most divisive Presidents in American history
Obama starts new wars, expands old wars and lies about ending other wars…
Yet TM is here to tell you that Obama is the weakest President in history and blame should fall entirely on the minority in the house, the Tea Party.
No TM, the economy is crap due to the efforts of Bush and his Rep then Dem congress and now Obama and his Dem congress the Dem/Rep congress…
When things were starting to look better in the eary parts of this year you snuffed out the recovery with a debt ceiling stunt.

What will you do this time?

OMG you are Delusional. The Stimulus Money ran out, that's what "snuffed" out the recovery. Even Most Democrats admit that.Proving it was an artificial Recovery You unbelievable Lying Idiot.

Really sorry people I usually try and be Civil in here, but this fucking Lying **** TM just gets to me, I can't be CIVIL to her. Nothing but an Ignorant Lowlife Lying ****.

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When people are at their lowest and no where else to go they will always look up. But that doesn't mean things are getting better it's just that hopey changey thing obama was talking about.
Oh come on, you can do better than just repeteing lasst months bad numbers.

You know like the dbt ceiling thing.

Where you make up out of NOTHING a crisis that distroys any progress the country was making towards jobs and where you ruin peoples lives for poltical gain.

I guess you figured out it harmed your party too huh?

Hense the republican appproval numbers on recent polls

Maybe Obama should have listened to Rand Paul and the Tea Party back in March when they presented a balanced budget that in 5 years resolved our debt without touching MC/MC/SS? But no, Obama waited until that last seconds to pass one of the worst budgets in this country’s history.

Now Obama is trying to back pedal after he got the country downgraded and claim he will pass a more aggressive budget... After he destroyed the economy.

All Obama had to do was say “this budget will not due” and look at budgets other than the ones he agreed with.

But you knew all that, and that's why you are a well known liar =D
Maybe Obama should have listened to Rand Paul and the Tea Party back in March when they presented a balanced budget that in 5 years resolved our debt without touching MC/MC/SS? But no, Obama waited until that last seconds to pass one of the worst budgets in this country’s history.
it is congresses job to pass budgets.
When things were starting to look better in the eary parts of this year you snuffed out the recovery with a debt ceiling stunt.

What will you do this time?

OMG you are Delusional. The Stimulus Money ran out, that's what "snuffed" out the recovery. Even Most Democrats admit that.Proving it was an artificial Recovery You unbelievable Lying Idiot.

Really sorry people I usually try and be Civil in here, but this fucking Lying **** TM just gets to me, I can't be CIVIL to her. Nothing but an Ignorant Lowlife Lying ****.


Seriously, the great momentum we had in the early part of the year when GDP growth dropped to .4% from a paltry 2.3%. TM is straight :cuckoo:
Oh so the stimulus worked.

Thanks for admitting the truth for once

TM, the fact the economy is crap and we never left the recession is proof the Stimulus only floated the economy then left us with massive debt, as predicted... That's why Obama wants another stimulus, because the stimulus can’t nor would it fix the economy. The idea is to float the economy in hopes that the correction happens during that time, that's the gamble and it clearly failed.

The reality is TM, Obama gambled with near a Trillion dollars and lost and now is asking for more money to keep gambling.
Maybe Obama should have listened to Rand Paul and the Tea Party back in March when they presented a balanced budget that in 5 years resolved our debt without touching MC/MC/SS? But no, Obama waited until that last seconds to pass one of the worst budgets in this country’s history.
it is congresses job to pass budgets.

The Dem Senate killed the bill and Obama has the ability to pick up a bill, read it, like it and then tell every to "Pass this bill now" if he likes. Instead Obama ignored any meaningful bill and supported one of the worst budgets in US history.
Maybe Obama should have listened to Rand Paul and the Tea Party back in March when they presented a balanced budget that in 5 years resolved our debt without touching MC/MC/SS? But no, Obama waited until that last seconds to pass one of the worst budgets in this country’s history.
it is congresses job to pass budgets.

The Dem Senate killed the bill and Obama has the ability to pick up a bill, read it, like it and then tell every to "Pass this bill now" if he likes. Instead Obama ignored any meaningful bill and supported one of the worst budgets in US history.

Anyone can make a bill... There is no rule Obama couldn't put up or support a budget before it ever passed the House/Seante. In fact he did support a budget before it passed, it's just Obama picked a horrible one to support then pass...

And congress only send the budget to Obama, Obama's name on it makes it reality, that's why he owns it.
the recession ended.

the stimulus was not big enough and had too many tax cuts (because the repoublicans insisted) and not enough stimulus.

The CBO and most ecnomists agreed it worked.


Now we need more stimulus and a whole fuck load less of you anti Americans who revel in ANY evidence of a recovery being trashed.

When that doesnt work you create a mess out of whole cloth like the debt ceiling crisis.

Time for you to do it again OR just maybe you will actually help the country instead of working to harm it for your political partys sake.
it is congresses job to pass budgets.

The Dem Senate killed the bill and Obama has the ability to pick up a bill, read it, like it and then tell every to "Pass this bill now" if he likes. Instead Obama ignored any meaningful bill and supported one of the worst budgets in US history.

Anyone can make a bill... There is no rule Obama couldn't put up or support a budget before it ever passed the House/Seante. In fact he did support a budget before it passed, it's just Obama picked a horrible one to support then pass...

And congress only send the budget to Obama, Obama's name on it makes it reality, that's why he owns it.

even the man on th street
the recession ended.

the stimulus was not big enough and had too many tax cuts (because the repoublicans insisted) and not enough stimulus.

The CBO and most ecnomists agreed it worked.


Now we need more stimulus and a whole fuck load less of you anti Americans who revel in ANY evidence of a recovery being trashed.

When that doesnt work you create a mess out of whole cloth like the debt ceiling crisis.

Time for you to do it again OR just maybe you will actually help the country instead of working to harm it for your political partys sake.

so, you agree with the accuracy and validity of the poll cited in post 19 of the other thread?
Will you give the American people any notice of when you will cancel Christmas?

Do we get Christmas canceled Cards in the mail?
the recession ended.

the stimulus was not big enough and had too many tax cuts (because the repoublicans insisted) and not enough stimulus.

The CBO and most ecnomists agreed it worked.


Now we need more stimulus and a whole fuck load less of you anti Americans who revel in ANY evidence of a recovery being trashed.

When that doesnt work you create a mess out of whole cloth like the debt ceiling crisis.

Time for you to do it again OR just maybe you will actually help the country instead of working to harm it for your political partys sake.

You lied and more Americans lost their jobs. Why do you hate the middle class and poor people TM?
The Dem Senate killed the bill and Obama has the ability to pick up a bill, read it, like it and then tell every to "Pass this bill now" if he likes. Instead Obama ignored any meaningful bill and supported one of the worst budgets in US history.

Anyone can make a bill... There is no rule Obama couldn't put up or support a budget before it ever passed the House/Seante. In fact he did support a budget before it passed, it's just Obama picked a horrible one to support then pass...

And congress only send the budget to Obama, Obama's name on it makes it reality, that's why he owns it.

even the man on th street

Anyone can make a bill... There is no rule Obama couldn't put up or support a budget before it ever passed the House/Seante. In fact he did support a budget before it passed, it's just Obama picked a horrible one to support then pass...

And congress only send the budget to Obama, Obama's name on it makes it reality, that's why he owns it.

even the man on th street


what bills have u created?

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