Could only two people replenish Earth?

Here is a map of the degree of inbreeding in various countries of the world.


Anybody see a trend?
Yes, some families have pretty sister’s that they refuse to share?

( As I whistle Dixie out the door )
Could Adam and Eve alone do it? Or would inbreeding create what scientists call the genetic bottleneck?

It is a mythical story to tell children about how a family was started but in my opinion there were other humans at the time of Adam and Eve and I am willing to bet there was a few Adam and Steve couples living in secret…
Adam was not the first "Man".
The Creator created other races too.
However, Adam's line was expected to be one race.
Notice How Noah was perfect in his genetic heritage, and the rest of the sons of Adam were wiped out for their race mixing.
Look around you, everyone's a retard. Total genetic bottleneck.
Back before our more mobile society (you could only go as far as your feet or a horse would carry you) the parents of the young man and woman who were dating would get together (usually the women folk) with their respective family bibles and make sure there was no first or second cousin-fuckin' going on.....Usually third cousins and on were GTG.

The family bibles of those times were very important to keep the inbreeding down to a minimum as all the family births/linage were recorded in them.
Aw, you poor poor babies.

So that's why Dogmaphobe won't answer his own question and make his own point? Because he is cowering in fear of the mean internet man (me)?

Pretty pathetic.
I can see I overestimated the ability of some of the children here to indulge in a simple observation and decide for themselves what it reveals.

I guess it was too much to ask for these children who have been trained all their lives not to think for themselves.
Could Adam and Eve alone do it? Or would inbreeding create what scientists call the genetic bottleneck?
I have been here awhile, and others who have been here awhile have already seen me relate this theory which I learned as a mere child.

It appears ancient humans were wonderful storytellers. They were able to strip away societal complications to its bare bones and build back a story everyone might easily comprehend. The theory:

The first tribe of ancient man they called "Adam" because "Adam" meant man. Eve was called woman which roughly meant from the same essence as man. This tribe thrived to the point two other tribes broke off from it--the tribe of Cain and the tribe of Abel. Cain were the settlers and became farmers. Abel became nomads and shepherds. When sheep and goats wander into farmland, trouble will naturally occur.

Cain killing Abel may well have been an account of the first war where the settlers massacred the nomads whose goats and sheep were decimating their farmland. The main tribe (Adam) banned Cain from the area. These people moved away and became builders of cities (seems like they still preferred settling to wandering). The Adam tribe continued to thrive and eventually a new tribe, Seth, emerged.

This theory addresses these points:
  • How could two people produce great populations.
  • Adam lived 930 years; Cain 730 years; Abel 122 years; Seth 912 years.
A tribe can produce great populations. A tribe/nation can survive hundreds of years whereas human lives are limited to a great deal less.
can see I overestimated the ability of some of the children here to indulge in a simple observation and decide for themselves what it reveals.
Says the sissy who brought it up but won't say what it reveals.

Keep digging...need a shovel?
Wake up to yourself. They never existed in the first place. Youve been conned.

You can't prove they ever existed. But, I'm quite certain you can't prove that an early human couple named Adama and Chavah never existed.

It's considered quite unscientific to make absolute pronouncements without supporting data.

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