Could ISIS succeed where other terrorist groups have failed?


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
ISIS, The Islamic State Of Iraq and Syria, also now just known as the Islamic State, during the second week of June 2014, managed to take over much of 3 Sunni majority provinces(Ninawa, Al-Anbar, Salah Hadin) in Iraq and took some parts of two other provinces(Kirkuk, Diyala). In doing so, they seized two major cities, provincial capitals, Mosul and Tikrit. They were able to seize vast amounts of weapons from the Iraqi military in the north which surprisingly collapsed quickly, due to panic, mis-communication, and poor leadership.

ISIS in a matter of a few weeks has grown from a terrorist organization primarily based in Syria and in competition with other opposition groups in Syria, to one that has more than tripled the area it controls, and has control of much of Syria from Allepo all the way to Tikrit, and Fallujah in Iraq.

The leader of ISIS, Abu Bakur Al Baghdadi is now said to be worth over $2 BILLION dollars with all of the banks that have been robbed and the assets that have been seized in major cities. ISIS is now in control of some large oil producing areas that combined have a daily output of over 100,000 Barrels of oil a day.

ISIS has large amounts of money, land, and people under its control. This is not Afghanistan or Somalia where the people were poor and non-arab. This area is Arab with connections to the entire middle east. There are large modern cities in this area, as well as natural resources that Afghanistan, Somalia or even Yemen did not have at this level.

Money, land, natural resources, and people equals power. ISIS has thousands of recruited foreign nationals from western countries making it easier to plan and execute terrorist attacks in the west.

If ISIS is able to use its money, power, and global terrorist connections, there is the threat, the nightmare, that they could at some point build or obtain a nuclear device and detonate it in a Western city causing the worst loss of life in history from a single bombing event. I'm concerned that the vast resources that ISIS has obtained over the past month suddenly make this a much more probable scenario than it has been in the past.

Despite the above, the response from the United States and countries in the region has been slow and lacking in urgency. While I hope that the threat of ISIS is overblown and perhaps it could crack like a house of cards because it has overextended itself too quickly, the world still deserves a quick and prudent response to this growing threat, but at the moment this is not happening.
I am unsure ISIS can succeed but another consequence of their trying is probable independence of the Kurds and recognition of Kurdistan by most of the Arab world.
I am unsure ISIS can succeed but another consequence of their trying is probable independence of the Kurds and recognition of Kurdistan by most of the Arab world.

The focus here is how their success this past month in Iraq increases the probability of them being able to build or obtain a nuclear device and set it off in a Western City. Even if their Caliphate in Iraq/Syria fails, could the money and other resources they have recently acquired allow them to build or obtain a nuclear weapon and set it off in a Western City?

As for the Kurds, it should be mentioned that they have been semi-independent for nearly a quarter of a century now. I think they will only officially leave Iraq if they have the support of the international community. They don't want to ruin the prosperity they have achieved by making a formal declaration of independence that their key neighbors, supporters and trading partners would be against.
ISIS can only steal what they need. They can't build anything. They can't produce their own food.

They have to have someone willing to trade with them. They are surrounded by enemies. They've pissed off the usual suspects, Russia and Iran. And now Syria is a mortal enemy.

If they can't invade their neighbors they won't last very long.

Perfect trading partners for Obama.
ISIS can only steal what they need. They can't build anything. They can't produce their own food.

They have to have someone willing to trade with them. They are surrounded by enemies. They've pissed off the usual suspects, Russia and Iran. And now Syria is a mortal enemy.

If they can't invade their neighbors they won't last very long.

Perfect trading partners for Obama.

Oh they can build lots of things. Do you know what an improvised explosive device is, better known as an IED? They have built and used thousands of them. When you have this level of experience combined with Billions of dollars in cash and oil pumping out of the ground, you have lots of options. Sure, Syria is the mortal enemy that allowed ISIS to grow and prosper. Syria failed to respond effectively to ISIS. Iran helping Syria with its problems obviously has been ineffective as well. Now they have spread beyond Syria into Iraq. Yes, they are surrounded by enemies, enemies that have been ineffective at stopping them from growing in size and strength and are definitely ineffective in stopping citizens from around the world from going to or away from ISIS land areas to potentially launch operations in other countries.

Providing themselves with food has not been a problem either. A large organization like that has many people from all walks of life in addition to the large population centers that they essentially hold hostage. If they can't make or produce what they want, they now have the capability to buy and yes, there are always individuals, groups and even countries that will trade and work with entities that have Billions of dollars to spend. Money Talks. ISIS at the moment is growing and thriving and that is a threat to the whole world.
If a superpower and its allies failed then I'm pretty sure ISIS is fucked.

Success here is defined as building or obtaining a nuclear device and setting it off in a Western City.

then the answer to your question is no.

Yeah. After all, Pakistan is so stable we sure as hell don't need to worry about ISIS working its way in there.

"the world is safe and secure because Obama is in charge"

Success here is defined as building or obtaining a nuclear device and setting it off in a Western City.

then the answer to your question is no.

Really? So how do you know ISIS will be unable, given its new assets, to be able to pull this off? Where does your absolute certainty come from?

He is a fan of MSNBC...I can tell by his posts. According to them, the only threat to the world are the republicans.
Jarlaxle is unemployed and living in his parents basement.

I am successfully retired, golf, walk, have fun with my family, and travel throughout the US regularly.

If Jarl will get off his ass and out of the basement, he might have a chance. :lol:

ISIS will not be successful, so, see, Jarl can think. He just has to stop living off his parents.
Jarlaxle is unemployed and living in his parents basement.

I am successfully retired, golf, walk, have fun with my family, and travel throughout the US regularly.

If Jarl will get off his ass and out of the basement, he might have a chance. :lol:

ISIS will not be successful, so, see, Jarl can think. He just has to stop living off his parents.

Thou doth protest too much methinks.

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