Contradicting the Orange Messiah has consequences.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Trump Retweets Post Calling For Fauci’s Ouster In First Sign Of Anger Toward Doctor

"President Donald Trump retweeted a post on Sunday night that called for National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci’s ouster, publicly indicating his displeasure with the doctor.

DeAnna Lorraine, a GOP challenger to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), had tweeted heavy criticism of Fauci, who plays a key role in the White House’s battle against the COVID-19 outbreak, and suggested that it was “time to #FireFauci.”
If you work for this admin you can't tell the truth, especially when it refutes what Orange jesus has said, and realistically expect to keep your job or avoid being the subject of President Petulance's ire.
Trump Retweets Post Calling For Fauci’s Ouster In First Sign Of Anger Toward Doctor

"President Donald Trump retweeted a post on Sunday night that called for National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci’s ouster, publicly indicating his displeasure with the doctor.

DeAnna Lorraine, a GOP challenger to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), had tweeted heavy criticism of Fauci, who plays a key role in the White House’s battle against the COVID-19 outbreak, and suggested that it was “time to #FireFauci.”
If you work for this admin you can't tell the truth, especially when it refutes what Orange jesus has said, and realistically expect to keep your job or avoid being the subject of President Petulance's ire.

Yep. Saw this. This is going to backfire on him and his minions. I was wondering when he would actually cross that line.
Trump was elected president not Dr Fauci....let the doctor do medicine and the president run the nation and direct the public message.....
What got Baby Donald so mad?

The call, with the hashtag “FireFauci” came from a former Republican congressional candidate, DeAnna Lorraine, who amassed 1.8 percent of the vote in an open primary challenge to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) this year.
It followed an interview with National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases chief on CNN’s “State of the Union,” in which Fauci said a stronger early response by the administration to the outbreak “could have saved lives,” but also characterized the decision to implement social distancing guidelines as “complicated.”
Trump Retweets Post Calling For Fauci’s Ouster In First Sign Of Anger Toward Doctor

"President Donald Trump retweeted a post on Sunday night that called for National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci’s ouster, publicly indicating his displeasure with the doctor.

DeAnna Lorraine, a GOP challenger to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), had tweeted heavy criticism of Fauci, who plays a key role in the White House’s battle against the COVID-19 outbreak, and suggested that it was “time to #FireFauci.”
If you work for this admin you can't tell the truth, especially when it refutes what Orange jesus has said, and realistically expect to keep your job or avoid being the subject of President Petulance's ire.

Yep. Saw this. This is going to backfire on him and his minions. I was wondering when he would actually cross that line.
Everybody knows who they're voting for.
If the economy was still booming, you would still find a reason to hate Trump.
Trump wants sycophants not experts or independent voices. Trump truly believes he has a big brain and knows it all. That is why his response to this crisis has been one big clusterfuck. His narcissism gets in the way of any rational decision making. So he tweets contradictions and stupidity. If Trump fires Dr. Fauci markets will tank and the Trump clusterfuck will just roll on until he is removed from office in November.
Trump Retweets Post Calling For Fauci’s Ouster In First Sign Of Anger Toward Doctor

"President Donald Trump retweeted a post on Sunday night that called for National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci’s ouster, publicly indicating his displeasure with the doctor.

DeAnna Lorraine, a GOP challenger to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), had tweeted heavy criticism of Fauci, who plays a key role in the White House’s battle against the COVID-19 outbreak, and suggested that it was “time to #FireFauci.”
If you work for this admin you can't tell the truth, especially when it refutes what Orange jesus has said, and realistically expect to keep your job or avoid being the subject of President Petulance's ire.
The truth ALWAYS refutes what Cheeto Jesus says.
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Trump wants sycophants not experts or independent voices. Trump truly believes he has a big brain and knows it all. That is why his response to this crisis has been one big clusterfuck. His narcissism gets in the way of any rational decision making. So he tweets contradictions and stupidity. If Trump fires Dr. Fauci markets will tank and the Trump clusterfuck will just roll on until he is removed from office in November.
Having worked on Wall Street for 16 years I would be the same as Trump.
Experts know their own shit, not how it affects the lives of others.
GW allowed the experts to run and the US got royally fucked.
Who said he was mad?.
His tweets are obviously angry.

Stop defending this idiot.

You make all of us look bad.
Didn't sound mad to me he sounded direct and like a leader....he doesn't need some over reactive doctor undermining his message to the make your whole 1960's mentality sound bad....Dr Fauci understands medicine but he knows nothing about running this nation....
If Obama was still president Fauci would be ruined not just tweeted about.....dems ruin people that disagree and make their job harder.....
Who said he was mad?.
His tweets are obviously angry.

Stop defending this idiot.

You make all of us look bad.
Didn't sound mad to me he sounded direct and like a leader....he doesn't need some over reactive doctor undermining his message to the make your whole 1960's mentality sound bad....Dr Fauci understands medicine but he knows nothing about running this nation....

^he said tRump "sounded like a leader"!!!

Tell us another one Bro!
Who said he was mad?.
His tweets are obviously angry.

Stop defending this idiot.

You make all of us look bad.
Didn't sound mad to me he sounded direct and like a leader....he doesn't need some over reactive doctor undermining his message to the make your whole 1960's mentality sound bad....Dr Fauci understands medicine but he knows nothing about running this nation....

^he said tRump "sounded like a leader"!!!

Tell us another one Bro!
I've been watching Trump and he's quite composed.
Liberals and neo-Cons always see what they want to see.
Who said he was mad?.
His tweets are obviously angry.

Stop defending this idiot.

You make all of us look bad.
Didn't sound mad to me he sounded direct and like a leader....he doesn't need some over reactive doctor undermining his message to the make your whole 1960's mentality sound bad....Dr Fauci understands medicine but he knows nothing about running this nation....

^he said tRump "sounded like a leader"!!!

Tell us another one Bro!
Truth is like holy water on a demon to why would I bother.....
Trump should be chastised for keeping Fauci for as long as he has. He's been terrible.
Trump was elected president not Dr Fauci....let the doctor do medicine and the president run the nation and direct the public message.....
What got Baby Donald so mad?

The call, with the hashtag “FireFauci” came from a former Republican congressional candidate, DeAnna Lorraine, who amassed 1.8 percent of the vote in an open primary challenge to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) this year.
It followed an interview with National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases chief on CNN’s “State of the Union,” in which Fauci said a stronger early response by the administration to the outbreak “could have saved lives,” but also characterized the decision to implement social distancing guidelines as “complicated.”


Baby Donald is right. And he’s created legions of pseudo-victims with his followers.

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