Cops Have The Best Sex Ever


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A video featuring author and leading enforcement trainer Dave Grossman is being widely circulated online for the shocking nature of his speech. In the clip, which is believed to be from a police training session, Grossman can be heard saying, "Killing is just not that big a deal." He goes on to add that cops can experience 'the best sex' and 'very intense sex' after killing another human. With renewed conversation around police brutality following the death of George Floyd in 2020, Grossman's ideas have received backlash for encouraging unnecessary use of force."

Whoever thinks officers have it bad; isn't seeing the whole picture....There are still plenty of perks that come along with being a cop that makes it well worth it; like having the best sex ever if you are lucky enough to kill someone on duty. You sure can't do that working the forklift at Home Depot, Bob.

People are all upset because of some of the things he teaches but there is a point to have to train officers to not think of killing a person as some big isn't -- it can actually be something great for you and your spouse to share and enjoy. Some may say serial killers also have some erotic fixation with killing, but that's different.
Well sure policemen have the best sex, they have handcuffs


Ya know, suicide runs rampant among police, always have, but especially today

Add to that increased police killings and what you have is a profession that simply is not worth it anymore, especially considering the low pay they get and treatment.

So as the community calls the police in desperation, like we saw in Ohio, eventually no one will come or maybe show up the next day with a body bags.

Or maybe just leave them on the side of the road like they do road kill.
If this is what cops call training it's no wonder they are having problems. Teaching them to be better sadists is going in wrong direction.
The OP is lying, of course. But then, he's a moonbat.

The bad guy is down and the cop is alive. That's what makes the sex rewarding.

Nothing about killing in order to enhance any sexual experience.

Pathetic liar. Lefty loser. Can't even understand a 42-second video.
America’s #1 police trainer tells cops that sex after killing another human “is the best sex,” a “very intense sex,” and one of the “perks that come with the job.”

No he didn't.. He didn't say that.
America’s #1 police trainer tells cops that sex after killing another human “is the best sex,” a “very intense sex,” and one of the “perks that come with the job.”

No he didn't.. He didn't say that.
The trainer doesn't tell trainees to take pride in killing people, either, as the OP says. These lying, retarded moonbats just want to vilify cops.
Really? The best sex comes from killing another human being? If that was truly the case, then why are we still here? If killing another means that you have good sex, then we should have died out several centuries ago. I mean, if killing someone means good sex, then there would be a lot of people doing it.

Me? I prefer good sex in where I actively please my partner, without killing anyone. And, for some strange reason, they seem to prefer it as well.

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