Court orders TA to enforce closing of stores on Shabbat


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
The Supreme Court approved Tuesday an appeal filed by Tel Aviv grocers, and stated that the Tel Aviv Municipality should act more decisively to ensure that the AM:pM and Tiv Ta'am stores do not open on Saturdays.

The judges ruled that the municipality should consider using other enforcement measures, since fines alone fail to meet the purpose of the law.

It was further ruled that under the current situation, the municipality allows the ongoing breach of the bylaw, thereby harming the rule of law. The municipality was given 60 days to decide how it plans to proceed.

Court orders TA to enforce closing of stores on Shabbat - Israel News, Ynetnews


The Israeli Supreme Court, the same court that overruled an attempt to make illegal the practice of posthumous circumcision in 1999, strikes again.

In fairness, the spiritual significance of genital mutilation was obviously ample cause for its transcendence beyond the legal ramifications surrounding the abuse of a corpse; just as the religious importance of keeping the sabbath clearly outweighs the rights of any secular or non-Jewish residents.

Theocracy in action.
The Israeli Supreme Court, the same court that overruled an attempt to make illegal the practice of posthumous circumcision in 1999, strikes again.

In fairness, the spiritual significance of genital mutilation was obviously ample cause for its transcendence beyond the legal ramifications surrounding the abuse of a corpse; just as the religious importance of keeping the sabbath clearly outweighs the rights of any secular or non-Jewish residents.

Theocracy in action.

Did you enter the link?

The one who opened up the struggle for closing stores on Shabbat was a secular leftist Jew from Tel Aviv.

... The one who opened up the struggle for closing stores on Shabbat was a secular leftist Jew from Tel Aviv. ...

According to the OP, the appeal was filed by "Tel Aviv grocers" (presumably a group that does abide by Jewish religious traditions, irrespective of the views or personal beliefs of its constituents), but the issue (forcing everyone to keep the Sabbath) is clearly religious in nature.
et al,

This is a variation on a theme. We still have them in some parts of the US.

A state or local law that prohibits commercial activities on Sunday.

Blue laws have been part of U.S. Legal History since the colonial period. These laws, which today are usually referred to as Sunday closing laws, prohibit certain types of commercial activity on Sundays. Originally these laws were directed at personal activities regarded as moral offenses, such as gambling or the consumption of alcohol. In the nineteenth century, however, state and local governments passed laws that forbade businesses from operating on Sunday. Although these laws were clearly based on Christian beliefs, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that they do not violate the First Amendment's Establishment Clause. Many blue laws have been repealed since the 1960s, but some laws that ban the sale of alcohol on Sunday remain in force.

SOURCE: Blue Laws legal definition of Blue Laws. Blue Laws synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

If the Israelis don't want the law, they can repeal it. Although, with their type of government, it might be a bit more difficult.

Most Respectfully,
The Israeli Supreme Court, the same court that overruled an attempt to make illegal the practice of posthumous circumcision in 1999, strikes again.

In fairness, the spiritual significance of genital mutilation was obviously ample cause for its transcendence beyond the legal ramifications surrounding the abuse of a corpse; just as the religious importance of keeping the sabbath clearly outweighs the rights of any secular or non-Jewish residents.

Theocracy in action.

Circumcision is one of the defining characteristics of being a Jew. If a baby boy dies before the eighth day of his life, G-d forbid, Jewish law mandates that he be circumcised before burial, and also named. What's wrong with that?
Criticizing circumcision and calling it Jewish mutilation, like I have seen many anti - Israel posters say here and in real life as well, is just part of the propaganda to demonize Israel.

BTW, many Christians do it as well, but when they are older.
Let's try to stay on topic, People.

The purpose of mentioning the 1999 ruling was less about the moral questions surrounding the practice of male genital mutilation (read up on the attempted eradication of female circumcisions among Israeli Negev Bedouins) and more about the Israeli Supreme Court bowing to Jewish religious tradition.
practice of male genital mutilation ? What a disgusting way to put it. You don't have to agree with Jewish values , but you certainly don't have to shit on them either
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... The one who opened up the struggle for closing stores on Shabbat was a secular leftist Jew from Tel Aviv. ...

According to the OP, the appeal was filed by "Tel Aviv grocers" (presumably a group that does abide by Jewish religious traditions, irrespective of the views or personal beliefs of its constituents), but the issue (forcing everyone to keep the Sabbath) is clearly religious in nature.

I repeat, the man who started this struggle is a secular Jew from Tel Aviv. once he started this, others joined as well to the demand.

You don't need to "presume" anything.
Let me explain this so there will be no more need of talking nonsense.

In Tel Aviv, it is known that most of the community belongs to the leftist-secular side of Israel. Means, there is an outgoing reunite on Shabbat, stores and shops and coffee places are open on a regular day.

The things is, that BECAUSE of this, many workers don't have a rest day, since Sunday is like a regular day in Israel and people work for at least 7 hours in Friday.

The city-council decided that Tel-Aviv will be going on this way, although in the regulations it is not mentioned whether Saturday is official "rest day" in the city or not.

What the result? if people don't open up on a Saturday, they get fined.

So a normal person, a secular Jew turned to the city-hall people telling them, "Eh, in all of Israel people rest on Shabbat and work 6 days, give me the opportunity as well". They said "Sure thing, but we give you fine".

He got upset, went to the regulation documents and find that non of this is written or known to the public. What does he do? he goes to the Israel high-court, saying "Look, in Tel Aviv the mayor does whatever the hell he wants".

The high-court looks at it, and says -"You guys need to make up your mind. Either Shabbat is a rest day and all places are closed, OR it's not, and give them Sunday off. Either way, the situation which some get fine and some not, is not gonna continue. fix the regulations".

THAT is the issue in a nutshell.

Nothing religious about it
American resting day is Sunday. Ours is Saturday. It's written and defined by law.

Why is that such difficult to comprehend?

An American weekend is comprised of Saturday and Sunday; but businesses aren't required by civil law to close on either of those days.

Closing on "the Shabbat" in Israel. is clearly more a religious convention than a civil one, as evidenced by the fact that some businesses have been able to thumb their noses at the convention.

Disingenuousness will get you nowhere.
practice of male genital mutilation ? What a disgusting way to put it. You don't have to agree with Jewish values , but you certainly don't have to shit on them either
Maybe Capstone should tell all his Muslim buddies that they have been mutilated. He can also tell a huge percentage of the Christians in this country that they also have been mutilated. Has anyone seen Capstone ever mention the female circumcision done in the U.S. Meanwhile, this female circumcision is still being done in the Muslim world. I would suggest that if Capstone ever thinks about getting a Muslim girlfriend, he had better get himself circumcised before he starts looking for one.

Egyptian girl dies undergoing circumcision - English | Front Page
Christians can have their resting day on Sunday in Israel.

As for Muslims its Friday.

Again, I really don't see the big deal
If Capstone is having such a big problem with this, perhaps his friends can get him a job in Saudi Arabia where he will get Friday and Saturday off to rest. This way Capstone will be able to join his friends at the Friday sermon at the Mosque. We can all take up a collection here for him to purchase a super duper prayer rug.

Saudi Arabia moves to Friday-Saturday weekend to align with region | Fox News

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