Corona Virus - what do you think about wearing a mask?

It's stupid.

I will not participate in stupidity.

Fuck the masks, fuck the hysteria, and fuck the media that started it.

I have this feeling that a year or two from now we will learn that masks and shutdowns were counterproductive.

It might make sense to isolate the most endangered people and hand washing is always an excellent idea.
It's stupid.

I will not participate in stupidity.

Fuck the masks, fuck the hysteria, and fuck the media that started it.

Only to make this clear: With this statement you participate in an evilwilling stupidity on a high level of stupidity. How else do you fight against an infection of your people with the Sars-CoV-2 virus, allknowing "hero"? Distance, masks, hygiene, fresh air: so easy is it to avoid most risks for others and for the own person.
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It's stupid.

I will not participate in stupidity.

Fuck the masks, fuck the hysteria, and fuck the media that started it.

I have this feeling that a year or two from now we will learn that masks and shutdowns were counterproductive.

Shut downs are not counterproductive in case of covid - and are not automatically more bad for economy than not to do shut downs (in different forms). The problem is the principle of proportionality.

It might make sense to isolate the most endangered people and hand washing is always an excellent idea.

This idea sounds like to sell the own grandma to the devil. Asides that this idea is extremly discriminating and inhuman it is also not realizable in a western democracy.
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It's stupid.

I will not participate in stupidity.

Fuck the masks, fuck the hysteria, and fuck the media that started it.

I have this feeling that a year or two from now we will learn that masks and shutdowns were counterproductive.

Shut downs are not counterproductive in case of covid - and are not automatically more bad for economy than not to do shut downs (in different forms). The problem is the principle of proportionality.

It might make sense to isolate the most endangered people and hand washing is always an excellent idea.

This idea sounds like to sell the own grandma to the devil. Asides that this idea is extremly discriminating and inhuman it is also not realizable in a western democracy.

My wording was imprecise. I was thinking about older people voluntarily limiting their exposure to large numbers of people. That would apply mainly to those with conditions that make them more susceptible to the virus.

At age 74 with several problems that make me a target, I am voluntarily following my own advice. I limit where I go and follow suggested guidelines while in public.
Same anti mask idiots were against banning smoking in public indoor places as well. They are morons who have zero self control nor any compassion to be part of a community that gives them the ability to live the life they enjoy.

I say someone not wearing a mask is assaulting you and is therefore stand-your-ground laws apply for masked people to defend themselves from assaulting masksless murderers.
Masks are just used as a ploy to make people feel like they are doing something to fight the chinese virus. The mask Nazis are just paranoid liberal hypochondriacs, Masks are just a show of government control
It's stupid.

I will not participate in stupidity.

Fuck the masks, fuck the hysteria, and fuck the media that started it.

I have this feeling that a year or two from now we will learn that masks and shutdowns were counterproductive.

Shut downs are not counterproductive in case of covid - and are not automatically more bad for economy than not to do shut downs (in different forms). The problem is the principle of proportionality.

It might make sense to isolate the most endangered people and hand washing is always an excellent idea.

This idea sounds like to sell the own grandma to the devil. Asides that this idea is extremly discriminating and inhuman it is also not realizable in a western democracy.

My wording was imprecise. I was thinking about older people voluntarily limiting their exposure to large numbers of people. That would apply mainly to those with conditions that make them more susceptible to the virus.

At age 74 with several problems that make me a target, I am voluntarily following my own advice. I limit where I go and follow suggested guidelines while in public.

Everyone has to protect you - what doesn't mean you have not to take special care on your own and to help the people, who try to protect you. But your army never let back alone anyone. That's the very best.

Masks are just used as a ploy to make people feel like they are doing something to fight the chinese virus. The mask Nazis are just paranoid liberal hypochondriacs, Masks are just a show of government control

Masks help. Distance helps. Hygiene helps - specially to wash more often hands is very important. And you need more fresh air (ventilation).

And it's extremely counterproductive - worldwide - to ignore intentionally all real problems and to call everyone an idiot, who fights Corona. This helps less than nothing.
If the government told people farts were spreading the virus, and that even unnoticeable seepage of anal gases could be fatal so everyone had to stuff a cork in their asses, these sheep would comply.

It's bullshit.

(For some of you) do you remember when we were kids and was told not to do something for our own good? Some of us just didn't listen and then got in trouble. I guess doing what we were told not to do might have been a fun challenge to see if we could get away with it. Well, not this time with the corona virus and the adults are not listening. A friend of mine told me she doesn't wear a mask when walking inside walmart. She said this as if it was amusing which shocked me because she is a very intelligent person and always tries to do the right thing. I told her that although masks protects up to 70%, people wearing mask are still in danger of getting the virus from people like her who doesn't wear a mask. We are all in this danger together and need to help protect one another in any way that's necessary. I haven't heard from her again- i guess I might have lost a friend. I know someone who had the virus and then after it was over, she gave a house party. A few members of my family are having get togethers indoors and not wearing a mask. This is crazy - I know they don't want to let anything get in the way of living their lives, but this virus will get in their way. The ones I'm talking about and others that I have seen not wearing a mask are in the age range of 20-40. If this continues, this virus is never going to die off. I have a 13 year old daughter who has an auto immune disease and she can't go out much because if she gets the virus, she will not recover according to her reumatologist. I let her play in the yard and we have lots of fun working on video and audio editing which she loves, but she's still a child and needs to go out and be around other kids and be able to experience the world when she grows up, which might not happen if people refuse to at least try to protect one another by keeping distances and wearing a mask. Some say that mask doesn't do anything and that's ok; they are entitled to believe what they want, but I rather be safe than sorry. It doesn't hurt to wear a mask inside a store, in someone else's home, any place where there are people and especially closed in places. Once you are out of those places, the mask comes off. Aside from the precautions that some of us take, one of the best things we can do is change our diets by eating healthier foods to build up our resistance. I wish you all the best of health, stay safe.
Seeing someone without their mask on now makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside while bringing a smile to my face.

Love it----

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