Could the Fed Turn Trump Into Herbert Hoover?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Hoover often gets the blame for the Great Depression.
Some are suggesting the Fed and IMF could inflict the same fate on Trump by using digital blockchain currencies like Libra to deliberately topple the US dollar from its global reserve currency perch.
How would such an outcome influence your 2020 vote?

"The Fed could easily tip the US into crisis.

"The debt levels of the US economy are at record high levels for private households, Federal government, and US corporate debt.

"Most US corporations have used growing debt, well over $9 trillion, to make stock buybacks rather than invest in new plant and equipment, fueling an unprecedented bubble in the S&P stocks.

"The rising stocks are not a sign of economic health but of a dangerous speculative bubble vulnerable to collapse.

"Were the Fed now to resume rate rises and continue its less-publicized Quantitative Tightening into 2020, a domino-style series of debt defaults, corporate bankruptcies, home mortgage foreclosures, default on car loans and student loans could quickly make a second Trump Presidency in 2020 more than doubtful.

"However that would be no grounds for the rest of the world opposed to Trump policies to cheer.

"It would also trigger collapse in major emerging market countries who have borrowed hundreds of billions denominated in US dollars, including Chinese state companies, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil to name a few. EU banks from Italy to Germany to France would fail."

Is the Fed Preparing to Topple the US Dollar? - Global Research
The Fed is cutting rates, not raising them.

Also, is the Infowars of the left - a shrill, ridiculous, conspiracy-laden hack site.
The Fed is cutting rates, not raising them.

Also, is the Infowars of the left - a shrill, ridiculous, conspiracy-laden hack site.
What's your "educated" opinion on the "obvious flaws with the post 1944 dollar reserve system"?

"Bank of England speech

"The about-to-retire head of the very special Bank of England, Mark Carney, delivered a remarkable speech at the recent annual meeting of central bankers and finance elites at Jackson Hole Wyoming on August 23.

"The 23-page address to fellow central bankers and financial insiders is clearly a major signal of where the Powers That Be who run world central banks plan to take the world.

"Carney addresses obvious flaws with the post-1944 dollar reserve system, noting that,

"'…a destabilising asymmetry at the heart of the IMFS (International Monetary and Financial System) is growing. While the world economy is being reordered, the US dollar remains as important as when Bretton Woods collapsed.” He states bluntly, “…In the longer term, we need to change the game…Risks are building, and they are structural.'

"What he then goes on to outline is a remarkably detailed blueprint for global central bank transformation of the dollar order, a revolutionary shift.

"Carney discusses the fact that China as the world leading trading nation is the obvious candidate to replace the dollar as leading reserve, however, he notes,

"'…for the Renminbi to become a truly global currency, much more is required. Moreover, history teaches that the transition to a new global reserve currency may not proceed smoothly.'

"He indicates that means it often needs wars or depressions, as he cites the role of World War I forcing out sterling in favor of the US dollar. What Carney finds more immediate is a new IMF-based monetary system to replace the dominant role of the dollar."

Is the Fed Preparing to Topple the US Dollar? - Global Research
The Fed is cutting rates, not raising them.

Also, is the Infowars of the left - a shrill, ridiculous, conspiracy-laden hack site.
What's your "educated" opinion on the "obvious flaws with the post 1944 dollar reserve system"?

"Bank of England speech

"The about-to-retire head of the very special Bank of England, Mark Carney, delivered a remarkable speech at the recent annual meeting of central bankers and finance elites at Jackson Hole Wyoming on August 23.

"The 23-page address to fellow central bankers and financial insiders is clearly a major signal of where the Powers That Be who run world central banks plan to take the world.

"Carney addresses obvious flaws with the post-1944 dollar reserve system, noting that,

"'…a destabilising asymmetry at the heart of the IMFS (International Monetary and Financial System) is growing. While the world economy is being reordered, the US dollar remains as important as when Bretton Woods collapsed.” He states bluntly, “…In the longer term, we need to change the game…Risks are building, and they are structural.'

"What he then goes on to outline is a remarkably detailed blueprint for global central bank transformation of the dollar order, a revolutionary shift.

"Carney discusses the fact that China as the world leading trading nation is the obvious candidate to replace the dollar as leading reserve, however, he notes,

"'…for the Renminbi to become a truly global currency, much more is required. Moreover, history teaches that the transition to a new global reserve currency may not proceed smoothly.'

"He indicates that means it often needs wars or depressions, as he cites the role of World War I forcing out sterling in favor of the US dollar. What Carney finds more immediate is a new IMF-based monetary system to replace the dominant role of the dollar."

Is the Fed Preparing to Topple the US Dollar? - Global Research

"Carney discusses the fact that China as the world leading trading nation is the obvious candidate to replace the dollar as leading reserve,

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.
The Fed is cutting rates, not raising them.

Also, is the Infowars of the left - a shrill, ridiculous, conspiracy-laden hack site.
What's your "educated" opinion on the "obvious flaws with the post 1944 dollar reserve system"?

"Bank of England speech

"The about-to-retire head of the very special Bank of England, Mark Carney, delivered a remarkable speech at the recent annual meeting of central bankers and finance elites at Jackson Hole Wyoming on August 23.

"The 23-page address to fellow central bankers and financial insiders is clearly a major signal of where the Powers That Be who run world central banks plan to take the world.

"Carney addresses obvious flaws with the post-1944 dollar reserve system, noting that,

"'…a destabilising asymmetry at the heart of the IMFS (International Monetary and Financial System) is growing. While the world economy is being reordered, the US dollar remains as important as when Bretton Woods collapsed.” He states bluntly, “…In the longer term, we need to change the game…Risks are building, and they are structural.'

"What he then goes on to outline is a remarkably detailed blueprint for global central bank transformation of the dollar order, a revolutionary shift.

"Carney discusses the fact that China as the world leading trading nation is the obvious candidate to replace the dollar as leading reserve, however, he notes,

"'…for the Renminbi to become a truly global currency, much more is required. Moreover, history teaches that the transition to a new global reserve currency may not proceed smoothly.'

"He indicates that means it often needs wars or depressions, as he cites the role of World War I forcing out sterling in favor of the US dollar. What Carney finds more immediate is a new IMF-based monetary system to replace the dominant role of the dollar."

Is the Fed Preparing to Topple the US Dollar? - Global Research

"Carney discusses the fact that China as the world leading trading nation is the obvious candidate to replace the dollar as leading reserve,

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.
"Carney discusses the fact that China as the world leading trading nation is the obvious candidate to replace the dollar as leading reserve,

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.
Which might explain why he brought WWI into the discussion immediately afterwards?

Is the Fed Preparing to Topple the US Dollar? - Global Research

"'…for the Renminbi to become a truly global currency, much more is required. Moreover, history teaches that the transition to a new global reserve currency may not proceed smoothly.'

"He indicates that means it often needs wars or depressions, as he cites the role of World War I forcing out sterling in favor of the US dollar.

"What Carney finds more immediate is a new IMF-based monetary system to replace the dominant role of the dollar."

Carney proposes the IMF oversee a new payments infrastructure based on block chain technologies like Libra?

"Note that Carney, a former Goldman Sachs banker, is mentioned as a leading candidate to replace Christine Lagarde as IMF head. Is his speech open admission of what is being planned by the world’s leading central bankers as the next step to a world currency and global economic control?"

What are your thoughts on a "cashless" marketplace?
The Fed is not going to reduce the power of the Fed.
And nobody wants to hold onto a pile of Commie currency.
Hoover often gets the blame for the Great Depression.
Some are suggesting the Fed and IMF could inflict the same fate on Trump by using digital blockchain currencies like Libra to deliberately topple the US dollar from its global reserve currency perch.
How would such an outcome influence your 2020 vote?

"The Fed could easily tip the US into crisis.

"The debt levels of the US economy are at record high levels for private households, Federal government, and US corporate debt.

"Most US corporations have used growing debt, well over $9 trillion, to make stock buybacks rather than invest in new plant and equipment, fueling an unprecedented bubble in the S&P stocks.

"The rising stocks are not a sign of economic health but of a dangerous speculative bubble vulnerable to collapse.

"Were the Fed now to resume rate rises and continue its less-publicized Quantitative Tightening into 2020, a domino-style series of debt defaults, corporate bankruptcies, home mortgage foreclosures, default on car loans and student loans could quickly make a second Trump Presidency in 2020 more than doubtful.

"However that would be no grounds for the rest of the world opposed to Trump policies to cheer.

"It would also trigger collapse in major emerging market countries who have borrowed hundreds of billions denominated in US dollars, including Chinese state companies, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil to name a few. EU banks from Italy to Germany to France would fail."

Is the Fed Preparing to Topple the US Dollar? - Global Research
I see the fall guys and excuses are already getting lined up. It’s gotta be anything but Trumps fault, unless it’s something positive, right?! Haha
Hoover often gets the blame for the Great Depression.
Some are suggesting the Fed and IMF could inflict the same fate on Trump by using digital blockchain currencies like Libra to deliberately topple the US dollar from its global reserve currency perch.
How would such an outcome influence your 2020 vote?

"The Fed could easily tip the US into crisis.

"The debt levels of the US economy are at record high levels for private households, Federal government, and US corporate debt.

"Most US corporations have used growing debt, well over $9 trillion, to make stock buybacks rather than invest in new plant and equipment, fueling an unprecedented bubble in the S&P stocks.

"The rising stocks are not a sign of economic health but of a dangerous speculative bubble vulnerable to collapse.

"Were the Fed now to resume rate rises and continue its less-publicized Quantitative Tightening into 2020, a domino-style series of debt defaults, corporate bankruptcies, home mortgage foreclosures, default on car loans and student loans could quickly make a second Trump Presidency in 2020 more than doubtful.

"However that would be no grounds for the rest of the world opposed to Trump policies to cheer.

"It would also trigger collapse in major emerging market countries who have borrowed hundreds of billions denominated in US dollars, including Chinese state companies, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil to name a few. EU banks from Italy to Germany to France would fail."

Is the Fed Preparing to Topple the US Dollar? - Global Research
I see the fall guys and excuses are already getting lined up. It’s gotta be anything but Trumps fault, unless it’s something positive, right?! Haha
I see the fall guys and excuses are already getting lined up. It’s gotta be anything but Trumps fault, unless it’s something positive, right?! Haha
Would you agree Trump and the Chinese each believe time is on their side in the trade war?
Hoover often gets the blame for the Great Depression.
Some are suggesting the Fed and IMF could inflict the same fate on Trump by using digital blockchain currencies like Libra to deliberately topple the US dollar from its global reserve currency perch.
How would such an outcome influence your 2020 vote?

"The Fed could easily tip the US into crisis.

"The debt levels of the US economy are at record high levels for private households, Federal government, and US corporate debt.

"Most US corporations have used growing debt, well over $9 trillion, to make stock buybacks rather than invest in new plant and equipment, fueling an unprecedented bubble in the S&P stocks.

"The rising stocks are not a sign of economic health but of a dangerous speculative bubble vulnerable to collapse.

"Were the Fed now to resume rate rises and continue its less-publicized Quantitative Tightening into 2020, a domino-style series of debt defaults, corporate bankruptcies, home mortgage foreclosures, default on car loans and student loans could quickly make a second Trump Presidency in 2020 more than doubtful.

"However that would be no grounds for the rest of the world opposed to Trump policies to cheer.

"It would also trigger collapse in major emerging market countries who have borrowed hundreds of billions denominated in US dollars, including Chinese state companies, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil to name a few. EU banks from Italy to Germany to France would fail."

Is the Fed Preparing to Topple the US Dollar? - Global Research
I see the fall guys and excuses are already getting lined up. It’s gotta be anything but Trumps fault, unless it’s something positive, right?! Haha
I see the fall guys and excuses are already getting lined up. It’s gotta be anything but Trumps fault, unless it’s something positive, right?! Haha
Would you agree Trump and the Chinese each believe time is on their side in the trade war?
I think the Chinese believe that. I think Trump is starting to sweat
Hoover often gets the blame for the Great Depression.
Some are suggesting the Fed and IMF could inflict the same fate on Trump by using digital blockchain currencies like Libra to deliberately topple the US dollar from its global reserve currency perch.
How would such an outcome influence your 2020 vote?

"The Fed could easily tip the US into crisis.

"The debt levels of the US economy are at record high levels for private households, Federal government, and US corporate debt.

"Most US corporations have used growing debt, well over $9 trillion, to make stock buybacks rather than invest in new plant and equipment, fueling an unprecedented bubble in the S&P stocks.

"The rising stocks are not a sign of economic health but of a dangerous speculative bubble vulnerable to collapse.

"Were the Fed now to resume rate rises and continue its less-publicized Quantitative Tightening into 2020, a domino-style series of debt defaults, corporate bankruptcies, home mortgage foreclosures, default on car loans and student loans could quickly make a second Trump Presidency in 2020 more than doubtful.

"However that would be no grounds for the rest of the world opposed to Trump policies to cheer.

"It would also trigger collapse in major emerging market countries who have borrowed hundreds of billions denominated in US dollars, including Chinese state companies, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil to name a few. EU banks from Italy to Germany to France would fail."

Is the Fed Preparing to Topple the US Dollar? - Global Research
The Fed certainly could impact the election. Either for Donnie or against him.
The Fed is not going to reduce the power of the Fed.
And nobody wants to hold onto a pile of Commie currency.
The Fed is not going to reduce the power of the Fed.
And nobody wants to hold onto a pile of Commie currency.
China's gone capitalist as Hong Kong is about to discover.

Bet you're proud?

Commies can kiss my hairy white ass.
Commies can kiss my hairy white ass

Don't forget to bow.
The Fed is not going to reduce the power of the Fed.
And nobody wants to hold onto a pile of Commie currency.
The Fed is not going to reduce the power of the Fed.
And nobody wants to hold onto a pile of Commie currency.
China's gone capitalist as Hong Kong is about to discover.

Bet you're proud?

Commies can kiss my hairy white ass.
Commies can kiss my hairy white ass

Don't forget to bow.

Now you don't like Commies?
Hoover often gets the blame for the Great Depression.
Some are suggesting the Fed and IMF could inflict the same fate on Trump by using digital blockchain currencies like Libra to deliberately topple the US dollar from its global reserve currency perch.
How would such an outcome influence your 2020 vote?

"The Fed could easily tip the US into crisis.

"The debt levels of the US economy are at record high levels for private households, Federal government, and US corporate debt.

"Most US corporations have used growing debt, well over $9 trillion, to make stock buybacks rather than invest in new plant and equipment, fueling an unprecedented bubble in the S&P stocks.

"The rising stocks are not a sign of economic health but of a dangerous speculative bubble vulnerable to collapse.

"Were the Fed now to resume rate rises and continue its less-publicized Quantitative Tightening into 2020, a domino-style series of debt defaults, corporate bankruptcies, home mortgage foreclosures, default on car loans and student loans could quickly make a second Trump Presidency in 2020 more than doubtful.

"However that would be no grounds for the rest of the world opposed to Trump policies to cheer.

"It would also trigger collapse in major emerging market countries who have borrowed hundreds of billions denominated in US dollars, including Chinese state companies, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil to name a few. EU banks from Italy to Germany to France would fail."

Is the Fed Preparing to Topple the US Dollar? - Global Research
The Fed certainly could impact the election. Either for Donnie or against him.
The Fed certainly could impact the election. Either for Donnie or against him.
The Fed in conjunction with other central banks and the IMF could theoretically change the global economy in ways Donnie probably can't imagine?

Is the Fed Preparing to Topple the US Dollar? - Global Research

"The IMF is fully behind the turn to global blockchain digital currencies and use of SDR to replace the dominant US dollar.

"In a little-noticed speech in November 14, 2018, IMF chief Lagarde strongly indicated that the IMF was behind central bank digital currencies as well as cashless societies.

"She noted very carefully,

"'I believe we should consider the possibility to issue digital currency. There may be a role for the state to supply money to the digital economy.' She added, 'A new wind is blowing, that of digitalization…What role will remain for cash in this digital world? … demand for cash is decreasing—as shown in recent IMF work. And in ten, twenty, thirty years, who will still be exchanging pieces of paper?'"

Central bankers and the interests they represent never let a good crises go to waste. They could certainly use Trump's trade war to advance a "cashless society" if they choose.

Cashing In: How to Make Negative Interest Rates Work
George scours the Internet and posts random articles with little to no train of thought or personal knowledge about the topics.

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