Cornell University will drop “English department name

Those so called imbeciles will be making alit of $ and in america that is all that counts. That takes precedence over culture, tradition, honor etc. As it always has.
Got to love AA and as DR S says , “ liberalism is a mental illness “

Cornell and the ivy’s are nothing more than indoctrination center of the Vacuous imbeciles

Soon AA will have Engineering Dept dumb down the curriculum
Nice to see bridges collapse and planes falling out of the sky

cancel culture is hate
Got to love AA and as DR S says , “ liberalism is a mental illness “

Cornell and the ivy’s are nothing more than indoctrination center of the Vacuous imbeciles

Soon AA will have Engineering Dept dumb down the curriculum
Nice to see bridges collapse and planes falling out of the sky

Keep em dumb

That means you're way ahead of the game!

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