Cover-Up: Benghazi Review Board Says Nobody Should Be Held Responsible


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Cover-Up: Benghazi Review Board Says Nobody Should Be Held Responsible​

December 20, 2012

Secretary Clinton's "Accountability Review Board" (ARB) declared multiple times in its unclassified report that although there were multiple failures in leadership, "management ability," allocation of security resources and communication, the board could not find "reasonable cause" to discipline (or even name) one person in the State Department.

The report states that there was a breakdown in communication between Libya and Washington. It confirmed previous testimony given on Capitol Hill that the personnel in Libya did ask for increased security. However, the ARB found that those working at the embassy in Tripoli "did not demonstrate strong and sustained advocacy" for increased security at the "special mission" in Benghazi. The report goes on to say that the diplomatic security staff in Benghazi in "the months and weeks" leading up to the attack (and on the day of the attack) was "inadequate, despite repeated requests." The ARB found that the security of the Benghazi special mission "was not a high priority for Washington when it came to security-related requests, especially those relating to staffing."

Amazingly, however, the ARB made sure to extensively absolve anyone in the State Department from being accused of being derelict of their duty:


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Cover-Up: Benghazi Review Board Says Nobody Should Be Held Responsible
That's not what they said at all.

And several people resigned already.

How many people resigned over the 9/11 attacks?
The 9/11 attack was in the planning for nearly 10 years and terrorists took advantage of lax security at airports. They were planning this during all 8 years of Clinton.

In this case, we have direct calls for help for months prior and during the attack. Then we have whopper lies told for weeks afterward. No excuses. Don't toss out what you feel are past mistakes and try focusing on whether we want Washington to answer to us or not. When I see people deflecting by bringing up the past, I take it they are saying that Obama screwed up, but so did Billy. No excuse. We can't keep letting this administration off the hook. The media avoids any tough questions, which makes them a joke any more.
The best quote I have heard was by Kirsten Powers who said, "Mistakes were made, but nobody made them".
The 9/11 attack was in the planning for nearly 10 years and terrorists took advantage of lax security at airports. They were planning this during all 8 years of Clinton.

In this case, we have direct calls for help for months prior and during the attack. Then we have whopper lies told for weeks afterward. No excuses. Don't toss out what you feel are past mistakes and try focusing on whether we want Washington to answer to us or not. When I see people deflecting by bringing up the past, I take it they are saying that Obama screwed up, but so did Billy. No excuse. We can't keep letting this administration off the hook. The media avoids any tough questions, which makes them a joke any more.

Republicans blocked a bill to increase security at the airport and blocked Clinton's request for special operation forces to hunt down Bin Laden.

Not only that..Reagan and George HW Bush funded the muj..while Osama Bin Laden was a part of that group and had the CIA train them.

I wonder if there was a relationship between the two, given that George HW Bush's son took over a business opened by Osama Bin Laden's brother.

Maybe they didn't want to kill friends of the

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