Corporate American Ideology Will Be Defeated

1. Child Labor is Wrong.
I did the lawn mowing thing, the car wash thing, the paper route thing, I even played music with very big and well known artists for very little compensation and sometimes at a loss. It's not a compensation matter however, it's an exploitation matter which most capitalists just do not understand.

2. American Military intervention where no threat to American interests exists or is forthcoming is Wrong.
I did the Viet Nam thing. Later proved to be inadvisable. Even though we slaughtered hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of Viet Namese, the final analysis indicates it was all corporate driven. Yes, our soldiers were wounded and died there in vain. Don't like that? Research it for yourself.
I did the Grenada thing. I find no fault, other than specific military ineptness, with that operation. We saved some American civilian lives even though America values and interests were not threatened in any major way.
I did the Panama thing. Killing hundreds of otherwise peace-loving and hard-working Panamanians for the purpose of removing a CIA (thus American) propped up dictator is certainly not my idea of American Values. More about this later.
I did the Persian Gulf I thing. No question, the removal of Iraqi troops from the invaded country of Kuwait was admirable. We did not get the perpetrator, but we did free Kuwait from him. I never knew Kuwait was actually a part of Iraq until recently. World domination strategy? I think so.
I only observe the Bush proclaimed WOT (WAR ON TERROR) and think that I have seen this before. I fully support a genuine War On Terror, as any American would, but I resent a WAR ON PEOPLE, of which we know little about and purposely misunderstand all that we do know about them, at least from a political standpoint.

I really do not know the answer to this short list of values and questions that I present. Please discuss and help me to understand.

Psychoblues said:
1. Child Labor is Wrong.
I did the lawn mowing thing, the car wash thing, the paper route thing, I even played music with very big and well known artists for very little compensation and sometimes at a loss. It's not a compensation matter however, it's an exploitation matter which most capitalists just do not understand.
Sorry. Child labor is not wrong. This capitalist, who worked as a child in an unregulated fashion under-the-table, and now works as an adult in a regulated labor market, is well aware of what exploitation means--I was less expoited as a child.
LOki said:
Sorry. Child labor is not wrong. This capitalist, who worked as a child in an unregulated fashion under-the-table, and now works as an adult in a regulated labor market, is well aware of what exploitation means--I was less expoited as a child.

Did you work full time and not go to school as a child? In manufacturing? Quit being a stooge.
Loki's thinking: Child prostitution generates profit, therefore child prostitution is a people friendly purpose.

Business must take place within moral parameters.
rtwngAvngr said:
Did you work full time and not go to school as a child?
No. What of it?

rtwngAvngr said:
In manufacturing?
No. What of it?

rtwngAvngr said:
Quit being a stooge.
Quit with the retarded rhetoric.

rtwngAvngr said:
Loki's thinking: Child prostitution generates profit, therefore child prostitution is a people friendly purpose.

Business must take place within moral parameters.
rtwngAvngr's strawman argumentative strategy: Assign assertions to the opposition that the opposion did not assert; fabricate from nothing some bullshit accusation; apply specious logic; levy farcical accusations against the opposition; use those unsubstantiated accustaions, fabrications, and specious logic in an ad-hominem and patently fallacious assertion; declare it all to be fact.
LOki said:
No. What of it?

No. What of it?

Quit with the retarded rhetoric.

rtwngAvngr's strawman argumentative strategy: Assign assertions to the opposition that the opposion did not assert; fabricate from nothing some bullshit accusation; apply specious logic; levy farcical accusations against the opposition; use those unsubstantiated accustaions, fabrications, and specious logic in an ad-hominem and patently fallacious assertion; declare it all to be fact.

No. You've simplistically presented the argument that anything that produces profit must be people friendly. I'm simply correcting your assininity.
rtwngAvngr said:
No. You've simplistically presented the argument that anything that produces profit must be people friendly. I'm simply correcting your assininity.
rtwngAvnger's evasion and denial of reality strategy (RWAEDRS): Evade the opponents illumination of rtwngAvngr's strawman argumentative strategy by diverting attention to a previous rtwngAvngr's strawman argument (RWASA) as if it had not already been addressed.
LOki said:
rtwngAvnger's evasion and denial of reality strategy: Evade the opponents illumination of rtwngAvngr's strawman argumentative strategy by diverting attention to a previous rtwngAvngr's strawman argument (RWASA) as if it had not already been addressed.

You addressed it by pretending we're talking about mowing lawns and weekend work. That's not what we're talking about.
rtwngAvngr said:
You addressed it by pretending we're talking about mowing lawns and weekend work. That's not what we're talking about.
RWAEDS-Phase II: Evade the opponents illumination of RWAEDS Phase I by using a false assertion to circle back to the subject of the RWASA, which completes the logical circle of dumb that accomplishes RWA's goal of presenting unfounded assertions as fact without EVER having to supply valid reasoning.
LOki said:
RWAEDS-Phase II: Evade the opponents illumination of RWAEDS Phase I by using a false assertion to circle back to the subject of the RWASA, which completes the logical circle of dumb that accomplishes RWA's goal of presenting unfounded assertions as fact without EVER having to supply valid reasoning.

No. You did exactly what I said. Your definition of child labor was the one you remembered from chores and part time jobs as a kid. That's not what we're talking about. Now give us another serving of retard word salad, schizo-boy.
rtwngAvngr said:
No. You did exactly what I said. Your definition of child labor was the one you remembered from chores and part time jobs as a kid. That's not what we're talking about. Now give us another serving of retard word salad, schizo-boy.
This is the part that is interesting to the new-comer, but proves to be exceedingly tiresome and predictable with continured exposure; having been thoroughly punked, rtwngAvngr's desperate defense of denial of reality strategy (RWADDDRS) is implemented, where continued misrepresentation, false accusation, and unfounded assertion are combined in an ultimately futile attempt at his favorite argumentative past-time--ad-hominem attack.
LOki said:
This is the part that is interesting to the new-comer, but proves to be exceedingly tiresome and predictable with continured exposure; having been thoroughly punked, rtwngAvngr's desperate defense of denial of reality strategy (RWADDDRS) is implemented, where continued misrepresentation, false accusation, and unfounded assertion are combined in an ultimately futile attempt at his favorite argumentative past-time--ad-hominem attack.

You're a troll.
rtwngAvngr said:
Business must take place within moral parameters.

Well said -- this is key to conservatism and to the success of America. The Left has no morals. And the Libertarian types are willing to sacrifice morality for freedom and they wind up losing both.
  • Thanks
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ScreamingEagle said:
Well said -- this is key to conservatism and to the success of America. The Left has no morals. And the Libertarian types are willing to sacrifice morality for freedom and they wind up losing both.

Thanks, man. It's nice to get some support from someone since I turned off the neocon koolaid I.V.
rtwngAvngr said:
Thanks, man. It's nice to get some support from someone since I turned off the neocon koolaid I.V.

he's right. Calling it koolaid doesn't make what he said any less truthful.
ScreamingEagle said:
Well said -- this is key to conservatism and to the success of America. The Left has no morals. And the Libertarian types are willing to sacrifice morality for freedom and they wind up losing both.
I agree that placing morality ahead of freedom is the key to conservative goals--it's also the key to liberal goals. Both sides would have you believe that they know what the moral path is better than you know it, and they promise they will keep you on it for your own good and the good of society--even if it kills you.

The thing is, morality is not decided, created, or validated by such coersion. If your morality is such that others will not willingly subscribe to it, but rather you must decide and force it upon them at gunpoint, at the threat of a bomb, or by rounding up those who disagree and executing them, by hijacking a plane and crashing it into a building, or by any other authoritarian power ponzi scheme, your morality is suspect. Freedom doesn't mean morality, and it doesn't guarantee morality, and it doesn't make morality--it just makes morality possible. You must be free to choose good, and there is no morality at all without that freedom--when you give up your freedom, you're giving up all the morality made possible by it.
dmp said:
he's right. Calling it koolaid doesn't make what he said any less truthful.

That was my quote he quoted. Of course it's right. All the "the port deal is good", "Israel is perfect", "Jews can't be discussed" is what I'm calling koolaid. Oh yeah.
LOki said:
I agree that placing morality ahead of freedom is the key to conservative goals--it's also the key to liberal goals. Both sides would have you believe that they know what the moral path is better than you know it, and they promise they will keep you on it for your own good and the good of society--even if it kills you.

The thing is, morality is not decided, created, or validated by such coersion. If your morality is such that others will not willingly subscribe to it, but rather you must decide and force it upon them at gunpoint, at the threat of a bomb, or by rounding up those who disagree and executing them, by hijacking a plane and crashing it into a building, or by any other authoritarian power ponzi scheme, your morality is suspect. Freedom doesn't mean morality, and it doesn't guarantee morality, and it doesn't make morality--it just makes morality possible. You must be free to choose good, and there is no morality at all without that freedom--when you give up your freedom, you're giving up all the morality made possible by it.

Right. And we shoud CHOOSE not to trade with nations that use suspect business practices, such as child or prison labor, or sweatshop conditions.
rtwngAvngr said:
Right. And we shoud CHOOSE not to trade with nations that use suspect business practices, such as child or prison labor, or sweatshop conditions.
Yet this choice is not what you are advocating for. You are advocating for the government to make the choice of who we trade with for us, aren't you? You are advocating for coersion, aren't you? You'll (or those you vote for) will decide who's bad to trade with and who is good, and you'll use force to make sure trade happens the way you see fit. Correct?
rtwngAvngr said:
Right. And we shoud CHOOSE not to trade with nations that use suspect business practices, such as child or prison labor, or sweatshop conditions.
So we 'suspect' France, Germany, Russia, etc.' by whose standards?
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