Cooties pandemic kills trillions

News flash, this just in: CNN confirms a outbreak of cooties V.2 in lower upstate downtown Yourcity! Urgent action like destroying the local economy and hiding in your closet like wimpy incredulous gullible morons until further notice.
You spelled Kooties wrong stupid Trumper.
Trillions of bugs ? Because last time I checked there are
only 7.6 billion humans on this planet....(don't tell Bill Gates
News flash, this just in: CNN confirms a outbreak of cooties V.2 in lower upstate downtown Yourcity! Urgent action like destroying the local economy and hiding in your closet like wimpy incredulous gullible morons until further notice.
You spelled Kooties wrong stupid Trumper.
aS weE all knoW, spellin and gramer is way more Bigger thatn facts and reality. Besides, it z Cooties spelt weith a vitamin "k".
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First, our beloved Dr. Fauci said masks weren't effective against cooties, remember? NOW? Two masks! Really? what's next? A plastic bag over your head firmly tied ever so tightly around your neck?
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First, our beloved Dr. Fauci said mask weren't effective against cooties, remember? NOW? Two masks! Really? what's next? A plastic bag over your head firmly tied ever so tightly around your neck?
This is Kary Mullis, the winner of the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR test, who said it was unsuitable for diagnostic purposes, commenting on Fauci. It is searchable in French. When it is posted with an English title, it gets removed from YouTube.

Kary Banks Mullis (December 28, 1944 – August 7, 2019) was an American biochemist. In recognition of his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith[4] and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year. His invention became a central technique in biochemistry and molecular biology, described by The New York Times as "highly original and significant, virtually dividing biology into the two epochs of before PCR and after PCR."[5]
News flash, this just in: CNN confirms a outbreak of cooties V.2 in lower upstate downtown Yourcity! Urgent action like destroying the local economy and hiding in your closet like wimpy incredulous gullible morons until further notice.

I am fascinated----is "COOTIES" a national word? Does it still refer to lice?
News flash, this just in: CNN confirms a outbreak of cooties V.2 in lower upstate downtown Yourcity! Urgent action like destroying the local economy and hiding in your closet like wimpy incredulous gullible morons until further notice.
I'm not worried. As we learned in grammar school, only girls have cooties.

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