Cosmos/Trump: Dollar-Deuteronomy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
What does President Trump think of the UFO Autobot-hero robot from Hasbro's Transformers, Cosmos?

Does our commerce-oriented President think modern entertainment should present images of extra-terrestrial warfare?



Cosmos was a heroic Autobot Transformer warrior-robot who transformed mechanically into a laser-enhanced UFO flying-vehicle meant for warfare. Cosmos was interested in evaluating capitalism as a metric (and reflection!) of public opinion and social satisfaction. When he noticed countless urban ant-TrumpUSA protests, he wondered if a commerce-presentational American President would be considered a heretic in the modern world of Greenpeace oriented liberalism. The Trump Administration did, after all, represent the needs of only the Republican Party.


As all this was going on, the angel of God known as Wonder-Woman decided to descend on the White House and demand that President Donald Trump address the social concerns of a people simply fed up with talk about the 'savoir-faire' of modern 'conservative' capitalism in the global market and wanted more talk about the basic family value of convenience-consumerism (e.g., Wal-Mart,, etc.). Trump confessed his somewhat overly-cynical attitude towards 'pedestrianism-targeted political campaigns' might give the impression that today's big-wig capitalists simply do not prefer to indulge regularly in layman-economics discussions(!).


GOD: This looks like a great rhetoric battle...
SATAN: War has become a realm for the imagination in the cyber/media age.
GOD: Hellraiser is still a popular 'classic-gothic' noir-psychosis horror-film rental on Netflix.
SATAN: Perhaps there is some symbolism regarding the applicability of 'folk-media.'
GOD: Yes, traditional aesthetics will always leave their stamp!
SATAN: Are you opposed to harmless 'sadism-art' (e.g., Garbage Pail Kids)?
GOD: I don't like censorship, but I do advise to consider parental-control logistics.
SATAN: Are you fan of the parental-control option on modern cable boxes?
GOD: Yes; you can opt to purchase these boxes and they will filter out undesirable media.
SATAN: How are trends (e.g., Intel) expounded into mega-trends (e.g., Facebook)?
GOD: The same way folk-poetry (e.g., Bob Dylan) is expounded into culture (e.g., Napster).
SATAN: Are you suggesting it's all because of marketing only?
GOD: I'm merely saying marketing is a form of proselytization --- consumers like aesthetics.
SATAN: 'Aesthetics' is not necessarily a formal study in the modern world of junk-food!
GOD: That's not true; Valentine's Day candies/chocolates symbolize merchant-etiquette.
SATAN: I worry about the degradation of aesthetics caused by pornography...
GOD: Access to media can indicate an interest in ratings (e.g., Consumer Reports).
SATAN: Sometimes, I lose faith in 'ratings-based IQ' in TrumpUSA.




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